1,125 Topics

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Member Avatar for agca

Hi, what is the best way to provide followings? 1) Server Client sides 2) File serving by client request 3) Streaming by segments with iteration sample code also please.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for joslup9

Hello guys, i need a help slightly with this project of my university. my equipment are working with some components, 1. Radius Server - MySQL - OS Linux Ubunto 12.04 or OS Microsoft WindowsServer2008 - SQLServer. 2. Router Linksys Wrt-54g 3. Other Server with certification unit, which we need manage, …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for pmark019

Here is my code. unametxt = textBlock1.Text; passtxt = textBlock2.Text; WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.BaseAddress = "http://students.usls.edu.ph"; webClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(unametxt, passtxt); webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadStringCompleted); webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://students.usls.edu.ph")); After connecting, the source code is downloaded and saved to a string variable. public void client_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { data …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vedel.bajic

Basicly I try to send values to a PHP Server and read out returned information I get from the Server. The PHP code is not the problem. My Problem is I don't know how I can send values with C++. I don't have any code yet because I don't know …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I want to be able to write a Python script to send a text message to a user's phone using an email client. I have tried the following code: import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText msg = MIMEText('message') msg['Subject'] = 'The contents of %s' % textfile msg['From'] = 'example@mail.examplecompany.net' msg['To'] …

Member Avatar for javedsai

Hi everyone, When I'm typing url for e.g. www.mydomain.com then, it is not redirecting to www.mydomain.com/index.php. It is displaying error message on browser as **Server Error. 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.** If …

Member Avatar for pranay1995
Member Avatar for Omni

So I’m working on an active directory restructuring project my manager has assigned me to do since the new company name change. Basically the meat and potatoes of it is making new OU containers in the Active Directory and throwing user, printers, computers, distribution and security group objects into their …

Member Avatar for Omni
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hi, im wondering how i get this to work? <?php $client = new SoapClient("http://localhost:8731/phpwcf/?wsdl"); var_dump($client->KundLandKodAlternativ()); $response = $client->KundLandKodAlternativ(); $array1 = $response->KundLandKodAlternativResult->WCFString1; $array2 = $response->KundLandKodAlternativResult->WCFReturnString; echo count($array1); echo count($array2); ?> the line `var_dump($client->KundLandKodAlternativ());` gives object(stdClass)[2] public 'KundLandKodAlternativResult' => object(stdClass)[3] public 'WCFReturnString' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'string' => array (size=4) ... public 'WCFString1' …

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

if i have table in database(sql server) and has 1500 records and i run 2 applications(at same time) that will retrieve 500 records each so how can i do this app1 will retrieve first 500 records app2 will retrieve next 500 records means no over lap SET Transaction Isolation Level …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for double_cola

Hello, I am using a php function to merge 2 pdfs and it works great. <?php include 'PDFMerger.php'; $pdf = new PDFMerger; $pdf->addPDF('testFile5.pdf', 'all') ->addPDF('testFile57.pdf', 'all') ->merge('download', 'samplepdfs/TEST2.pdf'); ?> I get a merged pdf as soon as the page loads. I need the ability to make this merge happen when …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, An event proxy is responsible for reading in the input file (see details below) and forwarding events (updates and queries) to either a query client or an update client. All events (i.e. including updates, queries, and system failures etc) are specified in an event file which is called Input.txt …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for dan_code_guru

Hi i am working on a server sent event script to be sent when the user has logged out, but in the network tab the server sent pages are being sent every couple of seconds with no data. Client-Side script var source=new EventSource("include/updates.php"); source.addEventListener('logout',function(event){ $("#notificationsContainer").append(event.data + "<br />"); source.close(); },false); …

Member Avatar for dan_code_guru
Member Avatar for paulnamroud

Hello, I'm building an application with asp.net. And I need to send emails to selected customers. What is the best way to send email ? Is it by using System.Net Class or to send it by using MS Sql Server ? Thank you Paul

Member Avatar for aryanverma
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hello im trying to get a hello world program to work from c# to wcf and then call it with php now have gone as far as i can get. **You have created a service.** To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to …

Member Avatar for adam.adamski.96155
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

I'm looking for a simple database-server maintenance and management software. It need not to be free but it must be known in the field of networking.

Member Avatar for kitschkath
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I recently had an accoutn with godaddy and found they did not support FFMPEG so I cancled that account, now I want to use a local server on my computer for testing so I do not have to pay for hosting. My question is how do I get a Mysql …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson
Member Avatar for chris007

Hi guys. I have a problem.. i am trying to transfer files from one computer to an other(yes i did port forwarding)..the thing is that if i use 1024-1(buffer) and 1024-1(buffer) in both programs it will NOT transfer any file..it will just create a file with 0kb. size.. So if …

Member Avatar for chris007
Member Avatar for mokong

Hi All, I am trying to link two database in different servers. Are there any ways I can do this? If this possible, could anyone show me how to do it. I've been googling it a few weeks ago, there are sites that said to use the sp_addlinkedserver but I …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for joshuaramirez

I need to update my Microsoft Access database 2003 from my server automatically. but i don't have any idea how to do it. Please help i really need this for my thesis. Thanks!

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi,, Is it possible to get IP of server where the script is running. I used following code <?php echo $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?> But it outputing as "". Is there any way to print IP ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for chetanbhasin

Well! So here is what my problem is. Initially, I started my blog (running of wordpress cms) with a .asia domain. Now, I believe any .com domain would attract more people than any domain name that is targeted to one continent. So, I purchased a domain name with same name …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

You can tell a lot about a company by the way they treat the employees lowest on its pay scale. Pay cuts and, yes, even layoffs are inevitable in today's economic climate. The decisions are painful, but they're often necessary and unavoidable. They aren't, however, a license to be callous …

Member Avatar for J_Swaine
Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

Ok so in my class we just installed microsoft server 2008 for the first lab which was easy, The second lab I managed to do but I dont fully understad it, so if you can tell me in a easy way it would be good. So in the second lab …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ru60hz

for newbie on networking like me, i hope somebody could give some light about my question. what is a mail server, what is it use for, and probably how to make one or is it possible to make one at home?

Member Avatar for soumphair
Member Avatar for eburlea

Good day, I've created a webpage on localhost using php. I have a local network with 3 computers at home. I can access the webpage only from one computer (http://localhost/mywebpage/). What changes should I make in phpmyadmin to be able to access the webpage from all computers? Is it possible? …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for kapura.ftw

I am currently going through a course on Windows Server 2008. The only knowledge I have is through the activities that my book has me doing each chapter, so I dont know how to navigate administative controls yet. I have set up multiple users throughout the activities, and have had …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for bossie09

If audit log is turn off on the windows server, can i use a software to generate & view the log files. If yes please suggest the tool. Regards,

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

when i use sha 512 on password field then it says k pasword field cannot be empty but when i remove sha512 constraint then it works and with any other hash it also works why ? and plz suggest me some good secrity hash etc to apply on password field

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for Dark007

I wrote a server class and a client class. again i wrote 4 different JFrame class which were connected with each other and some Puzzle game codes were written on this classes. I want to add those classes with the server. and want to play those games from the client. …

Member Avatar for Dark007

The End.