131 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Is Apple really 'closing the gap' on Android as far as smartphone market share is concerned, or is there more to the battle of the mobile handsets than the latest set of headline figures suggest? [ATTACH=RIGHT]23604[/ATTACH]Certainly if you take the research, and associated press releases surrounding it, from Nielsen regarding …

Member Avatar for NicholaPhillip
Member Avatar for man.chester.581

i want to start developing ios apps on my lap (windos) i dont have mac so how can i start

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for happygeek

You might be forgiven for thinking that the iPhone is the most secure of the smartphone choices, especially if you've opted for a 5S or above with that fingerprint reader for secure ID and iOS 8 as the most robust of operating systems. Forgiven, but wrong; despite the claims from …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I believe everyone heard the news from November the 11th-"Opening up Visual Studio and .NET to Every Developer, Any Application: .NET Server Core open source and cross platform, Visual Studio Community 2013 and preview of Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 2015". Maybe some people will disagree but I think that …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I would like my app to go to another page when i slide it horizontaly. I don't know the appropriate name of such an action and therefore am not able to find any refference on google. Can anyone point out the keyword that I missing and give some links for …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for Gianluca_1

Hey guys, so I'm creating this webapp that creates a QrCode based on informations given by the user, decodes QrCodes and creates a log. I would like some tips, like QrCodes, Image processing, Getting SubImages libraries and API's. I'm using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This webapp will be able to …

Member Avatar for NotoriousZeus
Member Avatar for ahmedzahir
Member Avatar for Mallika_P

Hi., I have more than 10 products (Non-consuable with hosted content) in my ios app. I want to add an option purchase all items. Is there any possible ways to purchase all products in a single buy option (including downloads). Thanks

Member Avatar for Mallika_P

Hi., I'm developing app for ipad, which having sharing images. So i had used Addthis sdk, but the shared images contains jpg image type only. I want png mime type while sharing via mail, twitter and facebook. [AddThisSDK shareImage:[UIImage imageWithData:data] withService:@"twitter" title:@"Test Image" description:@"Testing with attached image"]; Anybody help?

Member Avatar for 26bm

Hello, I am programming for the new(ish) 4 inch retina display of Apple's mobile products. Since I don't have a Mac computer to program with I've had to use Adobe Flash Professional. I realize that in order for the app to run in the full 4" I need to add …

Member Avatar for fuchsia555

Hello everyone, I'm about to develope a simple app for mobile and i want your help about how to make a code for sending the order of the selected items by SMS or E-mail to a sepcific cell number or E-mail after selecting the desired items clicking on the button …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have an AirPrint-enabled printer, the act of wireless printing from your iPhone or iPad is pretty much a no-brainer. If you don't, then there are a number of apps that use a laptop as a print server. While these, on the whole, work OK they do require that …

Member Avatar for larin83109
Member Avatar for pwolf

I am planning a service that I would like to eventually grow into a multi-platform service, however, my original plan of creating a hybrid app may not be the best decision. Is it better to come up with one app design and recreate it on each platform, or design a …

Member Avatar for Anima Templi

Hello Daniweb, I will soon reach the point where I'm ready to move on my journey of programming. One thing that has always interested me is the mobile world. I would like to develop things for the mobile world. What I want to ask/know is tips from people already developing …

Member Avatar for Andy Res
Member Avatar for Anima Templi

Hello, I'm really interested in developing apps for iOS. I do already have everything setup and I'm ready to start programming. What I'm curious about is; Is it worth buying the apple developer account already? I don't have anything ready to release yet, but I have read that they also …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

after formatting my iphone 3gs, (4.1 ios), would it have a maintained IOS or i vl need to install it again, simply i mean that if i format my iphone then ios 4.1 would need to be installed again or any oyher issues would arise ? please guide me about …

Member Avatar for Myronz
Member Avatar for entropic3105

This is probably a very commonly asked question but is it possible to make an app with python?

