32,204 Topics
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so this is my first homework ever in Java so heres what I need to do: 1)a project named LetterCounterExample(done) 2)a main class for the project of the same name as the project (done) 3)a class called LetterCounter (done) with the following members: i. field of type char named letter … | |
hi friends , How to establish a wired mesh network of our own in na lab. Also, i need a code for the project entitled "Heuristic algorithms for designing self-repairing protection trees in mesh networks". can any one help me out in this issue. i don't want simulation results. i … | |
hello friends. i would like to know if it is possible to run a class file using a java program itself.i mean a program tht would return the answer (run) the class file . | |
Hello i am new to java and playing around with some scripts. I have three java files [B]Main.java[/B] [CODE]package snake; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { new board(); } }[/CODE] [B]board.java[/B] [CODE]package snake; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class board extends JPanel { … | |
cant figure out why summaryCounter wont increment?? [CODE] if (source == calculateButton) { int summaryCounter = 1; double payment = Double.parseDouble(paymentTextField.getText()); double rate = Double.parseDouble(rateTextField.getText()); int years = (Integer)yearsComboBox.getSelectedItem(); DecimalFormat currency = new DecimalFormat(" ##,##0.00"); double futureValue; String s; int i; futureValueListModel.clear(); System.out.printf("\n Investment Summary Option %d \n Monthly Payment%,10.2f\n … | |
I need to create a program that uses the String classes to read the suffix .txt and if true, return the sentence inputted, but if false return another sentence. I'm unsure of which boolean method I will need to use to execute this. Can anyone help me? Here is my … | |
I am trying to make a simple chat program with the username in a certain font styles while the chat text in default. However, the results is both the username and the chat text have the same style... What did I go wrong?... I have also tried to look at … | |
Hi everyone.. I wrote this program but I could not get the panels as what I arranged them.. also I don't know what's wrong with the scrollbar cuz I couldn't get the concept of it very well.. [CODE]import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import … | |
I need help with my JAVA homework, i need to make a java program about making a diagram, or diargrams of any kind graphic diagrams about any kind of data. | |
Hello. I am new to jave so please forgive my newbishness. I've used Netbeans IDE 6.0 to construct a GUI for my project. However I have ran into a few problems; 1. I cant seem to get a jButton to change the text of a jLabel. (im trying to get … | |
Working no something for school and keep getting this. \\filesvrcls\2011\stawil\Java\midterm2.java:37: illegal start of expression public static int numsum(int a, int b) ^ \\filesvrcls\2011\stawil\Java\midterm2.java:60: class, interface, or enum expected } Process completed. [CODE]//*********************************************************** // midterm2.java Author: Will Stahl // // demonstrates Keyboard class //*********************************************************** public class midterm2 { public void main(String … | |
Stuck again. could use some help from the community. [CODE]// This program accepts a height and a radius from the user // It uses a subroutine to calculate the volume of the cone // The formula is v = (3.14 * r * r * h)/3 public class Midterm { … | |
Hi everyone ... I hope that all of u r OK... This is the second semester for me in JAVA .. I have an assignment to create a GUI using JAVA and I almost finish but the problem is the teacher asked to use any component that she didn't teach … | |
can anyone explain what is a lightweight application?....Thanks | |
I have tried many things obviously not everything or it would work, but i need your help. i have run out of ideas on how to fix this. im programming a fishing database where users enter the data and over time it collects and shows them were the type of … | |
i created textpane and added undo manager like this... [code] final JTextPane jta; jta = new JTextPane(); jta.setEditable(true); final UndoManager manager = new UndoManager(); jta.getDocument().addUndoableEditListener(manager); [/code] and undo button was coded as [code] ImageIcon undo = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("images/undo.png")); final JButton bundo = new JButton(undo); bundo.setActionCommand("undo"); bundo.setToolTipText("undo"); ActionListener act_undo = new … | |
Hey guys, I'm working on converting some existing Java Code over to C++, trying to use only built in standard libraries because the platform we are building on we won't be able to have any outside libraries, and it's been a while since I had to write "fancy" c++ code … | |
C:\Documents and Settings\Elliona\Desktop\kirby>javac payrollsystem.java payrollsystem.java:166: '}' expected filter.close(); ^ 1 error here is my full code [CODE]import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class payrollsystem{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { File employee = new File("employee.txt"); File dtr = new File("dtr.txt"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dtr); Scanner filter = new … | |
Hi, I'm learning aspectJ and was wondering how can i use the Plugin in Eclipse IDE ..i Googled alot but nothing helped me !! i downloaded the Plugin fom the eclipse site but can't find an aspectj project when i open eclipse and try a new project i'm supposed to … | |
Hi there, I'm unable to run the demos java files. I followed the ways according to the prefuse tutorial. It says, 1) Go to "build" folder 2) Launch demo of interest java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.<name of demo here> and I inputted e.g. java -cp prefuse.jar:demos.jar prefuse.demos.TreeMap.java Please advice. [COLOR="Red"]*Screenshot Attached![/COLOR] | |
Hi i have the next task. 5. Create a hierarchy Dog, Frog, Cat, Kitten, Tomcat and define suitable fields, properties, constructors and methods according to the following rules: All of these are Animals. Kittens and tomcats are cats. All animals are described by age, name and gender. Kittens can be … | |
Hi Guys, I posted earlier, and I figured it out after a few hours of playing around with it. Now, a new question arises. Is it possible to get the input from a JTextField and add it into a JComboBox via an array? The only thing stopping me from achieving … | |
I had posted earlier requesting help with my code, but I quickly cleared up my issues. I am almost complete with my work, but I was just wondering if I could get some help on fixing some code which may cause my program to crash or not function properly. [CODE]public … | |
Hi guys, I'd really appreciate it if someone could look over my code and tell me why my JComboBox isn't working. I've got 3 Classes, 2 for the GUI, one for the standalone which the array is contained in. [CODE]import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import … | |
Hi.. I have created an application which is using the org.apache.log4j.Logger class for logging various INFO/DEBUG?ERROR messages.. The application is working fine, including logging, when Run As Java Application in the Eclipse IDE..(log file is generated successfully and entries too are created) Then I exported the project to a .jar … | |
Hi all... I need some help in manipulation of the text files to read in a matrix text file. The format of the text file is as follows: <matrix> rows = 2 cols = 2 1 2 2 4 </matrix> I need to read in the text file and put … | |
when i runnig my jsp page some type of error occurd(deployement error).i am running the page in netbean under glassfish server.how can i remove this error. | |
Hi, I am creating a RPG Character Generator and I have a InputDialog box which asks the user to enter there characters name. I have a do while loop to check for if the user entered a character which allows runs through the code if the users enters a correct … | |
Alright, so i have some code i have been working, i basically have done the skeleton and have looked through my Java book and scowered the web for some ideas. I'm stuck on a few thing. basically i am trying to write a program to break a code. I enter … | |
i need a little help with this problem as soon as possible: Establish a program that will accept any 10 input number. if the said inputs are greater than 10 inputs display an error using try, catch, finally syntax. then display the sum of the numbers. >>tnx |
The End.