784 Topics
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Hello guys Tell me about ODP/ODPR and what's it work? | |
I recently changed hosts for one of my web sites. Signed up for a three-year term and all the bells and whistles. When I logged into cPanel, the account came with five e-coupons for advertising: Google AdWords, Facebook, Bing/Yahoo!, Miva, and Bidvertiser. I am definitely not going to turn down … | |
How do you promote your business at Christmas time? What are the results? Good/bad experience? | |
For webmasters out there, most find that dealing with an ad network is the best/easiest way to go. In many cases it is. You just slap some code on your site and then you get a check in the mail. Most of the sales stuff was already done for you, … | |
i am very new to the online business world and am looking for any help i could get with where i can advertise, my business is adult oriented,. Also if there are any sites the can help me with html stuff for designing my website better. Any and all help … | |
[b]Internet marketing[/B] is referred as an online marketing of products or services of the products over the internet. The advertisement of the product can be made and the immediate response can be viewed. The complete marketing benefit has bought by internet which provides lower cost for the distribution of information … | |
Market Segmentation strategy is a lot easier on the web than most would consider. In the past, advertisers would have to bid on traditional media space in order to market to specific markets. If you were selling Count Chocula, you would have to be in children's magazines or advertise during … | |
What is digital signage software? and now a days it's very popular in the field of advertising, marketing etc. | |
Is is better for me to write and article and post it on my blog or give it away to another higher traffic blog with a byline. What are your experiences? | |
DFP Small Business offers a feature where you can display a creative on a page of your site, for testing purposes. This feature always worked using the Google Ad Manager tag. However, it completely doesn't work using the asynchronous version of the Google Publisher Tag (with single request enabled). Has … | |
Hi guys, have a problem in here. Here's the story: My boss ask me to create a simple Opt-in form just with an email input field only. Then he gave me a subscription to aweber.com and ask me to create a list to keep track of those email being sent … | |
I am interested in learning, from a general layman's perspective, how directed or targeted marketers achieve the result of having relevant ads show up in my browser. I am interested in the general nuts and bolts. Situation #1 I look around for an herbal health supplement. This involves reading reviews … | |
Hello Everyone What I.S strategy you think blockbuster could implement to put up some resistance against Netflix? What would you like them to do? Brainstrom Thanks | |
does anybody know how to get publisher account at doubleclick. their ads look very interesting and attractive. i want to have a publisher account at doubleclick, i visited their website and i saw so many options that i got totally confused. | |
Hi, We are using AD 2003 server x64. Created new certificate, exported it into a file and using a simple LDAP Browser or a java code when we try to bind through SSL it fails and we are getting an error called SSL handshake failed: Simple bind failed. Please help … | |
Today advertisement is overflowing the first message, like earlier version of Nokia browser, where quoted message is overflowing the new message. | |
Whenever I search something in Google and try clicking the links, it redirects to random advertisement websites that have nothing to do with what I searched for. This has been happening for several days and I don't know what caused it. I've installed HijackThis and here's the logfile: Logfile of … | |
Hi All, I need desperate help. I have a group "MyGroupABC" in Active Directory (AD). In this group there are close to 100 list of users. How can i write a logic to actually to get me the list of users with their particulars details such as Name, SN, GivenName, … | |
Microsoft has revealed a new, more comprehensive street view system, dubbed Street Slide, set to compete with Google's Street View and Bing Maps' Streetside.[ATTACH]16203[/ATTACH]According to [URL="http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/street_slide/index.html"]Microsoft[/URL], the Google and Bing systems only allow users to view city streets via an immersive 360-degree panorama or "bubble." And users can travel down … | |
Good day! I was impressed by the comments of this site about PPC. I want to build my own PPC site too with ads on it.I know how to build a website..But the question is, is this the right start for me to do PPC to have extra revenue?The main … | |
Here is the thing, as you might know AdMob has a `AdSize.*` function, where u put `Banner` to show banner ads, and AD_banner` for tablet banners, what i want to do is take a screen size of a device so that i could throw it in my if statement and … | |
Craigslist hosts classified ads of all kinds, including lengthy lists of [url=http://newyork.craigslist.org/sof/]developer's jobs in New York[/url] and the [url=http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sof/]San Francisco Bay area[/url]. But another type of job listing was in the spotlight today, and it's nice to know there's at least [i]one[/i] person out there who's thinking clearly. A judge … | |
As the Marketing trends and tactics are changed with the passage of time and the Main Medium of communication with groups and individual has become Mobile Phone and people care about its updates like text messages so the Advertising Agency discovered Mobile Marketing as the most instant and simplest way … | |
What are the best methods and trick to attract and retain the customers for longer period over the site after serving him once? I recently introduced some quiz over there for my previous customers. | |
I've an app with Admob banner implemented in it. I can see ads in android emulators and devices, but i can't get the ads in Samsung Galaxy tab , anyone has any idea why is it so?? | |
We all know what Web 1.0 was about. Essentially that's when the web was born and we were able to retrieve information from various sites. Web 2.0 changed the whole dynamic of how we use the internet as end users allowing us to store data, software applications within the browser, … | |
Hello community! My first post here. (might probably have been under c#.. filename.asp.cs) I have a web AD management project undergoing as I am currently at testing.. the interface *yay* Extent of the project; pulling a list of employees managed by Mr X. Edit specific fields. I'm building my interface … | |
Is it professionally ethical to advertise the name of the web developer/web development company on a client's web site when the developer has designed the site? I ask because I built a web site for a local non-profit and shared it with a friend. My friend said that my name … | |
I'm sure many of you who use Pandora wonder why it hasn't been sucked up by Microsoft, Google or Apple. For those of you who don't even know what Pandora is, it is a internet radio station that uses algorithms to fit your music tastes. How does it fit your … | |
Trying to get a general idea of how many keywords people other than myself generally target for a single PPC ad campaign. How does it affect your CTR? What is your "rule of thumb?" |
The End.