1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

Can Somebody plz tell me how to give the form ,a footer & header. I want to write in Heaer-REPORT FIRST But i m not getting how to type the text in Header & Footer, plz reply. Bydefault the user is able to resize the form,I also want that the …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for nkk

Hey guys, I'd posted earlier about creating a database for a vaccination clinic is a slum. All the responses were really helpful (thank you!) but I'm encountering some further problems. In a table named "Table Children" I have a "Date of Birth field" and and an "Age at the time …

Member Avatar for nkk
Member Avatar for itzshaheer

I made a query for inserting a value from text box to MS ACCESS db [CODE] sql = "INSERT INTO Equipment (port_number,display_name,equipment,tonnage,user_privilage) VALUES (" & CLng(txtPort.Text) & ", '" & CStr(txtDisplay.Text) & "', '" & CStr(txtCA.Text) & "', " & CLng(txtTonnage.Text) & ", '" & CStr(cmbUser.Text) & "')"[/CODE] Actually I …

Member Avatar for vbdotnetlover
Member Avatar for bluewire2000

Hi, i use simple login with a login page where user place u/n and p/w. The data are compared to store data from access db. If matches, open a secure page. So far so goob. In secure page i wanr to show a gridview with user's data, so he can …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for makymakaru

can anybody explain what the difference between the 2 codes below? i'm using visual basic 6 and i'm connecting access dbase. and one other thing, i'm trying to connect access 2007 with my vb6 but i can't remember the code, i know the code below works with access 2003 and …

Member Avatar for codefixer
Member Avatar for xthuman

Hi I am a new user in access and created a database to use in accounting practice. I want to create a query control that will show the opening balance, plus fees less closing balance = 0 as all data are imported from another system. The problem is that the …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for goldriverdancer

Dear all, I've thus far created a simple Access database to keep track of all the pumps my (mining) company uses. What I want to do, is create a form which will automatically archive previous data if new data is written into it. For example, I have a pump that …

Member Avatar for goldriverdancer
Member Avatar for skwatamkar

how can i insert an image to ms-access database using java swing form and vice versa.

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for sayedamin

Dear All, I have a small database which has two tables, table A = Stock and table B = Sold, these both has same fields including quantity, I have all my items in stock table, but what I want to do is when I sold something and entered in sold …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for yssirhc

I'm trying to paste some text into a memo field and am getting the message "The text is too long to be edited". The text is 64K, which I believe is the max. I even did a character count on it that came to 64,360 and the limit I learned …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for danimal132

i am editing someone else's code that creates a tracking log for a website. It is written in perl but the file is report.mas and there is another file that has to be altered too report.mas.obj for the file to work.. I am very confused what type of code this …

Member Avatar for MarcusMaximus

Im having trouble with a running sum for my VAT analysis section of a report. Whats happening is the vat is calculated and rounded appropriately. But the running sum seems to be calculated on the pre rounded figure, is there anyway to rectify this. So i have following figures [I]245.70 …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for ccmancio

Compare field Field1 with Ucase(Field1) return 0 ever.. but I have any register with Field1 in mix case. Why Access retur every igual ?

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for amriksingh1
Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello, I have been looking for a data integration / transfer program able to help with Access. I have had some advice but have not found the right software yet. The main feature is being able to migrate important quantities of contacts and data on a daily basis. The migration …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for Roax

:( I am have been trying to update changes from my vb.net program to an access database file and it simply will not work. I have am using table adapters. I'm not familiar with SQL so i can't go that route. It updates the dataset fine but not the database... …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for jasong911
Member Avatar for goldriverdancer
Member Avatar for mxarievilo

I'm trying this: [CODE]$recordset = $conexao->Execute("select * from PRO where CDate(PRO_DTCAD)+PRO_DURAC BETWEEN DateAdd(\"d\", +15, NOW()");[/CODE] PRO_DTCAD is REGISTER DATA PRO_DURAC is DAYS TO EXPIRE But: [QUOTE]PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Microsoft JET Database Engine<br/><b>Description:</b> Missing ), ], or Item in query expression 'CDate(PRO_DTCAD)+PRO_DURAC BETWEEN DateAdd("d", +15, …

Member Avatar for airpricing

I am using MS ACCESS, and have 4 tables to update, from 2 different tables/spreadsheet Where table tb1- Client Index, Name, address and zip. tb2- user index, Sales rep, client index tb3- user index, Managers tb4- client index, Sales Target Master 1 has Name, address, Sales target and sales rep …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for chuckc

In defining MS Access tables where a 1 to many relation exists what is the best way to define a table containing the “many” records. For example, a database with orders and line-items might have the “line item” table with an order-number and a line-number which would define a unique …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for gcattley

I want to process data entered into an Access 2007 form and then append the data to a table within the database. I started with a simple form with a button running a macro which ran an APPEND query, and this was fine until we needed to add some conditional …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for Blake98

Hi i need some help. i am trying to run a process that will move records from one table to the other and i am getting this error msg " Description: Catastrophic failure - Number: -2147418113" in the detailed error log but on the interface m getting something like Error …

Member Avatar for urania

I have a small project in c# and ms-access I use query builder to manage my tables in ms-access. the problem is, select qeury works great, update query works great, delete doesn't work , and there is no error msg!!!!!!1 please help!! [CODE] OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); string queryString …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for asmikwen

Hello, Being on Access, I would like to transfer some data onto Mysql. But I cannot. Is there an easy way to transfer data onto Mysql? I am thinking that it should not be that hard to do. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for adi.shoukat
Member Avatar for decay

I have a customer form, connected to an orderform with an order details subform. I want to select a customer record in my customer form and click a button (that I have setup) and it opens that customer record (using customer ID) in my order form. I created a button …

Member Avatar for Badjelly
Member Avatar for Cosa

Hi, I recently imported about 18,000 records from filemaker into access. I initially exported the data as a csv file, i then opened it with excel and saved it as an xls spread sheet. Once i cleaned all the data i proceeded to import it into access, however i now …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for Amos76

I am trying to capture the COUNT of employees who are off by running a query from a table that has employee name and START DATE and END DATE of their vacation days throughout the years. I need to pull all employees who are GONE over a period of DATES …

Member Avatar for blackviper04

OK I have an assignment on my Access course, I find this site really good and require some help if possible. Basically I have a login screen which checks the Access Database I am using the code I have is this: [code] Username = txtUsername.Text Password = txtPassword.Text 'Following code …

Member Avatar for Smith5646
Member Avatar for NorthDakota

Hi all :) I'd like to make a little vb.net program that executes searches on a msaccess database. I use a textbox to get the value to search and than i'd like to search all the values that has the textbox value in the middle. So, the queries should look …

Member Avatar for NorthDakota

The End.