198 Topics

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Member Avatar for wader

Please i need a professional to help me redesign www.fashionhouse.com.ng the last guy that worked on it is incompetent and just kept wasting my money. please i need this urgently, recommendations would be highly appreciated

Member Avatar for Heuhaufen
Member Avatar for mitz

Hi guys About 4 years ago I posted a question on this forum asking "[Can you really make money from Adsense?](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/pay-per-click-advertising/threads/109618/is-anyone-making-money-with-google-adsense)" Well that thread is still going strong but I thought I would just give you the answer to my own question. YES Over the years I have litterally studied …

Member Avatar for jennysmith01
Member Avatar for rkrishnan2012

Hey guys! I will be hosting an online hackathon next weekend. Please join (50 bucks reward if you win)... In this case, you are given a theme and you need to code something relevant to that theme. The coolest program will get the prize money. You are given 24hours to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![DFP_SmallBusiness_color](/attachments/small/3/DFP_SmallBusiness_color.jpg "align-left") Whether you own a small personal blog or a top 1000 website, the importance of monetizing your website to the fullest is essential. Depending on your needs and the type of website you have, there are a variety of ways to improve your ability to monetize, simplify your …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for dandcouk
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for technosaha
Member Avatar for awfootball7

I keep getting an error in my MoneyDemo class, it reads, "Method checkMoney in class Money cannot be applied to given types; required: no arguments; found int, int; reason:actual and formal argument lists differ in length" Also here is my list of objectives for the program which I'll be graded …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I'm having an issue echo out the `euro currency` sign with the price converted base on the `$exchange_rate = 0.7746;` Here is my code: <?php $currency = true; $format = '&euro; %2f'; $exchange_rate = 0.7746; function currency_valve($data) { $price = $data[1]; $cpercent = $data[2]; $cvalve = isset ($_GLOBALS['currency']) && …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the Sunday Telegraph [newspaper yesterday](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/9276699/Facebook-IPO-fight-back-begins-share-price-implausible-says-analyst.html ) "Morgan Stanley, Facebook’s lead financial adviser, ended the day with 162m shares, worth $6.16bn. Other banks including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs also bought shares, ending the day with $3.2bn and $2.4bn holdings respectively" which is kind of worrying when you step …

Member Avatar for TopCat23
Member Avatar for mcddewitt

Hello I am having trouble converting a long (cents) into currency format. My Code: l long doublePayment = 1099; //Should equal $10.99 DecimalFormat dFormat = new DecimalFormat(); String formattedString = dFormat.format(doublePayment); System.out.println(formattedString); Output: 1,099 I also tried: long doublePayment = 1099; NumberFormat n = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US); String s = n.format(doublePayment); System.out.println(s); …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jeets1892

Please take a look at the below code #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace std; double purchaseAmount; double paidAmount; float balance; int change, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, tenDollar, fiveDollar; // declare variables cout << "Enter Total purchased amount" << endl; cin >> purchaseAmount; cout …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for shiva4uf

> you need your infrastructure buildup just like any other business In this article i will tell about my method of earning online, how i am able to make 50$ to 100$ per week from clickbank with nominal investments. You may not be one of them, but a lot of …

Member Avatar for Aident364
Member Avatar for skp03

i want to design the Currency gadget .....that should work in all the operating system it should be something like installation application as shown in the above daigram so please help me out Thank you ![currency_converter](/attachments/small/3/currency_converter.png "align-right")

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for indopostingcom

Why my income from Adsense drop more than 80% in 2012? I thinks this caused by Panda and Penguin update. Does anyone has same experience like me? Please tell me your story.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for tibormarias

Hello Everyone, I have a website created by some specialists. Well I think that these professional website developers stiffed me. I mean, the website to create was quiet expensive, but it doesn't really work. They made a quiet good work though, the SEO of the site is critical I think. …

