6,559 Topics

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Member Avatar for javlonchik

Hi all, Hope someone can help me with this issue. Repeat-y is posing me problems. In general, what I am trying to do is putting the most visited pages as a sitemap in the footer part of the website. (Like the ones you see in word press run websites). However, …

Member Avatar for javlonchik
Member Avatar for rak4u

My problem is that i want to develop a project in which there is front end (window form) in vb .net in which there are diffrent field for book entry name,author,image etc. all this data is stored in back end sql server 2005 there is drop down list of books …

Member Avatar for rak4u
Member Avatar for jahanna

Hey guys, i need to read form(s) on VB.Net from the simple html based web sites, like on VB6 webbrowser object; [code] WebBrowser.Document.All("form").All("field")[/code] But i shouldn't to use a WebBrowser object. How can i do this on VB.net?

Member Avatar for simulanics
Member Avatar for fayola

hey, first off I'd like to state that I am pretty new to ms sql and stored procedures tho I have worked with sql for quite some time. My employer would like me to write a script which takes html content from a mssql db (originally delivered dynamically) and create …

Member Avatar for fayola
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I am testing a PHP web site offline using XAMPP server application. The website runs great, but the only problem is that the .css is not running. The odd thing is that if I am online and I test the website locally the .css file works, but if I …

Member Avatar for julio gomez
Member Avatar for njparton

I'm having a problem parsing a webpage to extract data from a table. Ideally I'm trying to extract the table with id="ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_PM_MainContent_gv_Portfolio" (see html below) I don't have a problem entering the website and downloading the html, it's beautiful soup that's tripping me up. My python code and downloaded html …

Member Avatar for njparton
Member Avatar for Shraddha Kiran

hey people i wud really really appreciate a hand here ohk dis is my task i have been given a bunch of urls to webpages containing blog posts i need to extract the authorname,date,content of blogpost and meta data and put it into a database. Here is wat i thought …

Member Avatar for Shraddha Kiran
Member Avatar for talktoade

Hi all, my website can not be displayed due to this error. I have already uploaded it to a webshosting company. Do anyone has an idea of the problem? I have (index.html) already It is a pure html site Forbidden. You don't have permission to access / on this server. …

Member Avatar for talktoade
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I just wonder if this is possible. When i print a page from my localhost or web, the html link information is printed at the end of the page. How can disable it? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for pasamike

I was kinda "given" the task of taking over a website which is something i have not done in a while. I have never gotten into CSS beyond styles for text before so i am doing this by trial and error. Anyways, I have a site designed and online. However …

Member Avatar for 1337cookie
Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi; I have been studying PHP and I'm coding it. I ran into an odd problem but I'm sure it is a newbie error. Whenever I run my php script on xampp I get parsing error line 103. I go to my code and the closing html tag is at …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

WHen we click on site whether left click or right....Control goes to IEDoc_MouseDown event,I just want to ask is that possible to know taht which element is clicked..Suppose we right click on link,is that possible to know it that link is clicked. [code] Public Class Form2 Dim WithEvents IEDoc As …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for pymatio

How would you count how many opening HTML tags there were & then closing tags in a line? eg [CODE] for line in something: for match in re.match("[I]opening_regex_here[/I]",line): # will match <H1> or <html> or whatever opentags += 1 for match in re.match("[I]closing_regex_here[/I]",line): # will match <H1> or </html> or …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, I am trying to create tabs using two images, the main background image and then the mouse over image, code i hv written after reading guidelines from a book so thats why cant completly understand where is the problem: css code: [CODE=css] body { font: 62.5%/1.5 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, …

Member Avatar for sreein1986
Member Avatar for justted

Hello all, My website has a feature in which I can turn on/off a feature which allows members to add their own CSS code for their profile design! If possible I want to allow this as it would mean a much better platform for my members but I wanted to …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have a webpage that is passed a string: [code] http://www.mywebsite.com/gallery.php?gallery=Sand_&_Surf [/code] Using the GET method, I am trying to do this: [code=php] $gallery = $_GET['gallery']; [/code] I want to store "Sand_&_Surf" in the [ICODE]$gallery[/ICODE] variable. From there, I do a database query and display all the paintings that are …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for buck51

Does anybody know of software that will convert Excel spreadsheets to HTML for Macs? I've seen a few converting programs but none so far that are Mac-friendly.

