32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for squinx22

Hello, How could this be possible: SuperClass has a method named executeMe(), Subclass1 that extends Superclass has also method named executeMe(), Subclass2 that extends SuperClass has also the same method. When I try to call the executeMe() method from SuperClass, all classes that has been called with the method executeMe() …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

Hey, I'm new to the Java arena, and am trying to create an application (using JForm and JPanel) displaying a fireworks show. The problem is creating an explosion for the display. Does anyone have any recommendations for creating an explosion? I've been stuck on this for quite some time and …

Member Avatar for cornmaster12
Member Avatar for adams161

hi, I had a while loop in a run method, and in the while loop were a series of if stements. the series of if statments were in a try. my hope was if any if statement conked out it would catch the error, and continue the while loop ( …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for GoldenDrago

I have a project which I have been working on for the past few days and I have recently reached a point where I don't understand what to do. My program must have a main menu with "Add, remove, List Record #, List All, Sort, Exit" functions. I am supposed …

Member Avatar for GoldenDrago
Member Avatar for takeshi

Anyone knows how to code in this: when i delete a particular record,it display first "[ICODE]Are you sure, you want to delete?<br>Yes, No"[/ICODE]all i know is in Vb but i dont know in php..i know if-else statement are present in that code..tnx in advance!

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for anilopo

i want to add source files that i made in another computer to my project. i want them to be at the same folder as the project. how do i add them to the project? (to copy them into the folder wont help in this case..) thx!!

Member Avatar for anilopo
Member Avatar for al_buotan

hi everyone, i am very new in java. i am having problem in SWITCH CASE STATEMENT. can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: you have to write a program in java to generate the following menu with submenus: LinkedList 1: ADD ELEMENT 1-1: add first 1-2: add …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for java..

how do manipulate byte array buffer .. i need its very urgent.. anybody give good example..

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for JBeginer7891

Hello members! Could someone please give me a hand on this? I have a JTable in my program that display query resuslt when the user search for a patient by entering the surname, the result is supposed to display in JTable in another frame. Here is what I've done [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for JBeginer7891
Member Avatar for al_buotan

hi everyone, i am very new in java. i am having problem in SWITCH CASE STATEMENT. can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: you have to write a program in java to generate the following menu with submenus: about linked List 1: ADD ELEMENT 1-1: add first …

Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi... I want to read only the first line of a file and print the line. I don't want to read the whole file. How can I do that ? Here is how we normally read the file [CODE]import java.io.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; …

Member Avatar for rAun007
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

I have RGB information about the pixels in a line. I need to draw the images in JPEG or PNG or BMP format using these information from the pixels.I dont know how to do this in java. Somebody help me out on how to start solving it out

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for Zaad

Hello; I am currently doing a project that involves the reading the data from a MS word document..... At present I am using the HWPFDocument library to read the text from the word document.... But I need a way to identify the [B]Title of the document when retreiving the data[/B]..... …

Member Avatar for Zaad
Member Avatar for xShankZ

I have just been learning Java this year, and i am to construct a virtual ATM machine. I stumbled across an "incompatible type" error. Here is my entire Syntax Code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class BankMachine extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JFrame FraWelcome, FraRegis, FraLogin, FraRegised, ErrorRegis, …

Member Avatar for musthafa.aj
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I have to update continously an image based on screen capture. So how can I memorize only the part of the image that changes (pixels)... because I don't want to take a scrrenshot every time... Think of a remote desktop. It's not good to send a 200K desktop screenshot …

Member Avatar for jemz

hello please help me on how to get data on textfield...example input name ...input your family name ...after inputting data then i will click the add button then it will clear the textfield..then i will click the search button there will be Joptionepane prompting please input name to be search...can …

Member Avatar for jemz
Member Avatar for adams161

Hi, i'm displaying gifs on the screen that i draw on there, and i resize them depending on window size. The problem is as the board gets bigger, they get jagged. I recall from another thread, ( that i cant find) that there is a way to sort of make …

