1,394 Topics

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Wow. That's quite a statistic, but there it is in front of me jumping off the pages of the latest [URL="http://bit.ly/b2rUFg"]global State of Enterprise Security study[/URL] from Symantec. The two lines shining so brightly and grabbing my attention read "75 percent of organizations experienced cyber attacks in the past 12 …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Hi guys, as per title above, im at my wits end after a week of thoughts.... i want to download a file from a SSL web to my local(C:\) e.g [url]https://www.abc.com/File/myfile.txt[/url] Scenario: from the web browser(Internet Explorer), i required to login to the site in order to download the file. …

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Member Avatar for khess

Responses (from another site) on my recent, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story261566.html"]Security Alert: They Should Have Used Linux[/URL]" led me to explore the conclusion that hacking is really only for those seeking the low-hanging security fruit as their prey. These folks, who tout themselves as "Linux Experts" intrigued me so much with their comments …

Member Avatar for marqueue
Member Avatar for newsguy

Twitter users are being warned not to click the links in a Direct Message which has been circulating in large numbers since late Saturday. The message simply says either "LOL, is this you?" or "LOL, this is funny" or "ha ha, u look funny on here" and has a link …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Botnets are bad for business, and that's the bottom line. The news that a botnet called Kneber has infected 75,000 computers including government and business machines has been spreading online. But while many, if not most, of these reports are claiming that Kneber is a new botnet the truth is …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=57438&o"]Someone sued Google[/URL] the other day for violating her privacy with the original implementation of Google Buzz. You see, when you first opened Google Buzz last week, Google looked at the people you most frequently email or chat with and used that list of people to seed your followers list. …

Member Avatar for leahmarie
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I know this isn't really funny but someone has set up a website called [URL="http://pleaserobme.com"]pleaserobme[/URL]. And I'm delighted. Why am I delighted? Because it's there to tell people what I've been telling people for ages, including through my [URL="http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1906465703?tag=crimebookshopcom&camp=1406&creative=6394&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1906465703&adid=0FFR50HXSMFQ1B7244X3&"]social media book[/URL]. Specifically, could everyone STOP ANNOUNCING THEIR HOLIDAYS THROUGH SOCIAL …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for anAppBuilder

I have an .exe that I want people to be able to download and run on Vista. It needs to run as admin. I have a web page with a 'Download' button. Assume I am logged in as an admin. I click the 'Download' button and IE8 asks whether to …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

40 million people were without power in the eastern United States, more than 60 million cellphones were out of service, and Wall Street was closed for a week due to a terrorist cyberattack against the United States. No, it didn't really happen. But it could. Coverage of a simulated cyber …

Member Avatar for apoorvatandon

Can somebody please suggest some good institutes which provide certifies course and training in information security.

Member Avatar for SillyBilly

I have a question, couple of years ago, I had a system failure and windows tech support help me fix it but had me do a lot of registry entries in windows recovery console. What ended up for the fix was he had me actually put the boot files on …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for connColl

Hello, <br /><br /> We are struggling with getting IIS 6 (Win 2003 server) to connect to a Samba share that contains some dynamically generated resources. We are able to mount the drive on the Windows server and create a Virtual Directory to that new drive using 'Connect As' with …

Member Avatar for apoorvatandon

What are the career prospects of information security? Is the job of information security expert lucrative? Somebody pls advice..

Member Avatar for kevin best

Hello all, I 'm new to network security and have few question to be clarified. I will appreciate if experts give me a proper defination. 1)Security incident has happened , a hacker 's hacked into a monitored network what should be done? 2)Definition of port scanning 3)Who's responsible for overall …

Member Avatar for Iamthedude
Member Avatar for newsguy

As Safer Internet Day comes to a close, one expert in the field warns that there can be no safety without security. John Colley is managing director of [URL="http://www.isc2.org/"](ISC)2[/URL], a non profit organisation which runs a program helping volunteers visit schools, clubs and parent evenings. They also support council appointed …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Websense Security Labs has [URL="http://community.websense.com/blogs/websense-features/archive/2010/02/01/websense-security-labs-report-state-of-internet-security-q3-q4-2009.aspx"]published[/URL] its bi-annual State of Internet Security report and, as usual, it makes for pretty interesting if somewhat scary reading. Covering the last six months of 2009, the report is based upon the findings of the ThreatSeeker Network which is used to discover, classify and monitor …

