1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for dh111

Is this the right place to ask the following? I have 2 tables in two different MS Access DB's. Access allows the ability of inserting data from DBA.table1 into DBB.table1, using the format [dba].[table1].[dbb].[table1]. Here's my problem. Using a single SQL Statement I can't figure out the following. DBA.table1 has …

Member Avatar for huangzhi
Member Avatar for juice_0032

I am attempting to use VB2008 Express to Display, Edit, and Append an Access database. I can display information fine, but for some reason updating the database is posing an issue. The code below runs fine and doesn't throw any exceptions. However the Access database itself does not update. When …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi Daniweb guys, This is my problem: My .mdb (microsoft access 2003 file) is containing pricing table and client table. (I used visual basic 6 to create an application) The user can install my application in their own pc and record their client into a provided client table. But, the …

Member Avatar for Babu sab

I want to create a data base so that i can keep record of individuals and search their record easily Students under go different personality tests and checked by three different teachers of differnt departments. After their test these three teachers sit in a meeting to discuss each student in …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for weizguy

I am trying to do something I think should be fairly simple. Basically, I was going to do a multiple if statement, but there are 30+ values. I was wondering how I could have a text field and if someone types in a value, it searches a table to see …

Member Avatar for Alphard

Hi guys, I have a question, but first I'll explain my scenario. So I've got this datagridview where I use it as a look up for a certain table in Ms Access and I want to update just 1 field in that table. My question now is that, [B]can I …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for slfisher

Far from being made superfluous by the Internet, a [URL="http://www.ala.org/ala/research/initiatives/plftas/2008_2009/index.cfm"]recent study[/URL] by the American Library Association finds that the library is often the only source of free Internet access in a community. More than 71 percent of all libraries (and 79 percent of rural libraries) report they are the only …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for capitanf

Hi I was wondering... how can I publish a web service but only to few client programs? I thought maybe a solution is simple apache access (for restful service) but maybe it's another way..? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Half_Pirate

Hello everyone. I need to learn how to do it? Suggestions, any site tutorials that you find it useful or anything related to it would be very useful. Need this until 8 September! Help.

Member Avatar for dadgum
Member Avatar for rabicu

Unrecognized database format <Faculty of Science>. (Error 3343)

Member Avatar for cjwilkins

Help! I think that this should be easy but I have not been able to find the correct VBA code to get the Form to print only [U]the current record [/U]not all 1651 records. I have a command button (Print) and walked through the wizard correctly to print "only the …

Member Avatar for semky
Member Avatar for caapri

i want to create student information system. but i have not a single idea regarding this problem. the requirment is thatit should have tables, forms,subforms,relationships,switch board manager,macros, main form. queris,(DDL and DML),SQL functions of the following entities STUDENT,TEACHER,DEPARTMENT,COURSE. u can also contect me on my ID. <EMAIL SNIPPED> please i …

Member Avatar for arun10427

Hi all, I am a perl newbie. I am using a perl code to read a column full of data from 1 field into an array [CODE]for(my $i=2;$i<table->last_record;$i++) my @data = $table->get_record($i,"Date"); [/CODE] Now for example if my @data[1] consists of list of numbers, I need to find the diff …

Member Avatar for weer
Member Avatar for NatalyC

Hello everybody, :) I'm trying to import an access database to mySQL by using c#, I'm using this software: MS Access to MySQL from Bullzip, and it seems to be working ok; by using c#, I can display all data from tables, using this connection: [CODE] private void btndisplayBooks_Click(object sender, …

Member Avatar for NatalyC
Member Avatar for umairraja52

I have a website i want to know how to connect my website to the Interent directly.

Member Avatar for vineeth5march19
Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for nkk

Hey guys, I'd like to create an access database for a vaccine clinic I am managing in a large slum here in South Asia. So basically I want to create a form that auto-populates. Say a baby comes in: I open a new form, assign a unique id (probably the …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for lgdabler

Hello, We are trying to find a new open source ETL tool. Basically, we need our new software to perform tasks such as ETL, data migration and data synchronization. For now, the program would not be used on large projects. There are a few open source tools on the market. …

Member Avatar for bgkalbente
Member Avatar for nitin_rajurkar

Hi All, I have a typical problem. We have established product developed in ASP. Now I want to add security and access cotrol to upload directory and files. I could not find anything that can help me to write code in ASP. But in ASP.net C# and C++ there is …

Member Avatar for nitin_rajurkar
Member Avatar for Dr Sundance

Southeastern Arizona Medical facilities have a grant to install a new network for patient information exchange. Who knows anything about the AZ Access Data Exchange - might be called AMY? What kind of network is needed? etc Dr Sundance

Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I was wondering if there was a way to only allow myself to access certain pages on my website? Is there a way to do this by using my ip address? And if someone with a different ip try's to access the page they are denyed or forwarded back to …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for memnac

OK, i have a form with 3 controls. 1 x textbox, and 2 combo boxes. The scenario is like capturing students taking courses in a specified week number. e.g. TxtWeekNo CboCourse TxtStudentName 1 Engineering Joe Bloggs 1 Engineering Jay Rock 1 Law Mary Joe 2 Engineering <Nothing to select!> What …

Member Avatar for konneof

I request, I want I install a program that is supported in Access 2003 in the PC my friend. I don't want however it is transported from there in other PC That I can ensure the not copy of program from the PC of my friend?

Member Avatar for Alphard

Hi everyone! I am having difficulties in terms of manipulating data using datagrid. So my problem is this, I have 2 forms;namely, a form for logging in, then secondly, a form which is similar to an inbox. I have a datagrid in my inbox to call on records in my …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for sahar54
Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for mel01

Hello, We have a number of small access 2003 databases. We will be upgrading to access 2007 and there will be a period when some of us are 2003 and the remainder 2007. Is it going to be possible to use access under both 2003 and 2007 simultaneously? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for mem81

Hello, I have an access table where I have to import a csv file. I have a very simple code in the Click _ Event Sub. However it seems the code is ok, file gets imported but I get a separate table with errors in import. In that table two …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for mel01

Hello, My MS Access database includes one table of workshops that are provided by my employer. Each record in this table includes a date field. I would like to create a calendar looking form in which a text field (workshop title) is displayed on the correct date. Any help would …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for muthuivs

Hello, Have a Access problem. I have 1 master table with records by Sales Rep ID (80001, 80002, and so on). For each of these ID's, i have multiple lines of records that show their sales (Revenue) by customer like follows: 80001 5,000 IBM 80001 7,000 Staples 80005 6,000 Motorola …

Member Avatar for KumarHarsh
Member Avatar for Afi83

I have a problem with creating this database. I want to create the student record system. I have a table containing Individual information and using of ID as primary key. For registering grades I use another table for grades. But here is the problem. Here we have 6 or more …

Member Avatar for timothybard

The End.