1,394 Topics
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It might sound strange to you that something called [URL="http://www.googlesharing.net/"]Google Sharing[/URL] could actually protect your privacy rather than compromise it. But that's exactly what Google Sharing does; protect your privacy. By acting as a proxy service when you communicate with [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL], you essentially block information from being delivered to Google. … | |
![]() | Hey, before everything, sorry about my english, i will do my best I'm really new at this, i just want to know where i should start learning about security, control of ports, control the sockets already initialized for other program, viruses, spywares, hack, nukes, etc.. I'm just asking for sources(i … |
I have safari, explorer, and firefox and none of these browsers can connect to these sites. I use Noton as an anti virus and zonealarm as a firewall. All of these problems started when my Norton subscription ran out. I went to the norton site to renew it and i … | |
Despite having recently been [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story273853.html"]cast as the villain of the piece[/URL] by some high profile members of the Free and Open Source Software community, IBM has just revealed itself as actually being something of a crime-fighting superhero. The Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice is following in the footsteps of … | |
Over the weekend, software development and collaboration tools specialist Atlassian suffered a security breach to an internal system, potentially exposing customer passwords. The reason? It forgot about an old legacy database which had not been taken offline. According to Atlassian spokesperson [URL="http://blogs.atlassian.com/news/2010/04/oh_man_what_a_day_an_update_on_our_security_breach.html"]Mike Cannon-Brookes[/URL] the company had migrated its customer database … | |
I am mostly following this page: [url]http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/ssl-howto.html[/url] I used this command to create the keystore keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore /etc/tomcat6/keystore and answered the prompts Then i edited my server.xml file and uncommented/edited this line [code] <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="/etc/tomcat6/keystore" keystorePass="tomcat" /> … | |
In March, Facebook proposed that there should be a number of changes to its privacy policy in order to allow it eventually share personal data with 'pre-approved' third party websites. Such information, should you be logged into Facebook and then connect to a third party website, as your name, gender, … | |
Now there's a challenge for [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] hardware fans who don't necessarily love the "upgraded" iPhone OS: Install Linux on it. It might be possible but the hard part is getting past the A4 processor. Is there a Linux kernel tweaked for it? Why would you want to run Linux on … | |
so some day i want to hand code a security program(anti-virus probably). but i dont know where to start on theory and actual code. Where should i start and what language is most common? Where did you start if you have been in the same bind i have? thanks to … | |
[attach=right]14252[/attach]So after [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story265727.html"]all the hype[/URL] you've got an iPad, I guess you'll be wanting to break it then? Jailbreak it, that is, so as to set it free from Apple imposed restrictions and allow you to install non-approved software. Jailbreaking is popular amongst iPhone users, and has been since soon … | |
Hello there everyone, I need your immediate help. My relative's laptop just got infected by a rootkit in my opinion. He told me he was on a website and then the page just changed by itself and it took him to another page. Now here are the symptoms that I … | |
A news [URL="http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=135404&provider=top"]article [/URL]was making the Facebook rounds today, warning about a site called [URL="http://www.spokeo.com/"]Spokeo.com [/URL]that aggregates publicly available information. "It can list your address, a picture of your home, how much it cost, how long you have lived there, your approximate age and income, your relationship status and more," … | |
The annual [URL="http://cansecwest.com/"]CanSecWest PWN2OWN[/URL] hacking contest has [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story270028.html"]done it again[/URL] and provided us news types with the perfect headline writing opportunity as the Apple iPhone falls to the hackers in just 20 seconds. The hackers in question, Vincenzo Iozzo and Ralf Weinmann, picked up the prize of $15,000 and an … | |
[ATTACH=right]14127[/ATTACH] [I]We can be Heroes For ever and ever What d'you say ~David Bowie, Heroes [/I] Yesterday afternoon I read with some surprise that [URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/24/AR2010032401543.html"]domain registrar Go Daddy was following Google out of China[/URL]. It seems they had had quite enough of the Chinese government's restrictions, and like Google, decided … | |
As the saying goes, a man (and presumably a woman) is known by the company he keeps. In fact, last [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story224479.html"]fall [/URL]some MIT students did a study where they demonstrated that they could tell someone's sexual orientation by the sexual orientation of their friends on Facebook and other social networking … | |
