3,124 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chao

My Problem: Computer occasionally turns self off in games (such as warcraft 3, neverwinter nights) We think it is something to do with too much power usage by the graphics card in rendering, we suspect the graphics card because the computer never turns it off normally, it only happens (that …

Member Avatar for Willis
Member Avatar for tokimonsta

I swear, this is the 5th Sony SDM-S71 monitor i've recieved through warranty because all the ones in the past developed this odd discoloration problem. once again, this monitor has an onset of the problem. basically, the monitors will work fine until one day all the black or dark colored …

Member Avatar for BILL S
Member Avatar for Resputan

Ok so I recently got a memory dumb error, completely randomly to my knowledge. From then I could only bott up in safe mofe, i removed the graphics card drivers then it loaded fine in to normal mode. Reinstall them, back to the memory dumb. Anyhow I figured out a …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Sidius

Does anyone know if there is a way that I can either A.) Get around T&L or B.) Get software or hardware that will give me this. I can't upgrade my notebook card and it doesn't support T&L which is needed for a game that I want to play. Any …

Member Avatar for Sidius
Member Avatar for mike1162

i just got the ati all in wonder x600pro and abit aw8 64bit mother board and ddr2 667 memoryand itel p4 with ht 3.7 with 1066 front side bust and in windows 64bit can't install the ati drivers and went to ati web site and the 64 bit drivers did'nt …

Member Avatar for chrisbliss18
Member Avatar for Eku

OK, very long story, so I'll try to make it quick (I've posted a lot of questions lately...sorry!) Computer is: Motherboard: ASUS A7V8X-LA (AGP 8x, 3 PCI) CPU: AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 2.16GHz RAM: 512 MB Power Supply: (just added) Seasonic Supersilencer 350W Current Video Card, Added: BMG (NVidia) GeForce4 …

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Member Avatar for pineflatt

Recently the LCD screen on my Gateway Solo 5150 Laptop went black. I took it to a repair shop where they replaced the inverter board that supplies power to the LCD lamp. The unit worked very well for a couple of days and the problem re-appeared. I took it back …

Member Avatar for mike1162
Member Avatar for bigpoppapumpg

I just set up a fairly expensive Belkin 8 port kvm switch at work. When i fired it up, I noticed that the video had degraded somewhat. The monitor looked much brighter and washed out, slightly fuzzy and the text was not as clear. Almost like when you go from …

Member Avatar for bobthenob
Member Avatar for clasher097

when i play command and conquer geners zero hour and counter strike i get pink ares under the angre mob in C & C and in the map train station map in CA the air duct in the top is pink and black pixels and it is realy bothers me

Member Avatar for belama
Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for lookasik

OK, I know it sound very stupid : I bought GATEWAY 450ROG but I don't know what video card it has got, could someone explain me? Is it possible to upgrade it?

Member Avatar for belama
Member Avatar for Paladine

FYI [b]78.03 beta's[/b] - Improved Fix of the Shimmering Effects with 7800 series cards [URL=http://www.nzone.com/object/nzone_downloads_rel70betadriver.html]http://www.nzone.com/object/nzone_downloads_rel70betadriver.html[/URL] [b]78.01[/b] - Non-Beta - offical Drivers - Minor fixes for Shimmering Effects with 6800 SLI/7800 Serious Cards [URL=http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_78.01.html]http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_78.01.html[/URL]

Member Avatar for hoobastank68
Member Avatar for srinip

Hi I have 2 years old compaq pressario 2100 series notebook (2134AD). It worked fine until now. But recently the lcd is displaying the black color in red. when the system is switched on the whole screen appears in Red. in windows XP , the command prompt by default appears …

Member Avatar for srinip
Member Avatar for sugarbug

Ok, let me see if I can explain my problem without causing too much confusion! :o I recently bought a new computer. My old one had a regular old monitor (whatever you call the big, chunky, fat kind!), with a 16" display, and everything looked great. My new monitor is …

