49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Elena_4

HI, i'd like to do a simple calculator in c. i write this program but all the results about subtraction ( SOTTRAZIONE) are not correct. can you told me why? thanks you so much `Inline Code Example Here` case 2: printf ( "the subtraction of these n numbers is : …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Sarlacc

I am creating multiple C++ DLLs which have a C wrapper around them for use by an external application. I wanted to have a single error handling library that each DLL has access to. If I created the error library as a static library and then include it in the …

Member Avatar for Sade'

# include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int option(); int questions (); int count_yes (); int main () { questions (); option (); medcode(); } Printf("Are you an asthma patient?\n"); Scanf("%s", &option); if option='N' { Printf ("You are not an asthma patient. Goodbye."); } else option='Y' { while option= Y { Int …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for cobra1001

Hello am finding it difficult to write the problem analysis for this project....,.one of the works that Mr Robert has been given is to organize special paper for a report for a board meeting.The paper comes in reams of 500 sheets.he always makes 5 more copies than the number of …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for antona

I want to be able to control the print head of a Canon PIXMA iP5000 (inkjet) for printing. This printer has the finest resolution of any I.J. Printer made and it is this resolution I need to be able to utilise and control. I do have access to Cannon's Official …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cambalinho

using: char username[255+1]; DWORD username_len = 255+1; GetUserName(username, &username_len); i get the actual user name. but how can i get the program folder name for execute a program? the '%ProgramFiles(x86)%' on folder name string is ignored :(

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for usingnamespace

Salutations! I am having a lot of trouble trying to create a program that will test the validity of a user entered password. Below is the criteria of the test: 1. The password must be 6 digits long entered as a single integer (assume no leading zeros are entered – …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello friends sorry for posting this basic question here but i can't figure it out why my variable "tasse" is getting 8 or (the value of variabale i) in this code below. #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int leght = 15; int tasse =0; int random; int array[15]={1,5,4,7,8,5,1,0,9,7,0,0,5,4,10}; int i,j; for(i=0; …

Member Avatar for toxicandy
Member Avatar for RaYan_1

I need to write a C++ program that declares an array of type integer of size 10.The user will enter the number of integers N to be stored in the array. The program should have a number of functions each of them will at least take two parameters.These functions are …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for ztdep

I have a Points class and a Segment class as follows: class Points { double x; double y; int Index=-1; } class Segment { Points Orig; Points End; Segment(const Points& a, const Points& b){Orig=a;End=b} void ChangeGlobalIndex() { do something to change the index of two end points. } } int …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for chetan12

please help me for this program... You are working for a company designing cute, funny robot vacuum cleaners. At a high level, the robots’ behavior is divided into three modes: 1. Exploration 2. Vacuuming 3. Rampant Killing Unfortunately, while consumer testing shows that the last two modes are working perfectly, …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

Hello friends i just have one question i want to make my own android OS customized version or even one day make entire own OS, so i wanted to know for the android OS i must learn JAVA ? or c/++ ??

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for clife

Hi , Below is the code for printing even/odd numbers alternatively.But some how i am not able to achieve the result. I have seen a version with while loop http://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/quiz_multithreading.php working perfect. But i would like to use one thread for printing one value instead of same thread running in …

Member Avatar for clife
Member Avatar for ALosh99

I am trying to define a function in c++, I wrote it in main function. I am getting an error : a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘{’ token}I have defined it as following : float distance(float x, float y, float pitch) { float r; //local variable r = …

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Member Avatar for vicky_dev

This program displays a simple analog clock to show the current system time. Uses a Hand class to create objects - hour, minute and seconds hands.The 'hands' are just straight lines, and two circles make the 'frame' of the clock. Compiles correctly on TurboC++ v3.0

Member Avatar for salman_7
Member Avatar for Betty1909

#include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> // Use these constants for your arrays. const int MAX_ROWS = 100; const int MAX_WIDTH = 100; // Side of an airplane, port or starboard. These terms are more // precise than "left" and "right," which …

Member Avatar for Shattered
Member Avatar for Betty1909

#include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> // Use these constants for your arrays. const int MAX_ROWS = 100; const int MAX_WIDTH = 100; // Side of an airplane, port or starboard. These terms are more // precise than "left" and "right," which …

Member Avatar for Betty1909
Member Avatar for Devon_1

I am trying to create a 2D array of Point of distorted checker board like this photo: [Click Here](http://download.altamisoft.ru/download/resources/image_with_points.jpeg) Starting from the mid point, I think there should be some kind of sin and cos algorithm depending on x&y distance between each vertex and the mid point but I don't …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ali.akber

Hi can i get the c++ code where you have 2 variables and you need to add sub multiply and divide those (new to this)

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ztdep

Dear friends: ` The gcc version used in my opensue 42.1 is 4.8, i installed a gcc 6 from the opensuse package download center by "oneclickinstall".` The installation process was sucessful, but the gcc in my system is still 4.8. So how to resolve this problem. Regards

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ztdep

Dear friends: I need to use a data structure which can start the first index of an array from a nagtive value. I have searched the MTL library, and bltiz lib, but it seems that they doesn't support this kind of vecotr. Could you please give me some suggestions. Regards

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Devon_1

Hi, I am working on tesseract OCR with my data set that only has upper case English alphabets and numbers. Is there a way to modify an existing traineddata file so that it only searches for upper case alphabets and numbers?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for boobalan_1
Member Avatar for ddacot
Member Avatar for Indu_1

I have not used an object to call the function but have passed objects as parameters and call function without an object. Can anyone explain #include <iostream> using namespace std; class test { int a; public: test(int x): a(x) {} void display() { cout<<"the value of a is"<<a<<endl; } void …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for James_55

//I need help trying to find a way to make all my variables local and also allowing the user to type in name of the data file for reading. Also do a simple search to retrieve the weather information for a single query date #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for studentc

Hai, Can anyone help me to solve this program. Write a function in C++ to count number of words starting with “amend” in the text file named as “Amendment.txt” Eg:- A contract to deliver something to a customer once a month can be amended if the customerwants it delivered once …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Tomas_3

Hello guys, I am Toni Hacker, i browsed through this forum and I saw you guys really talk more about programming. i wanna make an operating system but i need a team. please its gonna be an open project. I need your advice and help. anybody care to help

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for rproffitt

One of the best tips I learned long ago was to turn on all warnings and error messages from the compiler or development system. Yet last week, once again a big system was being worked on and the bug was tracked down to *uninitialized variable*. Now this isn't specific to …

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for overwraith

I am trying to build a program for transferring files to an arduino project with an attached sd card. I have some code, it does some interesting stuff, but it's not quite what I want it to do. What I need it to do is to be able to transfer …

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Member Avatar for Sasi_2

The End.