Member Avatar for valleymorning

Hi everyone, I hope you all a Happy New Year with joy, peace and success. I'm using Java and XML to develop web services and would like to learn how to test or debug web services. I would love to hear from you and appreciate any idea or suggestion. Thank …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for danibootstrap

Hi, In one app I am porting code from jave to c++.The program compile fine but crashes when it enters into the ported code section.I use STL linked list implementation from here: [URL="http://www.syncdata.it/stlce/stl_wce.zip"]http://www.syncdata.it/stlce/stl_wce.zip[/URL] Java code: [CODE] LinkedList toProcessx; LinkedList toProcessy; void phaseUnwrap() { int startX = inputWidth / 2; int …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for libran

I m trying this Java program which arranges members of array in an ascending order. The size of array is given by User (an int). I hav spent lot of time thinking abt its logic but didnt get thru. I am not using any readymade libraries and trying pure logic …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ramjeev

Hi buddies, I m trying to rename the existing .jar file.But I can't. If I make a copy of this and run the copied exe,by that time it works. Code as follows, [code]boolean ReNameExistingEXE(String Dest) { String temp = Dest + "\\Star.jar"; File s = new File(temp); String exName = …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for asadc

[CODE]import java.io.*; class Edogs { public static void main (String args []) throws java.io.IOException { final int subtractor = 1; final int MAX_QUESTIONS = 48; final int MAX_INPUT = 47; final int MAX_ANSWERS = 4656; final int MAX_COUNTER = 4654; int pomeranian = 0; FileReader fro = new FileReader ("edogs_questions.txt"); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for fardoonmuhafiz

Hi, I have a doubt here, plz go thru the code snippet here: Statement st=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select * from emp"); Statement and ResultSet are interfaces. executeQuery() method of Statement interface returns a ResultSet object here. That means defnitely Statement should implement ResultSet interface methods to return a ResultSet object, but …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for gingerfish

Hi i have the following code, Single Perceptron: [CODE] import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class SinglePerceptron { double[][] patterns = { // input values (training data( { 0.958, 0.003}, { 1.043, 0.001}, {1.907, 0.003}, {0.780, 0.002}, {0.579, 0.001}, {0.003, 0.105}, {0.001, 1.748}, {0.014, 1.839}, {0.007, 1.021}, {0.004, 0.214}}; // {0.005, …

Member Avatar for tricksworld
Member Avatar for Dannyo329

Hi, whilst reading a book on Java, I came across a bit where the author used [CODE] GregorianCalendar now = new GregorainCalendar(); [/CODE] And I was just wondering, is that any different from [CODE] Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); [/CODE] And if so, why did he use GregorianCalendar instead of the …

Member Avatar for Dannyo329
Member Avatar for EddieC

With the release last week of [Groovy 1.7](http://groovy.codehaus.org/), developers using the object-oriented scripting language for Java gained access to anonymous inner classes and nested classes, annotations, SQL and other features that could simplify development when mixing Groovy code with Java. Groovy's [Eclipse community](http://groovy.codehaus.org/Eclipse+Plugin) yesterday released Groovy-Eclipse 2.0.0, a nearly rewritten …

Member Avatar for nader_shadi2010

Hi could any body help me out fixing this code . Because when I compile it I got an error, I've tried to solve it, but unfortunately I could't . Here is the java code : import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; class MyPad extends JFrame implements ActionListener, …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Moonrise_state

Hi again, I have a class that is supposed to match different people of different genders together under different rules. For example, they are supposed to live in the same postal district. The problem is Java seems to be mismatching people, and I think its because it isn't comparing the …

Member Avatar for Moonrise_state
Member Avatar for hellonikki

Hi, At the moment my program holds a list video titles in a doubly linked list. When the user wants to save the list to file it is converted to an array then saved onto file. But the problem starts when i want to delete from the list. Say for …

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The End.