871 Topics
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I was fascinated to see that Cambridge University is going to start taking the online world a little more seriously. Games and comic books are going to form part of its curriculum on [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/8500657.stm"]how young people are portrayed[/URL]. Until now it's been a book-based course. Well...duh. Yes, books are important … | |
Hi Guys, I am starting this thread so i can get some potentially helpful information regarding a new computer i want to buy. I want to get a custom built but i don't know how to build one my self. I have a budget of around $3000 (AUD) and i … | |
Hey, this is my first post here, glad to be here and learn from you guys! what i'm trying to do is this: I would like to enter 2 names and then hit a number from lets say 1 to 10, and i have the array Q1,Q2... etc. these should … | |
Hi, I'm having problems adding images to a game I'm trying to modify. The given project has some images in a folder called "Images". So I added new images to this folder and tried to use these new ones in my code. To do this, I right clicked on the … | |
Hello, I would like to ask a theoretical question (regarding multi core hardware) of a Good Programmer. This may sound completely wild but please bear with me. I don't even want to POST it due to my fundamental ignorance but I WILL ask a generic statement. In terms of game … | |
Hi, I'm a complete noob to C++. I am currently just making text games where you input a string and depending what that string is and what you have in your "inventory", the program will cout something else. I would like to know how i would be able to save … | |
Can anyone tell me the best free sites with Christmas cards, templates and games? It is urgent! Please HELP!!! Please HELP!!! | |
Absolutely no surprise there then: Modern Warfare 2 is the all-format games Christmas Number One according to the ELSPA software charts just published here in the UK. A position, incidentally, it has held for the six weeks, ever since it was released. The Top Ten, in case you are interested, … | |
You can place the game "Blackjack" by adding the following script to your website. All the information is included within the script, please do not remove the warranty or information. If you don't want such a big lap of code on your website, you can also place the following, as … | |
Intel has confirmed reports that it will not release its next-generation graphics processor widely known as [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larrabee_%28GPU%29]Larrabee[/url] as a discreet GPU. Instead, most reports indicate that the company will move ahead with its many-core processor as a design and development platform aimed at graphics rendering and high-performance computing. The idea … | |
HI everyone! I'm Darkwing. Me and a crew of ppl, mostly teens :D, are willing to create an RPG named "Phoenix Dream". The thing is, i'm still learning, really, just starting to learn to program, so i'd need help from someone experienced enough to deal with 3D rendering and creation … | |
I am creating a game like the text-based game Zorg using a console program. However, I don't know how to create a save file. How can I do this using the player's name to restore the variables I need? | |
Hello! I'm a management major doing some research on educational video games: Just wanted to ask if you have any good sources/references/insights/anything interesting about video games being used in education? especially in the collegiate level. Things I want to find out are: >The usual target segment for these games have … | |
hi all iam new in this forum and i need some help in my assignment .. it's a c# game using graphics .. this game when start it should show a sheep then a chicken randomly then all graphics will move to the left .. there will be a dora … | |
Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit … | |
Reports are starting to emerge online that Microsoft may have initiated a cull of Xbox Live accounts belonging to users of modified games consoles. One [URL="http://pinoycosplay.blogspot.com/2009/11/microsoft-bans-600k-xbox-live-accounts.html?zx=e10c0b0fc532dc57"]claims[/URL] that a "trusty source" working in a call centre which handles Xbox 360 accounts has had an influx of "screaming teenagers who don't don't … | |
Sony Computer Entertainment America has filed a patent application, number [URL="http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=2&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=laugh&OS=laugh&RS=laugh"]20090195392[/URL], which could lead to a PlayStation controller that knows when you are happy, sad or just plain angry. The patent application is officially for a 'laugh detector and system and method for tracking an emotional response to a media … | |
It would seem that there is something of an ongoing battle in the world of online Chinese gaming, and World of Warcraft is right in the midst of it. As I [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220683.html"]reported[/URL] back in July, the company behind World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment) was having problems in getting The Burning … | |
Hello, I am beginner with c++ programming and I need help with this source. I tried to find a way for getPrintDetails to not print a infomation. //Course: 4002-208 //Author: Joseph Dalpra //Topic: Functions //Name: project4.cpp //Purpose: Using functions to shorten repeated code // Play the game of craps for … | |
Hello. As some of you know I'm working on a game engine and I'm making a video diary about it. So this is the 4. episode of that diary. In general, I'm talking about all the new stuff that I did in my engine. To learn more, you can see … | |
can you give me any game with c++ source code..pls.. with run time O(n^2) or n<=n^2.. tnx.. | |
Computer freezes/crashes when running games. Hello. I am currently having a little technical issue with my computer when I run games. My computer specs are attached or you can go to [URL][/URL] to see. It is a bit different with different games. Soldier Front: Can do 1/2 a game up … | |
Hi, [? 1] How do I create an API for a game? [? 2] If this subject is too hard for a novice/intermediate programmer, where do I best find tutorials/resources about API's? [1] I asked myself this question, as well as google, yet no easy answers or explanations popped up, … | |
If it wasn't bad enough that someone is filing for a trademark to cover an adult-oriented games console called a SexBox, the world's largest adult entertainment company is seeking approval from Sony to turn its entertainment console into a PornStation 3. Silican Xtal Corp, a San Jose based integrated circuit … | |
I am new to c++ and I'm kinda struggling. I'm trying to write a program to guess a number that the user inputs. The program should guess a number then the user should be prompted if it is too high or too low. then the program should guess again, intill … | |
I'm creating a game where the goal is to roll two dice and if you get a 7 or 11 you win 10 points, otherwise you lose 5. You start with 100 points. I have everything set up so far but I don't know how to keep the program going … | |
Produce a complete C++ game that resembles the “Hang Man Game”, where the player is required to guess a given number/character/word. The player will be given a limited number of guesses. Each time the wrong answer is given, display an appropriate figure that changes accordingly. You may refer to the … | |
I am trying to create a sudoku checker as my second project. Its not going well :D. So far i've got it to check for rows that are 9 digits in length - i'm not sure if that's correct.. [code]puzzle = [] row = raw_input() while row: puzzle.append(row) row = … | |
Most people welcomed the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4642.html"]news[/URL] that the Sony PlayStation 3 was slimming down, both in physical size and in terms of off the shelf pricing. The Linux crowd are not so impressed however. According to SCE president and CEO Kazuo Hirai, the PS3 slim is some 36 percent lighter and … ![]() | |
Don't get me wrong, I'm a great fan of the PS3 but not for the gaming which, when compared to the Xbox 360 is in a totally different league in my opinion. But when it comes to the actual hardware, well, the PS3 wins every time. Not only is it … |
The End.