176 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]22256[/ATTACH]England just scraped to a hard fought win against a physical and enthusiastic Argentina side in their opening match of the 2011 Rugby World Cup campaign in New Zealand. But while sports fans the world over get excited about how their country is performing in the initial pool group matches, …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for anuran

iam building a training set for spam filtering using java,training set data is given as words in text files in one folder,but im unable to debug whats going wrong in java collections [CODE]/* *folder part 1 conatins various text files having name format * **spmsg***.txt and ***legit***.txt e.g 11927legit569.txt ,106127spmsgc26 …

Member Avatar for anuran
Member Avatar for Tigermes

Hello guys, I am using php mail form where visitors contact with the registered site members. Searching for a solution to avoid unwanted spam messages. Is there a way to put in code which deny sending messages from custom mail ids? Thanks in advance. Using this post to great thank …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi Friends, I am having one contact-us php script. Here i have used php mail function to send email to admin. Even-though i have also used captcha coding, admin is still continuously getting spam (dummy texts) contact us emails. Actually I am not sure how spammers do such activity. If …

Member Avatar for Batch Devil
Member Avatar for dietdew12z

Hi, I'm normally over on the PHP board but this one is definitely a javascript issue. The thread title doesn't quite cover my issue, so I'll try to explain a little further. I built a website for a client who tells me that when he hovers over a word on …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for striker_1

Dear All, Please Help me, An E-mail was automatically sent to all contacts that were added in my accounts, That e-mail contain a malicious link inside it. I also received this e-mail on my yahoo account because my yahoo ID was also added in contacts of my AOL id, I …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to set up a text message newsletter on my website. The basics of it are someone submits their number and I can go in and send out a message to a list of the numbers. I want to know the best method of going about this. I …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi, I need some help with this because it's driving my friends crazy. My Yahoo email account was hacked by this spammer and I can't get rid of the virus by using Kaspersky anti-virus, running the full scan. The trojan keeps using my email address to spam my friends with …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

[B]What's up?[/B] We've been having a big problem with Russian spammer for the last few days. You may have seen some posts they made with mainly porn and/or drug-links in them. We're currently struggling to keep up with the enormous amount of spam being posted, so I thought I'd ask …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Queen007

I would like to ask is it beneficial having a lot of comments from the same website with a great ranking in alexa(400,00) but different IP address and different email address?

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Feast or famine (probably famine); 2009 should be another interesting year for the tech sector. After all, any industry that can provide sexual performance drugs (Viagra) for the CIA to give to Afghan warlords is always going to find room on the front pages of every news outlet in the …

Member Avatar for sophieharris
Member Avatar for Queen007

Hi, !! I have installed a new comment platform [B]Intense Debate[/B] in one of my blog and I don't really understand why people are not using platform for comment in my blog. However I'm still able to switch comment to the Wordpress platform(Comment Luv) so every time I need to …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for Agapelove68

I know you can't believe everything you read, especially if it's classified as an Advertisement. While surfing the Web two days ago, I found an advertisement stating, "Death to the PC" I believe I was at a MSN Website. It also stated two major companies behind it that I don't …

Member Avatar for Agapelove68
Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

Anybody here a fan of Chuck? I'm a pretty big fan - behind at the moment, but I've seen every episode except the last two. Giving our geeky hero superpowers was a risky move on the show's part, but it is still entertaining so far. I also liked his third …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for happygeek

Most spam continues to be drugs related, yet it is aimed at workers in the automotive industry. The United States, traditionally king of malware infected email, has dropped like a lead balloon to be overtaken by the UK. And workers prefer to download stuff on the move and get their …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for nhanotia
Member Avatar for happygeek

Warnings have been issued today not to complete a customer satisfaction survey that appears to come from McDonald's and promises cash for your answers. A bit like fast food itself, something that looks appetising and promises a quick fix is often not actually that good for you. [attach]17019[/attach]IT security and …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It's not the first time that Johnny Depp has died according to the Internet, but this time he is not alone. According to an ongoing online campaign, celebrities including Beyonce, Bon Jovi, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and David Beckham have all been killed in tragic circumstances. Perhaps surprisingly [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/thread306364.html"]Lady Gaga …

Member Avatar for liamfriel

Hello, Bandwidth on one of our sites was severely messed with on the 28th of this month. The cpanel only tracks daily access logs and didnt archive them(it does now), using aw stats I found our bot traffic to be as follows: Googlebot 145686+43 7.47 GB 28 Jul 2010 - …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The 48,727 [URL="http://twitter.com/nasa_astronauts"]followers of the NASA Astronaut account on Twitter[/URL] expect to hear about updates on astronaut activity and get some personal insight from the astronauts themselves. They probably were not expecting to be bombarded by spacemen offering to sell them plasma and LCD flat-screen TVs at bargain prices however. …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Viral videos are usually a great laugh, which is why they spread so quickly and the reason they get called viral in the first place. But the laughter soon stops when the bad guys use the lure of a viral video to launch a clickjacking attack. [attach]15852[/attach]Security researchers at Sophos …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Stand up if you like paying your income tax. To all of you who have remained seated, which I will assume is indeed all of you, I have some more bad news: the bogus tax collectors want your money as well, and now they have botnets helping them. [attach]15770[/attach]According to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

New [URL="http://www.getsafeonline.org"]research carried out on behalf of Get Safe Online[/URL], a national Internet security awareness initiative backed by the UK Government and the Serious Organised Crime Agency, has revealed that 30 percent of Internet users are putting themselves at risk when they book a holiday online. [attach]15742[/attach]Get Safe Online and …

Member Avatar for newsguy

If you get an email purporting to come from Twitter suggesting that you have forgotten your password, even though you know exactly what it is, you will not be alone. It would appear that around 55,000 people have already received these fake notifications which, as if you haven't guessed, are …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for GrimJack

I have some 'interesting' medical problems - someone told me to try homeopathy, that would cure me. Homeopathy is one of the worst scams with the most bizarre process I have ever run across (even more ridiculous than scientology): take a healthy adult and give them increasing doses of a …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for happygeek

Rather amazingly, just one crime syndicate stands accused of being responsible for some two thirds of all detected phishing attacks carried out during the last six months of 2009. The so-called Avalanche gang, according to a new report by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), used highly sophisticated malware to target …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Who wants some forged educational documents that will help you get a job in some foreign country? The answer, it would seem, is lots and lots of people. At least that would explain why spam advertising fake diplomas has topped the list of junk mail subject matter for China, South …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to new figures, published today by [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL], something strange has happened in the world of spam: China has dropped out of the list of the world's worst spam relaying countries for the first time ever. The Sophos 'Dirty Dozen Spammers' list has become something of a staple diet for …

Member Avatar for jennypitts
Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest MessageLabs spam index reveals that relative to its market share, any given Linux machine is five times more likely to be sending spam than any given Windows machine. But what are the facts behind those headline grabbing numbers and can Windows really get off the hook that easily? …

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The End.