49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for rdx05

#plzz help me to solve this problem....i hav tried but there are many errors....# #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class matchMaker { public: string rtn[] getBestMatches(string members[], string currentUser, int sf) { int i=0,scount=0,x; string rtn[10]={0}; for(i=0;i<20 && scount<2;i++) { if(currentUser[i]!=' ' && scount<2) continue ; else scount++; } int …

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Member Avatar for lxXTaCoXxl

I've been given a homework assignment in which I have to create a linked list, then store 25 random integers within it, after I've stored the values I have to find the sum of these 25 numbers, and then the floating point average of them. So for the most part …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for RobBrown

Hi All, I have a program for a multiplication table that requires a user to indicate the table they want to see with an integer between 4 and 12 and I would like the final array (MultTable) to look like the following, is this possible? 0 1 2 3 4 …

Member Avatar for RobBrown
Member Avatar for jillianking8751

Hi everyone, I am new to C++ and have no idea where to start with classes. I took my first programming class last semester and just started object oriented programming. I am new to classes and this is my first assignment. Any help with a link or anything would be …

Member Avatar for jillianking8751
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I wrote this program because I often am asked by people that know that I like to make games to make just a quick simple game for some reason or another. I always make a simple text based adventure game (like Zork, but simpler) and they are usually happy with …

Member Avatar for khezel nicole

help how to make a flowchart that will input a grade of a student and determined whether the grade is pass or failed.print the name,grade,and remarks of a student

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for auginiesta

design an algorithm using IF statement to assign grades to an exam marks: 1.Marks below 40 is F 2.Marks greater than or equal to 40 and less than or equal to 50 is D 3.Marks greater than 51 and less than 70 is B 4.Marks greater than or equal to …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for triumphost

I'm learning how to detour-hook functions from tutorials online but when I follow along, my DLL says symbols not found. The error I get says: > Linking dynamic library: bin\Debug\GLHook.dll > Cannot export GLHook_glAccum: symbol not defined > Cannot export GLHook_glAlphaFunc: symbol not defined I don't know why though.. I've …

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Member Avatar for vijivenkat

Hi, I would like to write an app that can read/write to a USB. Is it possible to do that using C++? Thanks in advance, Vijaya

Member Avatar for vijivenkat
Member Avatar for G.CK

Can the two features of C++ Function overloading and function templates be applied together ?? What i mean is ,typically function overloading is applied with functions having different arguments(i am in concern with equal number of arguments but ofcourse different build -in types) Please provide me a simple example or …

Member Avatar for G.CK
Member Avatar for poloblue

Good Afternoon, I'm having some difficulties on an assignment where I need to write a program which will generate a list of signed random numbers, find the average of all the numbers, the average of the positive and negative numbers and the largest e number. So far I have this …

Member Avatar for poloblue
Member Avatar for Irbis

I use Visual Studio C++ Express Edition 2010. I need to use Magick++ library in my project, so I downloaded ImageMagick for windows [Click Here](ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/windows/). Next I ran a wizard(configure.exe) with default options from VisualMagick/configure. Then I built generated VisualDynamicMT.sln (debug and release). I set my project: C\C++ \ General …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I know that windows has the #include <windows.h> Header but what does linux have and does it pay to program for linux, I mean like if i program for microsoft ofcourse ill get paid but are there linux "companys" that will also pay good? Reason why i ask is becuase …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

Hello, I have a simple question. Say I have two files in a folder "Cpp Projects". One file is called "main.h", and the other is inside another folder, say, "Cpp Files", and it is called "main.cpp". Thus, their filenames would be: "...\Cpp Projects\main.h" "...\Cpp Projects\Cpp Files\\main.cpp" Is there a way …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for alvarogomezuria

Hi, Maybe is an easy question. I have a function that return a String, and I would like to use this String like a name of another function, but I can't because obviously is a String :(. For example, the function foo return a String foo2, and foo2 is a …

Member Avatar for alvarogomezuria
Member Avatar for learner_new
Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for G.CK

I am trying to write code for a calculator in a way it appears in GUI.What i mean here is ,i want to display a zero and then replace it with a value (typed) there after perform operations.I am using Visual Studio 2010 ,i want my output to appear as …

Member Avatar for G.CK
Member Avatar for sang.christin

Ya, is dere anyone who can design a c++ code, such that dat it inputs a file location from user and search dat location through hard disk memory and retrieve it ,

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Deena1977

Write a program that has array of at least 20 integers. It should call a function that uses the linear search algorithm to locate one of the values. The function should keep a count of the number of comparisons it makes until it finds the value. The program then should …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, It has been awhile since I have posted here since I have been horribly without computer for awhile now. Anyways, I was wondering if anybody knew where to find, or could make up, a lorem ipsum in C++. What I mean is that Lorem Ipsum makes a good filler …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for alpaba

Hi. I'm paolo. I joined this community to learn everything that is needed to be the best IT practitioner. Hope someone could help me. Thank you.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for neronero

Hi I would like to make cgi-bin program which will make dynamic pictures. I know how to make cgi program which would output simple html file #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout <<"Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" << endl; try { cout<<"<html><body><h1>Test</h1></body></html>"<<endl; } catch (exception e) { …

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Member Avatar for daino

Was wondering if anyone could shead some light on the below. whe creating an instance of an object. Lets say the class type is called CLASSTYPE and I want to create an instance of this classe called FIRSTINSTANCE. The question is: Would there be any reason for me to write …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rockerjhr

ok so I was doing a a function that would find the square root of a number to a certain precision using newtons method and this is what I came up with /* * File: main.cpp * * * Created on July 6, 2012, 6:58 PM */ #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for cossay

I am learning to using STL, and I'm currently on vectors. I have seen a lot of examples and practiced a lot on my own using built in types, but I'm finding very difficult storing objects that I create my self in a vector. Everything works fine when I add …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for neronero

Hi, i'm programing in CodeBlocks (http://www.codeblocks.org/). I would like to add Dlib (http://dlib.net/) library to my project. How can I do this? I went to my project "Build options..."->"Search directories"->Compiler and added path to "dlib" folder. I did the same for "Linker" and "Resource compiler" (more info abaut adding libaries …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for capton

Please how do i write comments in a .qrc file in qt c++. I found out the normal c++ comment styles doesn't work. Please i need help.

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Despairy

been trying to google it for a while now but didnt help using the " "... anyway i need to do a recursive search inside a sub tree of the file system. given a folder A , I need to go through all of its sub folders. so far the …

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Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

This is a program which I made back in the beginnings when I was trying to figure out how to work with strings, and how to work with files. This is suppose to format a C++ code, for example if the syntax of an if statement is if (condition) { …

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The End.