Member Avatar for svf_
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, you've either bought the [brand new iPhone 5](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/apple-hardware-and-devices/news/433802/apples-disappointing-iphone-5-sells-out-within-the-hour) or have upgraded your existing iPhone to iOS 6 and discovered, like half the Internet it would appear, that the new Apple Maps which have replaced Google Maps are, to be polite, an utter and total stinking FAIL. I'm no Apple …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mat0pad

So I'm making a IOS game and when I try testing my game in xcode simulator I get these errors below. Anyone have an idea what's wrong. Btw the behaivor is for unlocking new levels if actor collides with an object: Error in line 49: invalid operands of types 'objc_object*' …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for hypernova

Hi all! I am trying to listen to plug in/out event for headphones while in background. The problem is that while the events are generated in real-time, I am not able to do handle them in real-time. Whatever code I run in the background gets executed all at once when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for tyler.barrett.524

I am currently developing an iOS mobile application that uses that Google Maps SDK. The problem I'm having is that I cannot control the boundries in which the map loads. The map loads properly, and displays the proper coordinates, but I cannot figure out how to adjust the size of …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for happygeek

Some might argue that there are already quite enough different versions of Angry Birds to last a lifetime, or at least a lifetime of minutes to waste on a mobile gaming platform such as a smartphone or tablet. There is some merit to this, and personally I would be quite …

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Member Avatar for shredder2794

Hello all, I have a MKMapView that is having a very strange problem which is kind of hard to explain. I have an MKOverlay that is saved between sessions by saving the points of the overlay to a file and loading the overlay in viewDidLoad. So here's the problem: Steps …

Member Avatar for justinkut

Hi every one recently i have updated my iOS version to 6.01 on my iPhone 4 A week after that i came to know that my apps are starting to crash frequently …. Can anyone find a Solution for that ??????

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for straylight

What I am trying to find out is how to securely send a username and password to an API. Basically I am accessing a restful API using a URL like "https://myapi.com/api/username=test&password=test123". If the username and password are correct the API will return a JSON page. How would I go about …

Member Avatar for joefazee
Member Avatar for happygeek

Earlier this week, an iPhone jailbreaking guru called pod2g revealed how even the very latest beta versions of iOS 6 cannot prevent the iPhone from being vulnerable to SMS text message spoofing. This technique is often employed by spammers and scammers alike when targeting the smartphone user in order to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

Over the weekend I wrote a news story for DaniWeb which revealed how the iPhone was vulnerable to SMS text message spoofing. This went under the title "[Why Apple was right about iMessage 'fix' for iPhone SMS spoofing](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/ios-iphone-os/news/431373/why-apple-was-right-about-imessage-fix-for-iphone-sms-spoofing)" because, simply put, SMS text messaging is exposed to this kind of …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

Jail Broken iphone 3gs , successfully connected to itunes 10, ports are working much master, charging ok had 4.1.1 Ios, now download ios 5.1.1 upgrade , trying to update ios to 5.1.1 via restore of iphones, in the middle of extraction it says UNKOWN ERROR : ERROR 3194 why ?

Member Avatar for justinkut
Member Avatar for bipinbaglung

NavigationController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @protocol NavigationControllerDelegate; @interface NavigationController : UINavigationController<UINavigationControllerDelegate> @property (nonatomic , assign)id<NavigationControllerDelegate , UINavigationControllerDelegate> delegate; -(void)cancelImagePicker:(id)sender; @end @protocol NavigationControllerDelegate <NSObject> - (void)mediaPickerController:(NavigationController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info; - (void)mediaPickerControllerDidCancel:(NavigationController *)picker; @end NavigationController.m #import "NavigationController.h" #import "DataViewController.h" @interface NavigationController () @end @implementation NavigationController @synthesize delegate; -(id)init{ UIViewController *controller = [[DataViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"DataViewController" bundle:nil]; …

Member Avatar for eawade

I am having the most annoying situation. Ok, here goes. I am using a javascript based sliding menu for a mobile app. The "slider" works just like Facebook mobile, where u can click the button to show the menu on the left and click it again to close the menu. …


The End.