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I just found this through linkedin. [url]http://www.relationship-economy.com/?p=6135[/url] This could be good or bad. Good for companies seeking ways to monetize social media and bad if it leads to identity theft and blown credit lines. What do you think?

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Over on Linkedin someone has posted a question asking which industry/vertical market has the most online communities? If I had to hazard a guess I would say it is probably the tech industry with entertainment and sports running a close second. Porn is probably up there also. What do you …

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Everyone has probably seen the video of the Phillie fan dad who caught his first foul ball and then gave it to his toddler daughter who then threw the ball back on the field followed by a really heartwarming image of the dad and daughter hugging as the crowd goes …

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I was reading an article on BtoBonline.com (link is below) about measuring engagement at live events to prove event ROI. The four main objectives identified as key to measuring engagement are: [LIST] [*]Involvement [*]Interaction [*]Intimacy [*]Influence [/LIST] After reading the whole piece it occurred to me that these same key …

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YouTube has announced that they are launching a new addition to its partnership program (which was launced last year and enabled revenue sharing to the big posters) where anyone who posts a video that goes viral will be able to make some money off their video via revenue sharing if …

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Two stories have been featuring social media as playing a role in embarrassing politicians and uncovering potential scandals. The lesser of the two was the revelation by an ABC reporter, via twitter, that the President called Kanye West a jackass for his actions at the VMAs on Sunday (no argument …

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Every time we post on online communities, we leave data trails. Even your signature leaves keyword phrases that any search engine crawlers can find. So what do you think about that?

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I found this on Mashable about improving a small business blog [url]http://mashable.com/2009/09/15/small-business-blog/[/url] and while the 6 tips discussed are mostly for aesthetic purposes I was wondering what everyone thought of the value of these tips? It think these are spot on and #6 is a complete no-brainer if you are …

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We know that there is no standards in measuring web analytics and ad analytics among the various web measuring tools. Despite that, the terminology is almost standard in this industry though. Thus, which metrics and benchmarks do you use to measure? I would start with: 1. unique visitors 2. repeat …

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I know that as internet marketers, we are very aware of how pervasive social media is in today's society. However, there are situations where it is better to be offline than online, especially if its a life or death situation. Thus, when I read news clips like this one on …

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I just read on MediaBistro about how Tuesdays is the most popular day on Facebook in regards to clicking to links on brand page. So as you growing an online community, this is good to take into consideration. [url]http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=113154[/url]

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In the past few months, I have seen a number of online community or social communication communities built specifically to communicate messages after death. Some of these sites have very strong presense in the UK. Imagine a Facebook for the dead. Would you join such a community or pre-make messages …

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Some people use wikis, like pbwiki, others use Ning, both help build online communities. So which cost-effective tools do you use to build your online communities? I personally have used Ning and though the community was very robust, some users found it hard to use. So which one do you …

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Back even a few years ago, it was popular to use log files to ascertain web analytics. Now, most companies use a javascript tag that the web analytic tool picks up. Hence, do you still rely on logfiles? Or do you forget it even exists?

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I spoke with a friend of mine today who complained on how she thought Bing interrupted her user experience while being on Yahoo. She consulted me since I am considered the tech guru. Thus, I wonder if you have heard similar complaints. What are your thoughts?

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For the bloggers on this network, do you welcome PR and corporations outreaching you for publicizing their products or services? Or are you offended? I just read this article that inspired me to write this post: [url]http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007248[/url]

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I just read about this startup that helps users create their own digital business card.[url]http://dooid.com/home/index.php[/url] So what do you think? Would you use such service? I personally think that my signature is enough.

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In the age of online transparency, building trust with your consumers is very important in building your online community. Thus, building trust may take time and effort. I would like to know how others on this site have build trust online? [url]http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/2009/08/17/building-trust-online/[/url]

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I know a common tactic for internet marketers is to submit links to Digg. Now that Digg has incorporated a NoFollow on links on profiles to prevent spams. [url]http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/090902-180759[/url] Do you think this will affect how marketers use Digg?

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Many content heavy sites have a poll on their home page. Have you filled out such polls? If so, what do you think of this as a tactic Also, how much credence to you put on the results of these online polls?

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The concept of friends on Facebook is a blurry concept. There are Facebook profiles with thousands of friends while there are others who only have a handful or so. So what if you have a business client or a colleague and you receive a Facebook invite. What is your policy …

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Is there such a thing as "online clout"? What do you think of those "twelebrities" or super facebook fans with thousands of friends or who can forget Tila Tequila whose claim to fame was having excessive numbers of friends. I read a post on Seth Godin's blog about online clout …

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I have seen countless posts about asking for adice on growing online communities. I often advise on using traditional and word of mouth as a way to grow an online community. I have been to several internet marketing related events where founders of online communities use these events to promote …

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There are many social media monitoring tools that discover the brand influencers on the blogosphere. Many brands use this to identify these influencers and invite them to either review thier product, their services, or invite them to an event so they can review it. Thus, I found this very interesting …

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In order to make your online community grow, it is important to understand how these digital/online communities engage your users. Thus, when I saw this hierachy based on Maslow's hierachy of needs, I thought I should share it and ask for your opinions. What I found interesting is that it …

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I know many of us have created our websites in WordPress. From a SEO perspective, it is a great tool. But of course, with every service or product, there is always a new and better competitor. So as Im reading a blog, I read about squarespace. It seems affordable, so …

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At certain events, I am introduced as the social media or insights maven. Thus, I often find myself in situations where I have to explain: "What is Twitter?". As I was on youtube, I found this cool video which could help me and help you explain what is Twitter in …

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Almost every single internet marketing related magazine and conference touts social media. Thus, I wonder about measuring success on social media. Most of the information I read on this topic is very qualitative. At least this article tires to quantify it in some way... [url]http://searchenginewatch.com/3634843[/url] So how to explain social …

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Facebook LLC has received a lot of publicity lately, understandably so. I unfortunately, have to say the publicity isn’t positive; in fact it is very negative. Rumors have been spreading throughout the internet about a virus called fan check supposedly infecting Facebook user’s computers with a virus. According to all …

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I saw this interesting post on ClickZ which states only a quarter of women stated that social media influenced purchases. So for us marketers, we may have to restrategize on how we use social media to push our businesses. This finding also illustrates the need to optimize current social media …

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The End.