1,247 Topics

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Member Avatar for ehanauer@mac.co

I'm trying to upgrade my website by presenting images in the Photoshop web photo gallery format. So far I've been unable to export the material to Dreamweaver, which is my web creation software. Has anybody done this, and if so how?

Member Avatar for BranwenS
Member Avatar for manishchoudhury

hi everyone, my job is to administer a few websites for a fortune 500 company - i'm responsible for their web presence across about 100 countries. we currenty have a set of web standards in place which are about 3 years old. i personally feel that 3 years is pre-stone …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for vloedmuur

My name is Nastia and I draw any picture, trade marks, banners and other features a little:) Look on sections - can that that is pleasant and then communicate with me on <SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for klhotbabes
Member Avatar for hope2makeit

I have been searching your board for about 4 days now and i found a lot of information that I have been looking for, for a long time. I appreciate the support that you have here. Three days ago i decided to put Google Ads on my message board. I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for faucher24

I'm working on making a new website for my company... In Firefox And Safari everything looks the way I want... but in Internet Explorer 7 there is a small space between the header and the Spry navbar? I can't seem to get rid of it... Can anyone help!... http://www.echolab.com/dan/test Thanks, …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for wenley

Hi, I'm designing two sites, both with the same problem. The first is here: http://www.nycamprepairs.com The site looks great in Safari and Firefox on the Mac but in IE my content is somehow sent down to the bottom of the page. Both my CSS and HTML validates on the W3C …

Member Avatar for wenley
Member Avatar for kellysweeney24

I want to set up m y web page so that if I edit anything on a nav bar I only have to edit it in one place, and not on other pages. How do I do this?

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for HazardTW

Hello, I am hoping to get some opinions on this. I work with a manufactured home dealer, they have four separate companies that work together: 1) mfg home retailer (does the deal for the mfg home) 2) development company (purchases lots and develops them to be ready to accept new …

Member Avatar for HazardTW
Member Avatar for toy_soldier

I am learning to create a website and have found it might be easier to "cut and paste" code of sites I like rather then finding codes and scripts myself and reinventing the wheel. Please direct me to informative threads and/or links that you think might help me do it …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for phattykatty

I created a form in Dreamweaver, uploaded it to my site, but having trouble getting the results to generate via email. I know that Hostmonster uses cgi-bin, and I am a pure novice with PHP coding. I do not understand the instructions in the forum of Hostmonster when I did …

Member Avatar for phattykatty
Member Avatar for rcooper

I am trying to help a teacher import a powerpoint she created that contains videos into her webpage that was created using Frontpage. Can this be done? I have been very unsuccessful in helping her. If it is possible, why isn't it working? I am quite frustrated at this point.....help...please!

Member Avatar for W.Peterson
Member Avatar for Chaky1

[COLOR="Green"][B][I]Hi I am a amatuer web designer working in web design company and I was wondering if you surf the web , you visit sites and like their design and set up are you allow to built a site of your own copying the other web sites design. I don't …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for lighthead

hey, i am a newbee to web development.i was wondering as to what is the best platform for creating dynamic websites.... i mean which is better php/myql. , asp , coldfusion etc... with respect to ease of coding and hosting

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Cobber

Hi, I didn't know where to post this so I chose here :o A one-man operation affiliate program I belong to has a generic website. To get to your own affiliate site, members simply add /?username to the URL. No problem there. However, when advertising your affiliate site, the ?username …

Member Avatar for PlatinumBullet
Member Avatar for woofytalk

Dani, How did you make your home page come up when you type in [url]www.daniweb.com[/url] The forumhome page in vbulletin is stored in /forums/index.php so how did you avoid that and have your homepage come up when a person just types [url]www.daniweb.com?[/url] -Jay

Member Avatar for PlatinumBullet
Member Avatar for aswaddling

I am using dreamweaver and am trying to desgn a page that has a horizontal banner with product images in it. i would like these images to scroll to the left when the mouse moves to the left (on top of the images) or to the right when the mouse …

Member Avatar for ajaxius
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

where can I get a list of extremely beautifull websites in various industries like stone industry, telecom industry and other major industries. When I get a website project for a particular industry - example - stone industry, i usually try to see maximum websites for stone industry through google or …

Member Avatar for rudevils
Member Avatar for techna
Member Avatar for techna
Member Avatar for Rushin

Hi, I am web master trying to provide accessibility to our corporate website. I checked our site with [URL="http://508ita.com"]http://508ita.com [/URL]and it gave me a very comprehensive report. I would like to know if there are any similar free products available. Rushin:)

Member Avatar for adam782378

i am building a site and have a menu button but say i want to add in a few more links or update links but not the body text.. is there away to do it so that all 50-100 pages update automatically ? please help.. its crazy to copy and …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for yoshi594

Hey guys, so yeah, having some problems with dreamweaver, if you can help that's great anyhoo the problem: basically i'm makign a website, and i'm using frames to differentiate the button links and the stuff i want the links to go to. Basically as it stands , i've got the …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for scorpi0o

i wanted to find out if u can add a script for full screen on html files and not swf or at least if there is a script for making the Design in the center of the page

Member Avatar for ghostsquad

So, I've scoured the web for a way to block direct access to an image, kind of like hotlinking, but on my website. For example: going to [url]http://www.mydomain.com/images/someimage.gif[/url] should bring the user to a 403 (access denied) page instead of displaying the image. I wanted to do this using .htaccess …

Member Avatar for ghostsquad
Member Avatar for upstream

hi! does anyone knows how to convert metric units (such as centimeters) to pixels by hand (i mean the normal calculation, not a function from a programming language or something) ? i just want to be accurate and use pixels instead in measurement...=/ i tried searching but it gives me …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Roebuc

Hey guys, a family friend wants me to build a simple website for his business. I know how to do everything, the only problem is I don't have a good web design software, while I can change the coding just find, I don't have any cool graphics at all for …

Member Avatar for Roebuc
Member Avatar for comlom

I hate using frames, i dont know why but i have never put a frame in any of my website. Its like a page in a page, eating excessive bandwidth!! What do you think of frames? Do you use them? What for?

Member Avatar for ghostsquad
Member Avatar for Taffd

Good day all, My [URL="http://www.myverdict.net"]site[/URL], is going through a redesign, an example of which can be found [URL="http://www.myverdict.net/HTML/myverdict_home.php"]here[/URL]. The redesign splits up the site into about 250 seperate sites, although they are in fact all one. Anybody viewing the redesign example, will note that the bottom of the page shows …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ytregnn

How should I do in Photoshop to make a menu like this (in the top) to get that "depth"/3D-feeling. I've tried with both a brush and with the 'Gradient tool' but I never seem to get it quite as good.. Look at the menu at the top for an example …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for joshua.tilson

Hello, I am trying to create a website, where users have links to multiple documents and information. all of which are in PDF format, i would liek the links to pull the PDF up embedded in the web page. I have got this down so far, however One the pdf …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for ghostsquad

I currently have some code in my .htaccess to redirect the user to the www version of the website. IE if typed "mydomain.com" redirects to "www.mydomain.com" But I also have apache installed on my development machine, setup with virtual hosts and my windows host file modified accordingly so I can …


The End.