1,435 Discussion / Question Topics
Remove Filter I use Github for DaniWeb's code base. I was just wondering though. How secure is it? Would you ever store passwords or other sensitive information in Github (Don't worry. We use .gitignore.)? What about code that could be considered a trade secret, or that type of thing? | |
I just thought it would help us get to know each other a lot better if we each just gave 1-2 sentences about what we do for work. I'll start :) For the past 24 years, I have owned and written the code for DaniWeb. For the majority of that … | |
I ran into a bit of a snag in my code, and I'm trying to make heads or tails as to whether this will work. From within my PHP script, can I write to a database using a MySQL connection in the middle of a transaction with a different connection? … | |
Following up on [this topic](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/543151/show-computer-name-on-a-label) it seems as if Mr.M has been having trouble with Chrome crashing whenever he tries to type in our editor (which we just upgraded a week or two ago). > @Dani this happens when I type a longer message than it froze and crash. I … | |
Please help me come up with a compelling argument to convince my husband to spend an additional $200/month on AT&T Fiber Internet with 5Gbps download / 5 Gbps upload. We currently have Comcast Xfinity cable with 1.2Gbps download and something like 35 Mbps upload. Xfinity has a 2Gbps plan we … | |
Inquiring minds want to know. What are you working with? I currently have an Apple M1 Max 14" 2021 model. | |
As the question states, is there a reliable way of detecting AI content? I vaguely recall OpenAI announcing something a long time ago that they were going to release something that says whether content was generated via ChatGPT, or am I misremembering? | |
Inquiring minds want to know: For the sake of my pocketbook, do you think Nvidia stock is slated to rebound after today’s disastrous day? I know the earnings call is in just a few days. | |
For me, it's a forum for forum owners called Forum Promotion, which gave me the idea to start this thread. | |
I know rproffitt is a moderator on the Tech Republic forums. Does anyone else participate in any other online forums / communities / subreddits / etc? Just curious :) | |
What brought you here? How did you find out about DaniWeb? *(It was a Google search, wasn't it?)* | |
We host some page resources, such as fonts, on a different subdomain (e.g. webpages are at www.daniweb.com and resources are at cdn.daniweb.com) An HTTP header of `access-control-allow-origin: *` is being sent from all cdn.daniweb.com requests. When inspecting indexed pages from Google Search Console, from the URL Inspection tool I click … | |
Apparently a new feature in Google Chrome is to automatically generate AI content. All I need to do is start typing a sentence or two here in this textbox, right click, select "Help Me Write", choose if I want it to be short-form or long-form text, be formal or casual … | |
I do realize that backlinks to URLs disallowed via robots.txt do still have whatever Google's modern version of pagerank is. Depending upon how many incoming backlinks there are, even if Google can't crawl a URL, it might use those external signals to still rank the URL in the search results … | |
We use a lot of AJAX that loads JSON files that return an application/json mime type. In some instances, these JSON files are used to assemble elements on the page, so we don't want to hide them from Google because we want Google to see the page fully rendered. My … | |
This is definitely not a targeted attack at *anyone*. Please take it just as me having a bad day and venting. I'm kinda tired of people constantly telling me that I'm the reason that DaniWeb traffic has tanked over the years. And if only I had done this differently. Or … | |
As [you can see here](https://www.daniweb.com/stats/members?country=&filter=&sort=timestamp), we get lots of new members signing up every day, but nearly no one posts. This has been true for decades and decades now. Anyone care to hypothesize why all these people sign up if not to contribute? #Lurker | |
As you may recall, I've been working on cleaning up tags for quite some time now. A few years, actually. That project is nearing its end, and so I just want to remind everyone of our [tagging guidelines](https://www.daniweb.com/welcome/tagging) that have been in place for a couple of years now. You … | |
I was consistently receiving MySQL "Packets out of order" error messages when attempting to connect to MySQL, mostly on my AJAX pages, but I couldn't attribute it to anything or reproduce it in any way. I did notice, however, that when switching MySQL persistent connections from on to off, the … | |
I modified our database library today to not connect to the database unless required. Previously, it automatically connected on every page. However, especially on pages that just pull from the cache, database connections aren’t necessary. Hopefully this should provide some incremental performance improvements. In the meantime, please keep an eye … | |
Just as the title states, do non-web based email clients (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) respect CSP HTTP headers? Specifically, I want to prevent hotlinking of images hosted on my domain within HTML emails with these HTTP headers: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin Vary: Origin | |
If you love DaniWeb, or even if you don't, it would be much appreciated if you could [review us on Google](https://g.page/r/CSyiHReUFoTLEAI/review). Much thanks!! | |
I asked ChatGPT for some interesting conversation starters and it suggested this. However, the more I think about it, the less I can come up with something! I enjoy walks on nature trails, but hiking is *huge* amongst techies in the Bay Area. My husband plays DDR regularly for exercise, … | |
Just a random question to try to get some good discussion going. For me, at least the last handful of years, it's been taking a nice stroll around town. When I first moved to California from NY, I was living in an apartment in the middle of downtown Palo Alto. … | |
Does anyone have anecdotal evidence for or against Google following internal nofollow links? (Irrespective of what they claim) | |
What are some ways to improve MySQL performance on queries against large tables that include the HAVING BY clause. It's my understanding that anything in there doesn't benefit from table indexes. | |
I just recently finished the first season of The Winchesters, and was unfortunately a bit disappointed by how it ended. It felt incredibly predictable. Currently my husband and I are watching Orphan Black (We are on season 2). May I recommend Severance on Apple TV+. I really loved the season … | |
I think that I understand the difference between: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback_fn); and: window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { ... }); However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn? | |
What was wrong with good ole using SMTP? Has anyone here successfully used an XOAuth library for PHP? Specifically, I'm looking to connect to my Office 365 mailbox. | |
Under Settings, I have the Masking mode set to "Relaxed". It says that means that no text is masked, but that's definitely not the case. It says changes may take up to an hour to appear, but I've waited 24 hours now. I'm still seeing masked text. If "Relaxed" actually … |
The End.