3,842 Topics

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Member Avatar for mitsuevo

Hi, I know this sounds like a repeated question but the tips in other threads didnt quite help me, so thought of asking again. I have 2 tables 'tbl_AWB' abd 'tbl_flight'. Flight has the fields "FlgihtNo" (PK), "DepCityPort","DestCityPort", "DepTime", "ArrTime". tbl_AWB has fields 'FlightNo', 'DepCity' and 'DestCity'. The tbl_AWB is …

Member Avatar for khess

There's a lot of buzz on the Internet today about some "leaked" [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] slides concerning Windows 8. But, like the [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9178753/_Don_t_get_excited_about_Windows_8_says_analyst"]Computerworld article[/URL] on the subject says, you shouldn't get excited about anything in those leaked slides. You're likely to end up disappointed. If any of you can remember back to …

Member Avatar for little marine

I didn't find any place to search to see if my question has been asked already. I am a student taking MS Access 2007. I created a report in layout view. I need to use conditional formatting but it is grayed out.Can some help me so I can use conditional …

Member Avatar for qcdennis
Member Avatar for Smalls

k, what i'm trying to do is create a windows service to run in the background to monitor [URL="http://www.vmware.com/products/player/"]vmplayer.exe[/URL] to see if it is running or not. then if it is running, then turn on the various hardware, software, and services it needs/uses to run, and if it is not …

Member Avatar for carrythe1

Hi, I know the code for this post is quite long, but I thought it would be best to be comprehensive about what i'm trying to do as i'm not exactly an expert in this area of programming. I'm stuck trying to work out how to get windows hook procedures …

Member Avatar for carrythe1
Member Avatar for thangasiva

I would like to add code to open the form to the on click event of an unbound OLE object. I know I can easily make a button to open the form and place it in the form , I just thought it would be nice to use this shape, …

Member Avatar for khess

Is it true that, if you speak up for GNU/Linux on the Desktop, you get flamed? I just had a virtual conversation with someone who claims that this assertion is fact. I've never experienced this anti-Desktop Linux sentiment or maybe my memory has failed me. I don't think the Linux …

Member Avatar for AtomFusion
Member Avatar for coolla

can anyone help as how to use dsn less connection(c#) using ms data acess in dot net. also i need to know where to use that code .. i need my window application which i have created using c # to make it run on different servers.

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for thangasiva

[COLOR="Green"]Hi, forums I'm not much familiar at access(and English too). And pleases give me the VBA code and needed property settings to my OLE unbounded object control( step by step). 1. my access version is 2007 2. database file name is 'tense db'. 3. i created my OLE unbounded control- …

Member Avatar for Gupta3281

[code=sql]Select * from Merit where cat='GEN' order by snum[/code] in this querry, i hav a problem as "No value given or required paramenter" due to snum fiels the Datatype of snum is Numeric

Member Avatar for bhrain

Hello Every one! i'm trying to encrypt my ms access database using the encrypt tool in ms access2003. After i encrypt it, i want to decrypt it, using visual basic so that i could run my visual basic forms. Can somebody help me how to do it? Thank you very …

Member Avatar for bhrain
Member Avatar for EddieC

If you're a whiz at Web design and have time to enter a contest, you could be one of three finalists to have your team flown to the [url=http://live.visitmix.com/]MIX10 conference[/url] Las Vegas, where you'll collect your US$50,000. The winner also goes to New York City to attend the annual [url=http://www.webbyawards.com/]Webby …

Member Avatar for justcrowd2010
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[URL="http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/23/hp-goes-nutsie-for-melodeo-pays-30-million-for-music-streaming-service/?utm_source=SNSanalytics&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=Tech+News"]HP purchased streaming music service Melodeo[/URL] today for $30M. Big whoop you might say, but if you look at this purchase in the context of other recent purchases including [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/28/hp-buys-palm/"]Palm[/URL] earlier this year, it shows a clear pattern. HP wants to be a playah in the mobile market and they …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for khess

I know it sounds crazy but the Linux Desktop isn't dead, it's just pining. It's pining for the correct platform--a tablet computer. And, I'm not referring to some cheap imitation tablet that will merely satisfy a few observers and nerdlets who use Linux. I'm thinking of a tablet computer for …

Member Avatar for pogson
Member Avatar for keeda

Hi, I have created a data entry user form in MS Access 2007 which pulls out and puts in data from/in 3 different tables, When I create a new form(a new record should be created in all 3 forms with my primary key), I can enter data in fields from …

