285 Topics

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Member Avatar for pakidesigner

i have questions about certification exams of Photoshop. if any one have done do share your experience. how they may help your career. http://training.adobe.com/certification/exams/photoshop-cs6.html i am told by google this is the link from where we can register. http://www.pearsonvue.com/adobe/ if any one have done it please guide .

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for pwink44

I got a notice from "Lifelock" that stated Adobe announced last month that some of its customers' usernames and passwords had been stolen. The company says it reset the stolen passwords and notified its customers. Adobe also says the stolen data included credit-card information for some of its customers. That …

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Member Avatar for Benjamin_4
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Hi, What kind of effect is used in this following picture http://d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/2138_SimpleParallax/images/only_background_2.jpg? It is normal blurring using photoshop or any other effect? How can I apply this effect to my pictures? I've seen this kind of image effect used in the lasted iOS as well. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for keeleyb

Any thoughts will be most welcome. In PhpMyAdmin and Dreamweaver cs6. I would like the user of my site to be able to select a category from a list that is populated by PhpMyAdmin and then, his or her selection to reveal all of the items on the database in …

Member Avatar for keeleyb
Member Avatar for bhallarahul

Hello every I have adobe reader 9 and now i want to install adobe reader 11 for the same purpose i run given command sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install acroread but it gives Setting up acroread-common (9.5.4-1precise1) Noe how can done that donot …

Member Avatar for bhallarahul
Member Avatar for helionfrost

hi guys, I have IPad 2, and currently im using Bluefire reader for DRM PDFs and GoodReader for standard PDF's, I was hoping GoodReader can support DRM but it is not. Now am trying to find some Adobe DRM support ebook readers that is faster than BlueFire and lots of …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I am not for sure if I am posting in the correct room. I have a flash photo gallery question. I am making a flash webpage using CS4 using a previous and next button. Both the previous and next button work but one problem. It does not stop at …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999
Member Avatar for wfray

I cannot download adobe flashplayer on my Windows/XP - IE 8.0 system. Adobe's site says my config. is incompatible. It absolutely is not. I've a 3>0 Ghz processor; IE 8.0; 1.00 GB of RAM & 512 MB of graphics memory. Has anyone encountered this and found a work around?

Member Avatar for wfray
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17139[/ATTACH]NVIDIA's CUDA parallel computer architecture is picking up steam and quickly becoming one of the de-facto solution for producing high-end video content. When time is money, companies such as Industrial Light & Magic, and Adobe, cannot always cram every feature or pixel into the finished product. Most consumers might not …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for EddieC

Apple has done it again. This time with [URL= http://www.sproutcore.com/]SproutCore[/URL], a JavaScript framework that simplifies development of native-looking Web-based applications without the need for Flash or any other specialized runtime. Apple has reportedly contributed loads of resources to the project, which was originally developed by [URL= http://www.sproutit.com/]SproutIt[/URL] creator Charles Jolley. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I am getting a constant pop up prompt window to install Adobe Flash Player Pro.... I do not want to install this application as I already have the latest Flash Player installed, but it won't go away, and pops up repeatedly whenever I am on the computer. Is there a …

Member Avatar for raiderkiller
Member Avatar for VickyMilza

Hello Members, 1. Launch Adobe Acrobat from your desktop or laptop computer. 2. Open the document that you wish to grant user rights to. Click “File” from the top menu and select “Open.” Browse to the document of your choice, select it and click “Open.” 3. Click “Advanced” from the …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Sinju Moncy

We can provide an alternate GIF/PNG image, in case the user has no Adobe Flash installed and/or deactivated. <object id="flashcontent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550px" height="400px"> <param name="movie" value="myflashmovie.swf" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="myflashmovie.swf" width="550px" height="400px"> <!--<![endif]--> <p> Fallback or 'alternate' content goes here. This content will only be visible if the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16519[/ATTACH]As of August 3rd, users of 3DVIA Studio and 3DVIA Scenes can publish their work directly to Facebook with the click of a button. With 500 million Facebook users, that's quite a target audience to showcase and beta test your talent. “We have taken the guesswork out of launching 3D …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

According to new research from Kaspersky Lab, in the form of a report called [Evaluating the threat level of software vulnerabilities](http://media.kaspersky.com/documents/business/misc/Kaspersky_Lab_Report_Software_Vulnerabilities_final.pdf), 72% of Java users haven't switched to the latest, safest, version despite highly publicised vulnerabilities and resulting security exploits. ![dweb-java011](/attachments/small/0/dweb-java011.jpg "align-right") And it's not just Java, the report also …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mel.heitt
Member Avatar for preetg

Hi, I can not print pdf files from my system. I have windows xp sp3. When I did search over internet If I would uninstall adobe reader then I will be able to print pdf files. But my problem is this I dont see any adobe reader software in add …

Member Avatar for preetg
Member Avatar for samsnov

I instaled Adobe reader 10 in my Laptop and the next thing I saw ia that it took over all my desktop icons ,any thing that I click it try to open with Adobe reader and ask me to associate Adobe reader with a programe before it can work, even …

Member Avatar for stormal1
Member Avatar for kulandaiyesu
Member Avatar for GazzaCurran

Hello, Firstly ill give you a background of what im trying to do and the layout of the banner/header Right hand side - Navigation Links - I want to add a paint effect dripping down maybe splashing off the nav links, and then dropping onto the bottom and flowing to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Despairy

Hi, I'm having a problem with the stop() and play() functions The first frame function works fine during the first run of the program but as i hit space in the last frame ( go back to frame 0 ) the first frame function saying whether to stop or play …

Member Avatar for cmabill

hello all is there any one out there who could help me with this, maybe it's a easy task to you, but I have have exhausted with no answer. I made several picture in Photoshop with some text, the font size of text is 24pt, which I think is big …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for msrmaddula

Hi, I have created a windows service for printing PDF's through Adobe reader. The code is as below. **Process.Start(exe,arg);** The command which executes from the above will be like below **C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe,/h /t "D:\test.pdf" "\\servername\PrinterName" "" ""** This was working fine in windows 2000 server. Now we are upgrading …

Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Not sure if this is quite the place for my question, but I dunno why you couldn't handle it ;) Really just looking for some opinions/answers on develop/design workflows for small/medium projects using AdobeCS5. This week I discovered many of the magics between Illustrator/Flash, such as arranging symbols on an …

Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for David B.

I'm trying to resolve an issue instaling Flash Player on a Toshiba laptop with W7 64 bit IE 9 installed. My friend who owns the laptop is trying to paly a game online & it comes up a meaasge Flash Player not installed & gives the link to download it. …

Member Avatar for atiehvasagh

can anyone help me learning photoshop?I want to learn it as fast as possible by a website like w3school.com? do you know a website with this property? please help me

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Member Avatar for tifrea.mihaela.5
Member Avatar for zblehs28

So, my computer has crashed. The motherboard went. I now have new laptop. I still have my cd's for Adobe CS3. The problem...i've deleted the email long long time ago with serial number for it. I want to install my CS3 which I can do. But I have to use …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal

The End.