2,482 Topics

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[url]http://www.seotrafficspider.com/adwords-suspended.html[/url] In the link above is a report that over the last few days, numerous AdWords accounts have been suspended. The owners of the accounts received only an e-mail telling them that their accounts were suspended and that their ads will not appear in Google searches. Most of the people …

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Hello... I want to ask you a question. How do I build a new online community for my 1 month old website... Do I need to advertise it on adwords. I have build a website promoting Linux and hoping that the website will have its own online community, but the …

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I read an article back in August on socialmediatoday.com about 8 habits that could potentially get you unfollowed or piss off your followers enough that they will pay less attention to your tweets. I have the link for the original piece I read below but here is the list (some …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Another day, another [URL="http://www.gmail.com"]Gmail[/URL] outage - well, that's the way it can start to seem. [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] was all a-quiver with how the system was down; people didn't know what to do about it and one wag put a note up saying the human species can last six days without water …

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Mashable is reporting that in 2 weeks Google Wave will be released. Much has been said about this new Google offering. Is anyone planning to get involved right away or will it be a case of cautiously testing the waters? Also, for anyone who has been keeping track of Google …

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In an attempt to build support for a bill that would roll back a ban on Internet gambling enacted when Republicans led Congress, the online gambling industry is running online ads noting that legal online gambling could raise $48 billion for the deficit-plagued U.S. government. "At a time when the …

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A few weeks back it was announced that Twitter would have a location feature that would allow people who read your tweets to locate you geographically (longitude and lattitude). This caused a buzz among many political activists who were worried that if someone on the lunatic fringe of the opposing …

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It is old news that Kanye West, pinhead par excellance, has yet again made a jackass of himself trying to be provocative. Kanye, just a bit of advice, drunk and disorderly is not provocative. He has already started the apology tour of late night TV and morning talk shows but …

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Web analytics only provide insights for your own site but what if you want to know what your competitors are doing. Comscore or Nielsen only helps for sites which attract large about of traffic, over 50k monthly visitors. So which tools do you use to gather insights on the traffic …

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On Mashable they are reporting (link below) that Facebook and Nielsen, the market research and tv ratings people, are announcing a jointly produced, business-oriented social media community called Brand Lift. There are few details but it sounds like Facebook is responding to a need while trying to increase their reach. …

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What is your social media ettiquette? My rules is that I use LinkedIn for business and professional colleagues. I only accept invites from people I either met in person and/or I have interacted with. Facebook for friends and professional associates so I can keep up with relevant news feed. Twitter …

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Though Bing may not necessarily out beat Google, it is now a preferred search engine for image search and verticals. [url]http://www.bing.com/visualsearch[/url] So what do you think? Would you use images for your online communities and optimize it to increase traffic to your site?

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Calling it the spoken version of a Tweet, Jahah has release the beta version of Jahah@CALL which allows to people to engage in a two minute phone call through twitter. There are some basic requirements, the big one being that both the caller and the recipient must be members of …

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I remember listening to a few business owners sometime ago about using Skype to provide long distance customer service for clients. Though I never used it, I advised against it due to my research on Skype. So if you used Skype for business purposes, I would like to know your …

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A popular social media tactic for small businesses is to establish and build a corporate presence on LinkedIn. Has this helped your business? Did you get any new leads? What do you think?

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Though I am not a big Twelebrity nor Twitter user, early on, I have recognized the value of retweeting, especially if it is for a good purpose, like retweeting someone's resume or a public event. So how have you used retweeting? Do you do it or if you dont, why …

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Almost every user on this board has an alias that is unique and descriptive. But also, many users create multiple alias to fit in different environment. So my questions for the members here are: 1. What does your name/alias mean? 2. What else would you like to share? 3. Does …

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Growing an online community and/or visitors to your website does require monitoring metrics and optimizing the website to increase engagement and conversion rates. So what recommendations to you have to decrease bounce rates?

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[url]http://mashable.com/2009/09/21/openinternet-gov/[/url] The link above is to the Mashable story about the FCC promoting Net Neutrality. While it seems like a positive step for the free flow of info, it is coming from an administration that recently proposed possibile legislature that would give the President unquestioned control over tech companies and …

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We al know that now a days, the majority of internet marketing sites discuss social media. That said, let's say, a business does launch a social media tactic, then what? What is the one take away you want your client to learn? One take-away I say about social media is …

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As an avid Mac user, I have not noticed much differences when logging on to Facebook and other social networks. However, even a few years ago, I did. Perhaps it may be due to the act that I use FireFox rather than Safari. Anyway, there are certain tools or software …

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It looks like your daily updates to Twitter and Facebook about what you are doing could be setting you up for home invasion and robbery. A 'reformed burgler' working for the BBC (what is the job scope on that one) described people friending strangers and then posting updates about going …

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Read this blog about 6 frustrating website sins and think about your own site. Do you commit any of these sins and if so do you think they are as frustrating to your site visitors as the author of the blog finds them? [url]http://seowizardry.ca/The_Wizards_Blog/frustrating-web-design-elements/[/url]

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It has become a popular activity for professional athletes to tweet during games from the locker room. This has created mini-communities of fans of both teams and players. But recently the NFL has banned players from Tweeting during games on the sideline. Chad OchoCinco of the Bengals has announced that …

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Check out this presentation (I love the pictures and wish I could identify the movie because it looks like pure cheese!) and let me know if the lesson that is taught, that being how to possibly quantify Social Media ROI, is an accurate one. [url]http://www.slideshare.net/thebrandbuilder/olivier-blanchard-basics-of-social-media-roi[/url]

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Mashable is reporting that a recent Nielsen Report identified Bing as the fastest growing SE in the month of August. While Bing only accounts for about 10.7% of all SE traffic, does Google have something to worry about?

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If you are belong to a politically-focused online community or if you have posted a comment on Twitter or Facebook in opposition to anything the Obama administration has proposed or enacted into law/policy then this should concern you. [url]http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/sep/16/obama-wh-collects-web-users-data/[/url] Considering that some of the Presidents advisers advocate monitoring and possibly …

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Social Search presented in one of the most clearly thought out analysis that I have seen. Comments are welcomed but I wanted to share this with everyone. [url]http://www.digitaltonto.com/archives/427[/url]

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Interesting blog post I found that asks and tries to answer the question, Is social media strategically relevant? A sub question to this would be is social media a strategy, a tactic or another set or promising tools. What do you think? Link to the blog is [url]http://www.relationship-economy.com/?p=6298[/url]

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When growing an online community, how often do you care to check the web analytics reports? We all know that most web analytics tools have at least a day delay in data reporting. Hence, would you pay extra, in some cases, much much more to get live data.

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The End.