Member Avatar for flavabrwn
Member Avatar for ramesh_natesan

Using vbscript I want to create a runtime html login page on the fly. The html page should have username/pasword form and I will use this username/password to connect to a sql database. Is there a way to create this runtimehtml page using vbscript and them collect the username/password from …

Member Avatar for raman242001
Member Avatar for saptaparni

how do i generate a .html file using java? i need 2 read from a file file and display an applet in a web browser. So i need to include the main() and cannot run an external .html file. Please help.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for flavabrwn

Does anybody have any solutions for converting Excel Spreadsheet calculators into HTML, most likely with Javascript commands. There are a couple software companies like SpreadsheetConverter and ExcelEverywhere that do this, but does anybody know of any free solutions out there. Here's a CNET link to ExcelEverywhere's description: [url]http://download.cnet.com/ExcelEverywhere-for-HTML/3000-2077_4-10211203.html?tag=mncol[/url]. I'm looking …

Member Avatar for nzcreativeweb

I am wondering is it possible to invent your own HTML codes? For example there are basic tags like <html>, <a href="yoursite.com">, <meta tag="keywords" content="your words"> etc etc etc. I'd imagine one would need some sort of programming skills to do this, but would like to know some thoughts on …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Summer_Intern

Hello, I am trying to embed a html file (a report from sql) in to a word document in a particular location. I am trying to get this done using the Office Interop. 1) How can I embed a html file in to a word document ? 2) How can …

Member Avatar for Summer_Intern
Member Avatar for asemakula

[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var ... ;... Book_Image_Sources=new Array(...); function carousel() {...} </script>[/CODE] I want to (i hope it`s possible) call the script above in a css class like [TEX]#carouse { ... somehow call the script above }[/TEX] then in my html code [CODE]<img src="./images/placeholder.gif" class="carouse" />[/CODE] I am using a WYSIWYG …

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Member Avatar for fatbob

Hi all I am new to programming and python and am having trouble reading particular strings from a text file and writing them out to a separate file. The file has a large number of lines, has the following format and is interspersed with signature sentences i don't need: subdoc="Book=2:chapter=1" …

Member Avatar for poeticinsanity

I'm using HTMLParser to find some thing among this page given below. The link i'm looking to find and follow is in red. I'm using the code, also provided below to find this link, but it isn't seeming to find it at all. The portion of code that isn't working …

Member Avatar for sal21

In a asp page have a combobox with 3 item(see html) I want to loop in all items of combobox... similar: i use this to connect oie: Set OIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") URL = "http://mysite/GP.asp" OIE.Visible = True OIE.navigate (URL) Do While OIE.readyState <> 4 Or OIE.Busy DoEvents Loop select element …

Member Avatar for nash99

Hi How can I access the DOM (inner html). I need to capture the innerhtml (the complete html , body structure)of the source page and then be able to open another html page using this inner html of the page selected. I tried different methods like using the ajax calls …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for fatwhitetree

Hi im pretty much a total vb nub at the moment but im trying to learn. Anyway I've been trying to find out how i could load a random http proxy like from a txt file. I know how to load a random url but Im failing at doing …

Member Avatar for parkeyparker
Member Avatar for concept22

Hi, Im pulling out what little hair i have left, and am beginning to remember why i did not become a developer professionally. but you guys rock. I have a website i'm working on example: [url]http://www.example.com[/url], I have a go daddy turbo SSL certificate installed and it is working properly …

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Member Avatar for marjan_m
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The End.