1,488 Topics
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![]() | I just use this code to input data to oracle database from vb.net. Try Dim mstream As New System.IO.MemoryStream() PictureBox1.Image.Save(mstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg) Dim arrImage() As Byte = mstream.GetBuffer() mstream.Close() query = "INSERT INTO ds.students (ID,NAME,PIC)" & _ "VALUES (@ID,@NAME,@PIC);" Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(query, con) cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID", Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text)) cmd.Parameters.Add("@NAME", Convert.ToString(TextBox2.Text)) … |
![]() | Previously I used vb.net with mysql database and successfully added data from insert query. In that senario my sql code is like this : INSERT INTO ds.students (id, name,pic)" & _ "VALUES (@id,@name,@pic) Now I used oracle database with vb.net. When I run program it shows: "ORA-00936 - Missing Expression" … |
![]() | heY guys, I just step to oracle database system. so I'm new to this. I'm trying to make connection oracle db with vb.net. I saw below connection string on web. But I dont know it's keywords. So please teach me. SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MyHost)(PORT=MyPort))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID))); uid=myUsername;pwd=myPassword; ![]() |
Hey, I have been reading Java oracle tutorials. I read this thing. Suppose, for example, class MsLunch has two instance fields, c1 and c2, that are never used together. All updates of these fields must be synchronized, but there's no reason to prevent an update of c1 from being interleaved … | |
I got tired working on that part of code for 3 days and searching on the internet please I need help to know HOW TO use auto complete textbox1 and use its value to set the value of textbox2 and textbox3 below code public class PopulateProduct { public string ProductDesc … | |
Please explain to me what execution plans and index creation is in Oracle SQL. An example would be great also. Thank you!! | |
I'm getting this (errorORA-00936: missing expression) when I input this into the sql commands: select || 'The promotion began on the' || to_char(start_date,'ddth')' of 'to_char(start_date,'Month YYYY') from f_promotional_menus where code=110; I tried googling for answers but came up with nothing. Can someone help me figure out what I am doing … | |
Hello All, I am fairly new to Vb.net. I have experience in MS Access and VBA. I am trying to connect a remote Oracle Database through vb.net but getting the below error. But, the same Oracle database connecting with the help of SQL Developer. Can any one please help me? … | |
I'm running xp pro with outlook express version 6. When I receive emails in the inbox and choose to delete them they just stay there. I can shift delete but just delete does nothing. When I right click and go delete that also doesn't work. Can you please assist. Thanks. | |
I wan to call oracle database function I tried this but i am getting error `ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00221: 'F_GET_DESC' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored` public void Get_Desc() { string oradb = "Data Source=source;User Id=myuser;Password=ss;"; string CommandStr = … | |
hi..... i am searching for the query for retrieving the deleted data from the table.From the web i got "flashback" method to get the dropped table.Any one has any idea pls,help me thanks in advance | |
I'm working on shopping mobile application. The application is similar to ebay it have customer and seller. When user create account they can either create account as seller or customer. The payment will be by paypal each user need to provide their paypal account (Seller Paypal & customer PayPal) so … | |
I have tried to display the names of table in oracle database in visual studio 2012 in combo box but i am not sure why it is not displaying private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT table_name FROM tabs where table_name Like … | |
<select id="keyEquipmentShiftAutomatedModelData" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="java.util.Map"> SELECT ID, SUM(VALUE1 + VALUE2) Total FROM tableName GROUP BY ID </select> Returns below result in sql ID, Total 1 (null) But when returned in Map result in myBatis returns {ID=1} where as Total is missing. How to get the column with null into the result … | |
Aslam o alikum, I create a report in Crystal report 9 with add command using Oracle 11g as Database with OLE DB (ADO) (Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle). It works fine in crystal report. I want to call this report from vb6 form. I m not using any server … | |
I am trying to create a registration form in Bootstrap and then connecting it to the Oracle Database but the data entered by the user isn't sending any value to the database. Please suggest what editing I should do. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta … | |
Hi, Can you guys reccomend me some good oracle sql journals? Thanks | |
Hello, What are the different areas of databases I can focus on for my project? Thanks, | |
Hi all, If I have two table of cod-desc, T1 and T2, and I need to create all possible combination, other than using cartesian product, is there another way more optimal to do that? Suppose every table has 1M rows. RDBMS= Oracle 11G. Thanks sandro | |
Help me :) I want to display the text file in JTextArea but how ? and i want to attach this is searching button. | |
FROM: ORACLE 9i Give the SQL statements that determine the following: 1. Which customers lives in New Jersey? SELECT * customer FROM customers WHERE state = 'NJ' 2.Which orders were shipped after April 1, 2003 SELECT * FROM orders WHERE shipdate to_date('01/04/2003', DD/MM/YYYY') 3. Which books are not in Fitness … | |
Hi I have written a procedure in PL/SQL to get values from user and then I am updating the same in a table. This worked fine 1st time but its just not showing the new values inserted by the user. The field which should be updated with the user value … | |
Hi! Just want to ask if it's possible that within a select statement, there has a loop. Have this sample query but when I run this it says missing expression after <column2> Select <column1>, <column2>, FOR Lcntr IN 1..12 LOOP CASE WHEN Lcntr THEN .... END END LOOP; FROM <table> … | |
I need some help with creating a simple search engine for website. Basic idea is that user will enter a string in search bar, which will compare in database key_word and get the reuslts. Lets say I have the following table on sql server database. |----|----------|----------------------| | ID | URL … | |
I am using CodeIgnitor and oracle db at model function add_new_emp_test( $x, $y) { $conn=$this->db->conn_id; // Execute the call to the stored procedure $stmt = "BEGIN emp_pkg.add_account(:x1,:y1); END;"; $lob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); $lob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); $stid = oci_parse($conn, $stmt); oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':x1', $x, 100); oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':y1', $lob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB); $lob->writeTemporary(base64_encode($y)); … | |
hi all, I m developing a software in vb6 as front end and oracle 11g as backend (i.e. as database) I have desinged some reports with oracle reports builder, how i can call in vb6 program/how to add the oracle reports in vb6 programe. Thanks in advance for help. | |
We have a WCF web service hosted on Windows 2008 SP2/IIS 7 accessing an Oracle database. Usually data access works fine but during load testing, it often times out and logs an exception saying: Error occurred when processing XXXXXXXX Web Service Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException Connection request timed out at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection … | |
I have a oracle query and i would like to run it by powershell using ODP.Net. Below is the query. set pagesize 100 set linesize 200 break on report compute sum of free_mb on report compute sum of act_size on report compute sum of used_mb on report col %used format … |
The End.