106 Topics

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Member Avatar for razta

Im not sure if this is the place to post. I had knoppix 3.8 live cd and was trying to install it onto my hard drive. I made a linux-swap partition using the qtparted v0.4.4. The linux-swap partition is about 500mb and the rest is windows NTFS partition. Theres no …

Member Avatar for winddancer
Member Avatar for TallCool1

[b]Knoppix[/b] is such a useful disc in and of itself; backup/restore tool (for Linux [i]and[/i] Windows), Linux introduction and learning tool, [b]Debian[/b] installer, and more--and free. It's the installer aspect that I'm so pleased with right now. I recently reinstalled Linux to my system using the latest version, using the …

Member Avatar for winddancer
Member Avatar for fragmented_user

Hi, and welcome to the world of Linux. Linux offers, so many, new and exciting possibilities, to both experienced and novice alike, that it is oftentimes difficult to get started. One solution to such a problem is to familiarize yourself with the feel of Linux before you go any further …

Member Avatar for alex_extreme
Member Avatar for SimSim

I've tried installing versions of Linux on livecds, I've tried Knoppix 3.8.2, Knoppix 3.9, and Slax Kill Bill version 5.0.5. The cds will start to boot Caldera DR DOS, it will find drivers for USB devices and search for hard drives and then freezes. All 3 cds freeze at this …

Member Avatar for mepnoob2005
Member Avatar for bungilo

I using Knoppix 3.7 on two machines, one with kernel 2.4.27 and the other with 2.6.9. I running freevo on the 2.6.9 box and samba (latest debian version, 3.0.x I think) on the 2.4.27 one. The samba server has two usb 250GB drives (one of the shared as the /tv …

Member Avatar for bungilo
Member Avatar for tom_h_500

I am familiar with the different linux distros (mandrake,gentoo,knoppix,slax etc) but sadly it has been hard for me to use them as my wireless network card has got in the way. Basically I want to know what distro is most wireless friendly and I want a livecd (for now) and …

Member Avatar for tom_h_500
Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector

I switched to Linux two months ago. It had been years since I had tried it and years ago it was just not user friendly and I didn't have the time to make the transition. Well that has changed, Linux is really nice. If you think 31 flavors of ice …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Nemesis

I leave my computer on all the time and when I left one day I left the screensaver on. When I came home and tried to use my computer it was on but no signal was being sent to the monitor. So I restarted the computer and it loaded up …

Member Avatar for Nemesis
Member Avatar for bungilo

Running Knoppix 3.7. Trying to use mencoders -vf pp (post processing filter) however when I run mencoder -vf help, I don't have pp as an option (spp is available though). Would like to use the deinterlacer filters but can only use the lavcdeint. Any idea what package the pp filter …

Member Avatar for Sphyenx

ok, as you might now after reading this im new to linux. Now im on knpiix i ran a sudo knppix-installer and made it the promary OS on my PC, no more Windows.. any way, im a paranoid kid. How come knoppix doenst come with a firewall any one know? …

Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi, I have a knoppix live CD for linux. Everytime I run it.. the previously saved files are gone. I mean.. the programs i do on CD are not saved.. why is it? And please can anyone tell me... if at all i can save my files by mounting or …

Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector
Member Avatar for viperman224

I just recieved a Compaq Persario desktop. I believe it's a 5000 series. specs: AMD Athlon 1.1 ghz 128 megs of ram 60 gig hard drive 16 meg Nvidia graphics card dvd-rom cd-burner Windows ME The machine boots up and says "operating system not found". I then rebooted it with …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for oalee

Hello all! I've been here on these forums for quite a while... I was thinking of installing Linux on my box to dual boot with my win2k. I'm just not sure what to use... I never installed/used one before... I'm looking for something that's easy to install, configure, and has …

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for Z28James

over the last few weeks ive tried out rh8, mdk 9.1, knoppix 3.1, gentoo, yoper, debian sarge, and j.a.m.d and by far...except for gentoo, j.a.m.d was the coolest in my opinion. its a slimmer version of rh8 recompiled for i686 cpus. you all should try it...i like it alot. but …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for motech

The system has been degrading in performance over time (as I've been told) Lately it won't boot or takes a long time to boot, yet I've watched it also do a perfect boot into Knoppix. The odd thing I've noticed is that it says 1.60A Ghz P4 some times and …

Member Avatar for TallCool1

I'm not entirely anti-[b]Microsoft[/b] (admittedly, I [i]am[/i] primarily a [b]Knoppix/Debian[/b] Linux user), but this German article makes an interesting point. There is at [i]least[/i] a possibility that the [i]MS Blaster[/i] worm may have indirectly caused the [b]Lake Erie Loop[/b] blackout. Using [b]Babelfish[/b] [url]http://Babelfish.altavista.com[/url] and picking through the Germlish got me …

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The End.