434 Topics

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Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

HI there, I've been trying to implement a class of a ball i was given by an tutor but am having troubles. She gave me: [B]TBall.h[/B] [CODE] class TBall { public: double _radius; // defines the radius of the ball TVector _position; // defines the position of the ball TVector …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw
Member Avatar for esash28

Hi everyone.. I am a new programmer to OpenGL using C++. I have an nxn grid having numbers in each cell of the grid.. I have to swap the content of two cells.. ie., the numbers in 2 cells selected, have to be swapped. I am not knowing how to …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for RehabReda

hi guys i wanna ideas for my project knowing that the team consists of two members the doctor rejects anything that is easy and not new the project time is a month or 3 weeks really ur help will be appreciated Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for buffonomics

Is it possible to programmatically determine the currently installed graphics driver in windows, Mac, or Linux? methinks to check the system registry for windows. If so, where and what about the other OS? Major props to anyone who can answer this one :P Thanks

Member Avatar for thehivetyrant

Hi there, i have this rectangle and i want to be able to rotate this shape around another when i press a key. i have been able to make it rotate where it is. There are two problems i am having difficulties with: - I can get the shape to …

Member Avatar for thehivetyrant
Member Avatar for ashwini_rt

hello can any one help me out dt how top create a symbol library using openGL? ...how to fetch dis symbol and display on screen ??...

Member Avatar for ashwini_rt
Member Avatar for imclumsy

Hey guys, I am trying to read a skel file and create a skeleton from it, but I don't understand how to do the joint class. Here is what i have now: this is the main class. [code] public static void main(String[] args) { // Frame frame = new Frame("Simple …

Member Avatar for emilo35
Member Avatar for Hawkpath

Alright guys, I have a really weird error here. I'm programming a program that lets you specify the red, green, and blue components then stores them in arrays and uses the colors when drawing shapes. The program worked perfectly until about five minutes ago. Nothing affecting that specific part of …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have been working with opengl for past 2 months and find in very difficult to manage with it . The actual code for rendering the image is very less , compared to the code written to handle the view and other opengl attributes / controls. Is there any library …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for vivek01anand

hii, i have tried to install opengl in my fedora 10 but failed i want the code to install opengl please help!!!

Member Avatar for Nicky4815

Working on my pacman project I have come across something strange. Im using the outline font method from NeHe and have used the code from there for text printing. When I copied it to my main method and texted it worked fine. But a lot of my objects need to …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for cedrikkk

I have the problem that pygame.image.save won't save a transparency channel. With one .png image, it simply doesn't save the transparency channel. With plenty of other .png images, it gives me an error when I call pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(newSurface). It tells me: ValueError: unsupported colormasks for alpha reference array. Anyone have experience …

Member Avatar for vextorspace

I have a (rather large) program that does CAD work written with wxPython and OpenGL. The problem I'm having is that the memory use continually grows as it is used. None of my objects seem to get deleted. Now in order to perform a hit test, I need a dictionary …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Friktion

hello everybody, im coding a game with opengl,pyggel,python,pygame etc and it runs smoothly without any problems =) [url]www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlDuje39S_8[/url] - My python 3d game projekt <--- sorry if outside links isnt allowed =( But the thing is that when im compiling it with py2exe using this as setup.py [CODE=python] from distutils.core …

Member Avatar for vextorspace
Member Avatar for bobsta

I am trying to render a very simple scene by loading various parameters from a file (MLC.txt) When compiling I receive the following error main.cpp: In function ‘void renderScene()’: main.cpp:77: error: ‘pBeam’ was not declared in this scope H

Member Avatar for bobsta
Member Avatar for yakovm

Hello, I need to render the mesh.It is given by set of its surfaces each surface is presented by its vertexes(x,y,z) The camera and light source has to be placed at the same place. I use this code: [CODE=c++]//Projection glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); GLdouble diam = m_allModels.getDiam(); GLdouble left = m_allModels.getCenter()[0] - …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for hermann87

Greetings all, I'd like to ask a couple questions... For starters... Is it possible to use OpenGL on my Borland C++ Builder 6? If so, what files do I need to have/download? I've tried various examples of starting a OpenGL supporting window through Borland but nothing seems to work, so …

Member Avatar for emilo35
Member Avatar for chuong3a

How to install OpenGL for CFree 4.1 in Win7. and how to use graphics.h library in Cfree in Win7. Please help me, thanks.

Member Avatar for gridandy
Member Avatar for deorcar

hi im working with opengl/sdl and im still new to it what im trying to do is to make a 2nd box or sprite that will follow the frist box ive made can anyone help me out here is some of the code i have [CODE]#include "sdl.h" #include "GL_Functions.h" #include …

Member Avatar for Skeen
Member Avatar for deorcar

im just trying to draw a 2D square but its not working and i dont know y? main.cpp [CODE]#include "sdl.h" #include "GL_Functions.h" int SDL_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Used in the main loop bool Done = false; //Used to store SDL events SDL_Event event; //Lets open the window and initialise …

Member Avatar for jakesee

Hi, I have a Win32 + OpenGL sort of graphics engine I wrote myself for a simulation software project (still in progress). The problem is that this software must also have a linux version. Now this software is using MDI and Docking windows and what not so I am not …

Member Avatar for jakesee
Member Avatar for number87

Hi I am new to openGL, just picked it up recently and I am trying to do a program window which draws a small square wherever the mouse cursor clicks. Below is the code which I came up with and I dont know why it wont draw the square when …

Member Avatar for gingerfish

Hello, i am a total newbie to jogl and java and i'm trying to use new JOGL package that consists: javax.media.opengl.*; when i write a code on netbeans, it doesnt show any error, but when i run the program the following error appears in the console: [COLOR="Red"] run: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/gluegen/runtime/DynamicLookupHelper …

Member Avatar for gingerfish

How to make so the new and old JOGL packages both work? :?: thanks :icon_cheesygrin:

Member Avatar for revski

hi i am using delphi 2009. i am looking to have a grid on the form, and draw a 2D shape from lines on that grid and have it rotate around a central point. first of all i would like to ask what would be the best method to do …

Member Avatar for m610
Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680

Salutations! Would anyone be kind enough to provide a general overiew as to what exactly is OpenGL. I searched the internet however, most of the material I came across didn't quite clearly state the different between OpenGL and GLUT. Also, what is SDL? I am quite familiar with C++ however …

Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680
Member Avatar for drichird

I have an OpenGL program using GLUT which works fine on my Windows XP desktop using Visual C++ Express. I copied it over to my Vista laptop 64 bit and I copied the glut3.dll into Windows/system32 but although it compiles, when I try to run it I get a glut32.dll …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar

Hi, I'm writing a program in C++/OpenGL as part of a university assignment but I am having difficulty using the function glBindTexture to bind my loaded textures onto the models that I load in and render. I can actually wrap the texture around my 3D model no problem but I …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar
Member Avatar for SgtMe

Hi all. I'm using the following tutorials: [url]http://lighthouse3d.com/opengl/glut/[/url] (for GLUT) [url]http://www.3dcodingtutorial.com/[/url] (for GLM (3D models)) I'm using OpenGL with GLUT and GLM to make a 3D game. Seeing as I was a complete noob, my friend challenged me to make a game 'where you can shoot stuff'. Anyhoo, all was …


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