Member Avatar for janklaza
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a recent Kaspersky security research report, stolen [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story237081.html"]Twitter accounts[/URL] are being sold on the black market for as much as $1000 a time. This really should not come as any great surprise given that the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story231627.html"]evolution of social media[/URL] mirrors the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story238033.html"]evolution of cybercrime[/URL]. The price …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for happygeek

Three men have been arrested, and what is thought to be a training site for hackers closed down, as Chinese officials get tough in the wake of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story252590.html"]Google Gmail human rights hacking scandal[/URL]. While China has something of a history of being [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4434.html"]tough on political activists[/URL], online [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story235672.html"]multi-player gaming[/URL] …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It all kicked off last night with a [URL="http://hackersblog.org/2009/02/07/usakasperskycom-hacked-full-database-acces-sql-injection/"]posting to hacker board[/URL] claiming to have carried out a relatively simple SQL Injection attack on one the world's biggest and best known IT security companies: Kaspersky. The hacker, currently only know as 'unu' claims that the SQL Injection attack on usa.kaspersky.com …

Member Avatar for rayeesmkrayees
Member Avatar for Tech B

Everything works great. But sometimes I get an Error message saying something about ip/port bindings. I don't have the traceback but this could cause problems down the road. Any suggestions? [code] #Backdoor Server #Version 0.3.0 #Every now and the I get an Error dealing with the ip/port bindings # seems …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple has this week released a software update for the iPhone which addresses a total of five security vulnerabilities. But not, it would seem, the small matter of a year old glitch which could turn your iPhone into a spyPhone. First the good news, Apple has released [URL="http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4013"]iPhone OS 3.1.3[/URL] …

Member Avatar for happygeek

In an [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/jan/24/computer-security-crime-anonymous-datasets"]interview[/URL] with The Observer newspaper, Dr Ian Brown from the Oxford Internet Institute who is writing a report on anonymous datasets for the European Commission warns that "criminals could identify individuals through mobile phone data and use the information to track people's movements and find out when they …

Member Avatar for DeAnonym
Member Avatar for happygeek

It doesn't take a search genius to go and find [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253418.html"]plenty of reports[/URL] of how Internet Explorer is, how can I put this nicely, [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/11/22/ie-6-and-7-hit-by-hack-attack-code/"]not exactly the safest bet[/URL] if you are looking for the most secure browsing experience. Quite apart from anything else it has the biggest market share …

Member Avatar for khess

I love mythology and there's nothing like hearing a technology myth to make my day complete. Just today someone applied one of the following myths in a conversation with me. I didn't say anything but it gave me the idea for this post. Here are the five myths related to …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

I have a lot of passwords to get me onto various online sites and services, but I only need to remember one: the complex and hard to crack one that unlocks my encrypted password store. Not everyone is as paranoid as I am it seems, and many fall neatly into …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Yesterday [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3943.html"]I reported[/URL] how the security vendor Kaspersky had allegedly fallen victim to a SQL Injection attack, with the usa.kaspersky.com website hacked and plenty of data potentially exposed. I said that Kaspersky would no doubt make an official statement sooner rather than later, and it has. Unfortunately it is one …

Member Avatar for wildsniper
Member Avatar for happygeek

No sooner had the news of the untimely [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/28/that-michael-jackson-effect/"]death of Michael Jackson[/URL] hit the Internet than the vultures started circling. For once it was not the gossip columnists and tabloid journalists digging up the dirt, but rather spammers and hackers looking to exploit a golden opportunity to distribute their wares …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

I would like to think that anyone watching, reading or listening to news reports of the unfolding tragedy that is post-earthquake Haiti could not fail to be moved first to tears and then prompted to want to do something. Most people have responded by asking themselves 'what can I do …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for happygeek

Internet security giant Symantec has just published the latest [URL="http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/theme.jsp?themeid=threatreport"]Internet Security Threat Report[/URL], based on an in-depth analysis of global Internet traffic and email during the last six months. Beyond all the usual who is hosting what and where, how much malware is contained in spam and which threats are …

Member Avatar for paulanderson154
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Some might argue that it has been a bad year for encryption. After all, just as the last decade was ending came reports that the algorithm that is used to encrypt GSM mobile phone calls (as used by some 4 billion people around the world) had been cracked wide open. …

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The End.