Member Avatar for Dilton1958
Member Avatar for mahesham

Hi, My code opens Excel 97-2003 version Excel file correctly, but gives error when the Excel file is in 2007 (*.xlsx) format. How to solve this? - Mahesh

Member Avatar for mahesham
Member Avatar for Agapelove68

Greetings to everyone: For some reason I read the bad/nasties forced you to move, so new ones whom wanted to introduce themselves could not accomplish that. I was told to introduce myself here. I posted an earlier thread about an office. I already know about open office.org, here's the problem. …

Member Avatar for vamsikrishna20

Hello, i am working with vs2008 (web application) and I want to copy some content from an excel sheet and and using the clipboard i want to copy the contents in a gridview I have tried using Clipboard.GetDataObject() but no matter what ever i do it is always returning null …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Let me warn you I'm in a bit of an ornery mood today. So when I learned Microsoft is coming out with a refresh of Hotmail this week, you can understand I was less than enthused. Every time Microsoft refreshes a product, the technology press gets all excited about it …

Member Avatar for Lectricblue
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I made this program during forum discussion for accessing configuration relative to module directory, not main program's position (which can be accessed by sys.argv[0]'s directoryname). As the thread is closed I post my proves as code snippet.

Member Avatar for leverin4

I have a web application that links to Microsoft Access and opens one of five databases depending on which button is clicked. I coded it on my machine in Visual Web Developer 2008 and it works exactly as expected when ran on my machine, but when I move the files …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for guyanese4life

I am using the .Net 4.0 and excel 2003 How can i use an oledb connection to retrieve the cell format of an excel spreadsheet... I specifically want to find out if a cell column (or cell itself) is in a numeric percentage format. I cannot seem to find this …

Member Avatar for bboscobb

[url]http://arnotinteractive.com/mayakaimal/httpdocs/recipes_coconutTEST.html[/url] In IE7/Windows the left vertical navbar disappears. I have used every hasLayout trick I know. Can anyone put a finger on it? I'm working with legacy code to complicate matters... Style sheet: [url]http://arnotinteractive.com/mayakaimal/httpdocs/alt_styles.css[/url] Help! I'm swamped! bb

Member Avatar for karameloso
Member Avatar for Mrgrinch12

I have a database using Access 2003 for the front end and MySQL to store and process all the online queries for the website. Several of the queries I run on the database are done daily as part of creating the data tables to support the site. Some of these …

Member Avatar for zilonox

I have an application that uses an *.accdb file as the back-end database. Connecting to and retrieving data from the access file is not an issue and is working quite well. However, as a precaution, I have the application first check to make sure the database file exists in the …

Member Avatar for zilonox
Member Avatar for ame1904

Hi I have designed a database for use in an academic arena, but I have come across a problem that I can't find an answer to in the help files or on the web. I think it is something really simple but frustrating to put right! I have designed a …

Member Avatar for ame1904
Member Avatar for werks

Hi there. how can i limit the value of records in Access. Is there a LIMIT function in Access like in MySQL? tnx in advance..

Member Avatar for wellsantos
Member Avatar for emperor43

I'm trying to connect to devices on a network through TCP , one is a wireless device with limited capabilities (a 802.11g transceiver with an incorporated SoC ) or the client and the other is a normal pc , the server . As the client is meant to be in …

Member Avatar for emperor43
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Sometimes you look at the morning's headlines and wonder what exactly a particular CEO was thinking when they made a certain statement. Recently we've had these gems from seasoned CEOs: [LIST] [*][URL="http://www.mediaite.com/online/yahoo-ceo-carol-bartz-tells-michael-arrington-to-fk-off-video/"]Carol Bartz told Michael Arrington of Tech Crunch to f**k off.[/URL] [*][URL="http://blogs.computerworld.com/16249/steve_ballmer_admits_microsoft_is_number_five_in_the_mobile_race"]Steve Ballmer admitted his company was number 5 …

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Member Avatar for iskalabatoto

ok,i accidentally plugged my usb(accessible) out because i'm in rush..after few hours,i plugged back again, nothing happened...i mean,NO AUTOPLAY,NO ACCESS unlike before. I can't see any drive in My Computer.when i go to Device Manager>USB controllers...there is one icon there with a "yellow !"..thinking it's my usb, i always tried …

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The End.