434 Topics

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Member Avatar for Icetigris

I'm learning OpenGL for a class and for the lulz and I'm trying to write a program that does the following: -Open a 500x500 window with a 10x10 grid of black squares with a 1 pixel white border around them. (done, works) -Make the window resize without it going wonky. …

Member Avatar for CoolGamer48
Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for mjmythili

Hii, can u plz help me how to generate and bind texture for Quadric Object like Cylinder, sphere. How to mention Texture Coordinates for this Quadrics.

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for venomlash

I cannot link GL Utility Toolkit (lack know-how), so I need a way using only [ICODE]gl/gl.h[/ICODE] and [ICODE]windows.h[/ICODE] to get keyboard input. Help please!

Member Avatar for zhelih
Member Avatar for Jau

Hi all on my first post! I've a little issue with my final year project, i need to "translate" some STP code (Solid Works) in a simply 3 points coordinates that can be easy understood by Opengl (x,y,z). I would know if there is some application, dll or open library …

Member Avatar for depsch

I am writing a plugin for motionbuilder and need to use some opengl toolkits which are based on Glut. The problem I have is that inside motionbuilder I already have a window and an opengl context created using the SDK for motionbuilder. But with Glut it wants to create its …

Member Avatar for depsch
Member Avatar for jetru

Hey, I just started learning OpenGL. I have a problem understanding the coordinate system. [code] glVertex2d(1,2); [/code] Now obviously, the coordinates aren't in pixels. The problem is I want to mark pixels on my windows and I can't figure how to do this. How big is one unit? I tried …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for likeno1

[B]How can I load an image to my code so i can make it as a background or I apply any function on it like rotate and scale only what I need is the function to load a(.jpeg or .bmp) and where to put it in my code[/B] #include "stdafx.h" …

Member Avatar for death_oclock

I am trying to write an openGL application from a tutorial I found and tried to copy it as accurately as possible without just copy+pasting it, so I can actually learn the code. The source file from the tutorial compiles and runs perfectly, but my code fails at a call …

Member Avatar for cmoodc

hi I have a practical exam after 1 hour and i dont know how can i write a 3D rotate function 3D scale 3D translate i need it in general form our teacher has a weak knowledge about his subject plz anyone can help me

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for Chaster

Hi everyone, I created a quite complex model in 3d studio max, then I converted it to an .obj file. In 3dsm I put the textures, everything looks fine. Then, when I load the object file it's gray again. I tried the following: - read the texture file (BMP) - …

Member Avatar for darkagn

Hi all, I have done some development in OpenGL in the C++ platform and was thinking about trying my hand at DirectX which I have heard is a bit more challenging than OpenGL. From what I have read, DirectX seems to be the more popular format so I was wanting …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for cjwenigma

Hello.. I'm trying to use OpenGL to draw the great pyramid model and have it rotate.. i'm having trouble with my points as you can see they are commented out. I'm also trying to figure out how to turn the eye point and how to rotate it... here are my …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for cmoodc

given the equations is it possible to develop midpoint algorithm for: hyperbola :ellipse :parabola :circle ??

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for cmoodc

hi all I need a help in my first h.w //write a function using opengl that draw a cube of size 50 pixels anyone can help me thanx

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello About half year ago I was interested in Direct3D 9/10 programming, but I released that DX isnt for me. Im not really interested into a game development. I know C/C++ basics, some Win32 API and some QT4 basics. Now, I'd like to try OpenGL. I am looking for a …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Colin Mac

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what [B]glLoadIdentity[/B](); does in OpenGL . This is a quote from the Redbook. "Recall that the viewing transformation is analogous to positioning and aiming a camera. In this code example, before the viewing transformation can be specified, the current matrix is set to …

Member Avatar for Grigor
Member Avatar for Ospreyluvr

I have heard a lot about OpenGL. I was just wondering if anybody could tell me what the pros and cons of it were.

Member Avatar for Grigor
Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer

I have a program that I made with OpenGL, but it doesn't work on PCs that don't have OpenGL installed. Is there a way to embed the necessary OpenGL files into the .exe file through the compiler?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Cerberus

I've been trying to install JOGL but can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone give me a simple expanation of how to install it please.

Member Avatar for kharri5

I was trying to do AVI from openGL on my computer and decided to try out lesson 35 of the NeHe tutorial: [url]http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=35[/url] Well I tried using my own video, and I tried using the video (Face2.avi) he supplied, but both of them crap out on this line: pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(pavi, NULL); …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Tauren

Fist of all I need links lol... How do I use openGL? How do I compile the stuff without getting error? NEED HELP!!!:?: :?: :?:

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jt0865

Hi,this is the problem I have in my computer, when I try to use anything on 3D I get this message,that says I need a least opengl 1.1 in the system to view 3D images. Thank you.

Member Avatar for DavidRyan
Member Avatar for jc23

i hv 1 assignement which need to do the finite element analysis by using Borland C++..and openGL.. but i dun know what source code shoul i use to solve the finite element analysis in Borland C++ and openGL.. pls help me!!thanx for help..

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jc23

hi..i'm facing some problem to draw morh's circle by using opengl in Borland C++.. i'm able to draw 3 circles which is 2 small circle "in" 1 big circle..but may i know tat can i insert a formula into openGL to find out the radius for these 3 circle automatically? …

Member Avatar for jc23
Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I am trying to develop a In-Game Music Controller, controls music players for gamers, but I am having trouble figuring out how I can make a UI that would come up over the game so that a person could use it without having to minimize it (sort of like xfire). …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for BlackManta

Hi all. I have been trying to teach myself a little opengl and I have the Visual C++ 2005 express edition. Now I am sure the the biggest problem is the express part, but I downloaded the windows SDK like another thread suggested. I also used the #pragma command (I …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for amrfalcon2004

The End.