Member Avatar for sugarbug
Member Avatar for p0w

hi all, basically due to virus's on my computer i have been forced to format my computer. before i formatted i had the latest drivers from nividia , now i can only use the very oldest ones. i have a nividia geforce 4 mx420 64mb. i have tried the forceware …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Scratchy

Okidoky, so, I have a Powercolor Radeon 9550 se with catalyst version 4.x (I'm not 100% sure). Anyway, I got a DVD with a gaming magazine which had Catalyst version 5.6. I decided to install it, and all was fine, until a few minutes later when clicking on a certain …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for Ekipike

I will try to make this as short as possible. I bought a new flat screen monitor (Samsung) for my Dell desktop. When I hooked it, the computer comes on and starts to hum along, but the LED light on the monitor starts to flash. Called Samsung and they told …

Member Avatar for Ekipike
Member Avatar for Urok

Before people start hitting me with routine solutions, I've already updated my video drivers to the latest, I've checked all the connections, I've moved the power cord away from the monitor cable, and there aren't any non-FCC items around. Now that thats over with... My monitor, a 21" IBM P275, …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for sosk420

System specs: Company:Gateway 506GR Processor: Intel P4 540 HT Technology OS: XP Home 200 gig HD 7200 RPM SATA 1 Gig DDR Memory 300 Watt power supply Just got a MSI NX6600GT and ready to install but realized that the card requires minimum 350 watt power supply for system stability. …

Member Avatar for Eku
Member Avatar for anshul55

i have a system with P4 2.4 ,512 mb ram, intel 845gvsr motherboard, 80 gb sata samsung HDD, the problem is that everytime i play a game the screen freezes and later crashes into windows. thereafter shows the message that the '.exe' file of the game encountered problems. it even …

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for Sidius

I have a Dell Latitude D505 with an intel graphics card. It doesnt support Texture and Lighting and I would like to play a certain game that requires that to work. Can I possibly upgrade my existing card? I know that most laptops are not upgradeable when it comes to …

Member Avatar for mcsluggo

Hello all, My monitor has suddenly begun cutting completely off (no power at all) after a few minutes. (I have an old Optiquest V95, 19 inch) When it cuts off, if I wait long enough (20 minutes or so) I can restart it. What is wierd (and possibly irelevent) is …

Member Avatar for RGPHNX
Member Avatar for wildfire1980

Hi Chris here again......Recently the power cable to my radeon 9800 pro became faulty and stopped the gfx card from working so i uninstalled the drivers to the ATI and put my old geforce in. So anyway i finally get round to buying a new cable for it and i …

Member Avatar for wildfire1980
Member Avatar for newtocustompc

I have just upgraded my pc with a new 64 bit proccesor case ram and motherboard. The only main thing which is orginal is my Gforce 5200 fx. I know this card is loads of rubish but it was not when i brought it, anyway. I have spend all my …

Member Avatar for belama
Member Avatar for numan

Is overclocking is safe on R9800pro & is it realy make difference in gaming? I m going to overclock my MSI Radeon 9800pro (just bought 4 days ago) bcoz i m not getting good performance from it. What r the advantages and disadvantages of overclocking. From where can i get …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for meow

i just got an xfx 6800 but its not performing as well as id hope. It got 2600 on 3d mark 2005 and 6332 on 3d mark 03. It should be scoring at least 3000 more on 3dmark 03. Im using the latest omega drivers because the nvidia drivere made …

Member Avatar for meow
Member Avatar for thackler

I have a sony 19 inch lcd. My machine is built by myself and was running fine untill 3 days ago i was viewing a video on media player and the picture froze up on me. i tried to reboot the machine and nothing came up on the screen but …

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for ges681

i just bout a new dell falt screen and when i connect it the screens flashes on and off with lines running through it. Whenever I change the resoluton to a bigger size i get the desktop split into 2 copies one on top of the other... Lst year when …

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for numan
Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for numan

On MSI Radeon 9800pro 128 MB I instaled Fraps for checking my framerate in games. I was just surprised, when the game start (GTA sansandrees, Medal of honor-PA and NFS underground 2) the frame rate shown by the fraps are 60-117 and when i start palying game then framerate suddenly …

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The End.