With the annual Pwn2Own hacking event due to kick off tomorrow, Mozilla has confirmed that Firefox 3.6 has an unpatched critical vulnerability. The fact that Pwn2Own competitors will not be able to exploit this vulnerability to claim the Firefox hacking prize will be of no interest to the millions of … | |
It's not exactly news that the relationship between Google and China has soured over the last month or two and it looks as though [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/147096/2010/03/china_google.html?lsrc=rss_main"]Google may quit China soon[/URL] leaving the vastly lucrative Chinese market to Microsoft and others. What's not clear is what the implications will be for the … | |
Today the cyber security experts at [URL="http://www.symantec.com/about/news/release/article.jsp?prid=20100322_01"]Norton announced the top 10 riskiest U.S. cities for cybercrime[/URL]. The next time you pay a bill or update your status on Facebook you might want to look over your shoulder [virtually]. It seems Seattle, Boston, San Francisco and Washington D.C. are the riskiest … | |
There's a disturbing story kicking around the UK wires at the moment - young people are hacking into other people's computers purely for fun. Here's the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8574259.stm"]BBC's take on it[/URL]. I saw the PR person who organised the survey only last week and can confirm she's not a time waster, … | |
A new survey has revealed that while 78 percent of them agree that it is wrong, a quarter of the kids asked admitted that hacking really is child's play. The survey of more than 1000 children discovered that the boy hacker stereotype no longer holds true, with 47 percent of … | |
Hi I spent the morning hacking together the basic components of my own MVC framework, which currently only parses a url, loads the class and calls the right method... Because I obviously dont want someone to be able to access the 'add/remove' methods associated with future classes, i need to … | |
If it were not bad enough that the Iowa Division of Homeland Security official website was hacked, defaced and forced to close down temporarily it appears that another Iowa state government resource was also compromised a few weeks before. At the end of January the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission … | |
Google has today launched a new Beta version of the [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/03/22/google-chrome-stands-alone-at-pwn2own/"]Chrome browser[/URL], adding brand new privacy controls into the mix. You have to admit it's great timing, what with Microsoft this week making the 'browser ballot' screen available in European version of Windows giving users the option to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253418.html"]switch from … | |
I've seen a collection of articles about computer security breaches originating from China and would like to give a report from the ITYS Foundation. ITYS, for the unaware, is "I Told You So." I've discussed the use of Linux on the desktop for years, touting its security, stability, thousands of … | |
Call the National Guard. On second thoughts, call someone else. After all, it is the National Guard which has somehow managed to lose an archival data disk containing five years worth of staff records covering some 15,000 personnel. The US National Guard is now recommending that any current and former … | |
Hallo there i wan to make my ldap connect with the client pc's over ssl (like this one) [URL="http://www.openldap.org/pub/ksoper/OpenLDAP_TLS.html#4.0"]http://www.openldap.org/pub/ksoper/OpenLDAP_TLS.html#4.0[/URL] or this one [URL="http://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#cert-self"]http://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#cert-self[/URL] i have already made a self signed key and all the steps i found through the internet... but when i try to do one of the last … | |
According to figures revealed with the publication of the [URL="http://www.ibm.com/security/xforce"]IBM X-Force 2009 Trend and Risk Report[/URL], not only do web application vulnerabilities remain the largest category of security disclosure for the last year but, worryingly when you consider that the number of such vulnerabilities found by organisations has not decreased … | |
It may only have impacted a "small number of users" for a "short period of time" as a Facebook spokesperson put it, but by pushing out buggy code the social networking giant created a potentially huge privacy problem for those whose accounts it did touch upon. Considering that Facebook has … | |
Those of us who can remember when Internet access meant slow dial-up modems connecting via pay per minute service providers will also be all too familiar with the concept of the porn dialler. For the youngsters out there, these took advantage of the fact that most punters had no idea … | |
Chip and PIN credit card attack leaves banks on shaky ground according to one analyst, although oddly enough the banks appear to disagree. Researchers at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory have revealed how the Chip and PIN credit card security system is flawed and left vulnerable to fraud. Steven … |
The End.