Member Avatar for sternone
Member Avatar for dcalladi

Hi Guys, I'm looking the syntax for a input mask that will allow me to input 1.23, 12.34, 123.45 into the JFormattedTextField i found something like ###.## but that doesn't work but something like ###-## wud work. just wondering if anyone knows how to do this with a mask or …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack"]Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks[/URL] are, sadly, not news these days; they are a fact of online life. But word of how the latest SpyEye Trojan-driven MITM attacks are using clever post transaction fraud systems to effectively erase the evidence of the crime from the victims' view certainly deserve to be. Attacking …

Member Avatar for nathanmcgill
Member Avatar for Contagious98

Guys, just a newbie programmer here. With 1 week experience in VB2008. I'd like to ask for assistance on making one of these inventory systems concepts. I hear its one of the basic programs a newbie can make. This will be made for students financial monitoring. Like how much they …

Member Avatar for Contagious98
Member Avatar for nickmi

Good afternoon Well my idea is simple.What i want to do is to create a currency converter.Pretty easy task, but i want the currency rate to be updated somehow by an external server, probably from an website.Although i have experience in programming i have no clue how to use an …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for happygeek

I know that Apple has been expending a lot of hot air telling anyone who will listen that the new iTunes pricing regime is a good thing for consumers. I know that it reckons that for every song which is ramped up to the new 99p (here in the UK) …

Member Avatar for Decidebay
Member Avatar for Octipus

All right. So i have child, parent, activity and register table and i want know how much money a parent will pay for his child if the child have 1 or more activities. So i came out with this code: [CODE]SELECT CONCAT_WS (' ', parent_title, parent_fname, parent_sname) AS 'Parent/Carer Name', …

Member Avatar for Octipus
Member Avatar for mprabuw

Hello Dani Web Forum, I'm really new to C. I have an assignment, which I think it's very hard to solve. I have to create a Currency Converter Program that reads data from txt files. The program should also be able to read arguments (argv[]). I'm really confused since it's …

Member Avatar for mprabuw
Member Avatar for sammry

I am currently able to achieve number format as 1,000,000,000 but I want to get it as 1,00,00,00,000. How can I achieve this? can some one help please. Currently I use as below. [CODE]<? echo number_format($row["SUM(Amount)"],0); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22151[/ATTACH]It would appear that a Florida bank has been the victim of a $13 million ATM heist, but just how did the cyber-robbers pull it off? Although the security breach which led to the ATM fraud itself seems to have taken place in March, and was disclosed in the first …

Member Avatar for Lightninghawk
Member Avatar for CoolPrizes

So I need help on how to calculate how much change to give back to a customer. I need the program to give change in the least bills and coins as possible. Ex. Customer's item costs $13.37. He/She pays $20. Program gives back: One $5 Bill One $1 Bill Two …

Member Avatar for CoolPrizes
Member Avatar for lhuynh39

i'm a total beginner and don't know how to do this: MYBANK ATM MENU FORMAT: You will be submitting the C++ code as a CPP file. The source code file should use self documenting code and additional comments (as required) to improve code readability. The source code file must contain …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16322[/ATTACH]This week players of Facebook games found themselves unexpectedly rewarded for their playtime. The frequent messages that Facebook has awarded the gamer with credits signals Facebook's push to implement [URL="http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=837"]Facebook Credits[/URL], a virtual currency intended to standardize payments across the multitude of Facebook applications. The push of the credits program …

Member Avatar for netvani
Member Avatar for laray.blog

We are small team developping websites. The last website we want to create is for forcing people to click on an ad or several ads (or by foollowing steps) so we can raise funds to buy copies of a game and give it for free to the 30th or so …

Member Avatar for laray.blog
Member Avatar for happygeek

A new botnet has been discovered which is not only targeting users of UK banks, but doing so in a new and worrying manner. Said to comprise of in excess of 100,000 infected machines, the Zeus 2 botnet is operated and controlled from Eastern Europe according to [URL="http://www.trusteer.com/company-overview"]secure browsing security …

Member Avatar for Voidz
Member Avatar for BeansForChowder

I need help building a program that displays full-time and part-time employees names and salaries when the user uses a radio button to choose either full-time or part-time employees. It's a program from the Getting Started with Visual Basic 2010 but I can't determine which part of the chapter specifies …

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The End.