810 Topics

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Member Avatar for cdudefire

I just got a 500GB 7200RPM G-Drive mini external hard drive, to use with Time Machine on my home iMac. I was wondering if I should keep the drive on at all times or should only start it up when I am going to manually backup my data. What are …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for dancks

OK I posted a similar question in macrumors, usually they help me out of jams but not this time. So I downloaded Windows 7 on bootcamp something or other I think 3.9. I have 10.5 on a macbook. So a few drivers didn't install properly. I think. So I don't …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Haridha

What is the price of Apple I-Pad 2 with 3G? I want also its features

Member Avatar for AndrewH
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

One of the frustrations of using the Apple iPad is that there is no conventional file system on it. What's more, there's no SD card slot or USB port to connect some sort of external storage, making it difficult to get files from one device to another without connecting the …

Member Avatar for jsepeta
Member Avatar for Keidi

A friend of mine sat on his ipod nano(4 gb silver model) and now it won't turn on.Any help highly appreciated as I am clueless about apple devices.

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Haridha

Daniweb's messages are receiving in my spam option. How can i change it from spam to my inbox?

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Haridha
Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for jbennet

Let the anti-apple rant begin!!!! <rant> I hate Macs and i hate mac users too. I have always hated them for all my life. When try (and fail because im blinded by its stupid white and silver shinyness) to sit down to use a Mac, the first thing into my …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for happygeek

With the release of iOS 5 to developers, Apple has signalled the arrival of the much awaited iPhone 5. But when can we expect to see it, and how will it be different to the iPhone? As usual, the Apple rumor mill has been churning out specs for many months …

Member Avatar for swebsitedesign
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, I have Citrix Reciever for iPad and when I try to run a Microsoft office application, it says that the server is currently unavailable. The app works fine for my iPod touch 4th generation. Any solutions?

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for stevieleesa

Is there a way to recover a password? I don't want to Reset it. OR if I reset it, will it tell me the original password? Okay, I'm a terrible father. I need to see what my kid's up to and need to log in to his G4 (desktop). If …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]19552[/ATTACH]Hey folks, Apple has [URL="http://www.apple.com/ipad/"]launched the iPad 2[/URL] with some pretty cool improvements... The new pad gets: [LIST] [*]New Dual-core A5 processor = up to 9x faster performance, better graphics [*]New, thinner design = 33% thinner and 15% lighter [*]Two cameras (front and rear) = FaceTime, HD video shoots, Photos, …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]20573[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/apple-hardware-and-devices/interviews/323685"]Super engineer and friend of DaniWeb, Steve Wozniak[/URL], told Reuters on Friday that he would consider returning to Apple, or more accurately returning to an active role at Apple if asked. With Steve Jobs on an indefinite medical leave (his third since 2004), the possibility of the other founding "Steve" …

Member Avatar for renaldocreative
Member Avatar for iso111

Hi folks, Just bot an old G4 power PC dual processor - 1 GB each. This might be the mirror door. It was working for a while, but now I'm getting the "panic- were hanging in there" message at start up. I tried everything BUT now it looks to me …

Member Avatar for iso111
Member Avatar for WASDted

In a press release issued today, a new website and service is introduced that moves us one step closer to human-device equality. Yes, now you can marry your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Although it may seem like an April fools joke, the website [url]www.MarryYouriPhone.com[/url] is actually a clever way to …

Member Avatar for nickadam
Member Avatar for mah300274

I build and fix laptops. But I got my first mac laptop. It is a Powerbook G4, it has an easy fix but I was wondering if I can put a drive like that into it. Is this possible? Or would there be complications like driver issues, or should I …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for happygeek

I am something of a Windows fanboy I guess, and will make no bones about the fact that I have always thought of the 13" Apple MacBook Pro in the same way that I have about Military Intelligence, European Community and Advanced BASIC: it's an oxymoron. Given that the smallest …

Member Avatar for GarrathE
Member Avatar for mah300274

Hi I have an apple powerbook G4 1.67GHz 15" Screen etc.... (a1138). I bought it and am working on it (fix computers here and there) I had to replace the bottom case because it had a few large dents (one was by the charging port so I had to buy …

Member Avatar for mah300274
Member Avatar for Nickair

Hi. I am trying to figure out how to use remote desktop on my windows and mac computers within my home network first and then move on to using it remotely from outside my home network but i am experiencing some difficulties. First of all, i own a mixture of …

Member Avatar for kcaj_sac
Member Avatar for platnm6309

How can i get rapid fire for a mac? I have a mac pro and using a normal mouse, but want rapid fire. When I had windows, i used mouse tractor, but cant find anything for a mac.

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I just bought the new Saitek Cyborg keyboard for my macintosh and i was wondering if there was any software available to support the 12 programable marco keys?

Member Avatar for zelkea
Member Avatar for siena547

Hi can any one help me i have just bought a used 24" iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB 800MHz from a man in USA and did not check to see if it will work in the UK......Does any one know the answer to this Question ???

Member Avatar for crovax85
Member Avatar for roryt

22 Year old, Jon Lech Johansen who previously hacked DVD encryption in his teens has now hacked through the iPod copy protection. This copy protection stops iPod users from playing downloaded music from online music stores other than iTunes. This "copy protection" also stops music that has been bought off …

Member Avatar for John Ripple
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In February, 2008 I wrote a blog post called [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2008/02/is-apple-workin.html"]Is Apple Working on an eBook Reader: Does It Matter?[/URL] Today, I would answer my own question with "Hell yes it maters." If Apple enters the eBook market, you know it would be expensive, but it would be a desirable device, …

Member Avatar for kieranrichard
Member Avatar for dioioib

I have heard a lot of positive results from OWC on installing the ATI 5770 on a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 machine. My main questions about this type of install are: 1) would I really benefit from hardware acceleration considering there is a bus speed reduction from using this card …

Member Avatar for noodenmichel

I originally snyc'd my music to my iphone from itunes on my old computer (now crashed and trashed). When I try to sync the music from the iphone to the new computer and new itumes it says that "all items (including music) will be erased" because I can only sync …

Member Avatar for Flyingfly
Member Avatar for happygeek

I have, in the past, argued that the iPhone is more of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22077/1168/"]a games console that happens to make phone calls[/URL] than the other way around. I admit that I had my tongue in my cheek when I penned that particular piece, but there is no doubting that the iPhone …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Dani

Does anyone know of a bluetooth mechanical keyboard that can replace the wireless keyboard that came with my new iMac?

Member Avatar for lised

I am trying to get my SMS,contacts and pictures on my iPhone to be put either onto my computer or onto iTunes and I don't know how to do this. Any help or advice would be greatly received. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for sophieharris
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Feast or famine (probably famine); 2009 should be another interesting year for the tech sector. After all, any industry that can provide sexual performance drugs (Viagra) for the CIA to give to Afghan warlords is always going to find room on the front pages of every news outlet in the …

Member Avatar for sophieharris

The End.