15,548 Topics

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Member Avatar for uday jha

how can i write a program to print username and password if the minimum and maximum length of password are 5-15 respectively. please give me answer as soon as possible

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for KingJames603

On the payroll pointers program, I am struggling with a few things on the program. The data from the terminal uses malloc, for an employee node. Dynamic Memory Allocation is used in the program. For the name of each employee I can put in the First Name or First and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for psuspect

I have this program that counts characters in a string is there a way to modify this code so that for example it counts specific characters entered. Exmaple.. user entered Hello, and I wanted the program to say there are 2 "L"''s entered in that word. THanks for your help! …

Member Avatar for bluntaxe1
Member Avatar for MarounMaroun

Hello All, I'm new here, and glad to be part of this wonderful and helpful site. I'm trying to allocate a new array (lets say of size 10) inside a struct. I want to do it this way: [code=c] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef struct Circle { int *x; int …

Member Avatar for MarounMaroun
Member Avatar for fedya
Member Avatar for uday jha
Member Avatar for Hafsa0110

hello! just started out here... i need help with this program i need to generate a 3*3 matrix having unique numbers in the range 1-9. I did this program using srand but i'm unable to get the correct output...i couldn't figure out the error...could someone plz help me?? here the …

Member Avatar for ananda2007
Member Avatar for gameon

I am trying to make dir command .I have a problem in my code.it print name of all subdirectories and files but it does not print all files of all subdirectories only print one subdirectories files. I want to print all file and all subdirectory files Void list(const char *path) …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pkgr8

hii can anyone plz tell if there exist any libraries in C which helps in monitoring the data traffic of the system. want to write the code for it... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for morganJohnson

I've got a slight problem with a function I'm writing. I'm trying to pass a 2d array to a function whose sole purpose is to display the contents of said array. Now, what I'm about to give you all compiles, but my compiler (bloodshed's dev-c++ v4.9.9.2) is giving me "warnings". …

Member Avatar for morganJohnson
Member Avatar for kng

Guys can anyone of you points me in the right direction. I got the source code of a function (int function(....){....}) which i am generating at runtime which i wish to compile to a DLL at runtime is this possible? If so can you point me in the right direction. …

Member Avatar for eyfifteen

Hello! I want to know on how to convert files like JPEG to .PRN. Please help me. Anyone who is familiar on how printer drivers work. Thanks!

Member Avatar for blorgit

Heya. I'm having a problem with my guessing game. It won't stop guessing even after getting the right answer, and it also prints both questions no matter what the user input is. The guessing game is one where the computer guesses the user's number...any help? [code=c]#include <stdio.h> #define max 200 …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for sujisubha

what are the image compression algorithms ? how to implement a new image compression algorithms ? can u give some tips to develop the code?

Member Avatar for monstercameron
Member Avatar for MacErich

Hi all Tried to link fftw3 in cygwin, but keep on getting error messages such as: fftw3_prb.o:fftw3_prb.c:(.text+0x121): undefined reference to `_fftw_malloc' As an alternative, I just used an example from the web, here [url]http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_src/fftw3/fftw3_prb.c[/url] compile is using $ gcc -lfftw3 fft -o fftw3_prb fft-lib.o fftw3_prb.o ... and link it using …

Member Avatar for emilio

hi everyone i would like to fill an array with random numbers i know i can use the next line srand( time(NULL) ); return 1 + rand() % 10 ; but the problem is that it fills my array with only one number what can i do ?

Member Avatar for mayur.sarode
Member Avatar for sujathaarsid

can any one say the important c quetions at the timeof attending technical interview for freshers.....please reply ASAP

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for Rajkamal2013

Write a C/C++ program to read a text file and count the number of occurances of the words present in the file. Display the words in sorted order (increasing order of their counts). Your program should be structured as follows: readFile.cpp: file handling file -- functions to read a text …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for LuciaP

Hello1! First af all, excuse me for my bad english! I need to read user input that contains a certain command. My problem is that it depends on the command, the amount of strings i'll need to read. For example, there's a command with the following sintaxis: Command1 name = …

Member Avatar for LuciaP
Member Avatar for sujathaarsid

please can any one write the code without using pointers and in a simplest way... my question is finding substring position in main string .....these both strings you have to take at the run time and dont use any library methods.....you yourself have to write the code.....please give eply ASAP.....

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for SHENGTON

Hello, I'm still a novice with this C programming and I got some problems with my program. I got 3 errors and 3 warnings with my Linked List. I attached an image for you to see. Someone can help me how to solve this problem? Here's my code: [CODE=C]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for rcjay2

Everyone, I am having a problem with trying to get this to prompt the user for the correct input. I would like to user to be required to enter numbers only after it prompts him/her at "How much money would you like to convert today? (above 100): " My question …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for aminit

HellOo I've started to write a simple code to seprates the input integer , for example , if tried to enter 4444 , then it will sperate them by a space to be 4 4 4 4 , so any idea? Thanks

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for bharat47

i want the codes for read and write of image processing using matlab and itz urgent for me send it 2 me as soon as possible

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Mst8kenId

only a beginner, please bear with me.. there are no errors, but wrong output assumptions: input is correctly formed array size is 20 single digits only 4 basic operations #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> int stk[20]; void push(int a, int b) { stk[a]=b; } int pop(int a) { int b=stk[a]; stk[a]=NULL; …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Tlhoks

Please assist Iam getting this "13 C:\Dev-Cpp\main1.c [Warning] return makes integer from pointer without a cast " from the program below when i try to compile it. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> int main() { /*getLarger();*/ /*getRandom();*/ printDetails(); getch(); return /*getLarger,getRandom,*/printDetails; } int printDetails() { …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for Jamesbch

Hello, I've a tricky issue with a use of my macro. I specify the max length of a string parsed by sscanf with a macro define. Since I write all of my macro value between parenthesis (if it is a number) It should fix the operation problems (it's why we …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch
Member Avatar for SlickSteiner

The program that I want to do is a program that lets you deposit and withdraw money, and that it can display the total amount that you have inputted in the transaction. Now my problem is, I don't know how to display the total amount and how to do a …

Member Avatar for [Alpha]-0mega-
Member Avatar for WAhamed

I am new in c++. I need to read a text file containing something like this data: 0.6662 0.5435 0.5545 0.55487 0.4346 0.7698 0.8965 0.56438 ... ... It is 100 rows and 4 columns I write the following codes: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; //The main …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for abhijeetcn

I know the function textcolor() included in conio.h in borland compiler. but this function is not present in vc++. also if you can provide me the text formatting functions,or header file containing it. i will be very thankful.......so please help me......thanks

Member Avatar for [Alpha]-0mega-
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I have just started out with sqlite in c but I can't seem to return the results of the select statements. There are so many functions that I don't know what to use as none of them make any sense. So can anybody give me an example of how …

Member Avatar for tesuji

The End.