10,942 Topics
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Ok, working on a blog engine. Small and somewhat unimpressive, basically following along with a tutorial. The tutorial basically has me write a little MySQL to query some test fields that we filled in manually. And here is what I get. (see attachments) The first one shows the read out … | |
Hi, I have a MySQL database and an array with ID's. For example: $q = array(4,7,9,34,12,3,...etc); The ID count in array can be over 100. What's the best way to select only those rows matching those ID's in array? The usual SELECT * FROM table WHERE ID = '$q[0]' OR … | |
[CODE]update companystatistic set ReferencePrice = (select ClosedPrice from companystatistic WHERE CompanyID= 310 and ResultedDate = CURDATE() - 1) where ResultedDate = CURDATE() and CompanyID= 310 [/CODE] I have a same code. But it's not work.. help me..! thanks all | |
I don't know am i asking right question or not but my question is: I want to create a simple search site so I've team with different jobs. I have its database part to handle. I should create its database and i have not idea what should i do. I'm … | |
hi pros am new at C# and under graduate student. am stuck several hours. i have latitude,Longitude values from a server or gps device, they appear in textboxes and stored in mysql at the same time. i want to use the same latest values to map directly to google earth. … | |
my work is stop here dont know how to do this i want to store numbers of images in mysql. after thar i want to reterive those products images with description and price. how it will be done? secondly if i click on category number 1 those images with detail … | |
Hi all, Likewise in SQL Server, after every transaction, an error number is set to the global variable @@ERROR. So we easily make a check in SQL SERVER stored procedure, [CODE]IF @@ERROR = 0 SELECT 'SUCCESS' ELSE SELECT 'FAIL'[/CODE] How can I do the similar thing in MySQL. How can … | |
i have created a database on a temp site and i am making a form where uses can add or update information to the database that will then be displayed on a page in the site. Here is the code for the form: [CODE]<form action="leaderboard.php" mehtod="POST" /> <p>Points: <input type="text" … | |
Hi Everyone, Does anyone know how to set the schema so that it can stores chinese character. Thanks. | |
Hi guys, I'm in the process of learning PHP. I know the dribs and drabs and can kind of understand code when I read it, but I'm not to the point of being able to write an advanced script from scratch. I've been interested in chatbots and the concept AI … | |
Ok, I feel like I'm so close, but could use some help. I am trying to retrieve data from mySQL database via use of a form with checkboxes. This form is working somewhat except that it is only pulling one selection, not all that are selected. Can someone look at … | |
Hi all Experts , I am converting my application from Oracle database to Mysql , i am facing alot of problems, some experts are really helping me , i am thankfull to all those how helping people like me. They actually encouraging us to do more n more. Thanks all … | |
Hi There, I have 2 tables, one with dst codes and one with fees. I want to match the fees with the dst code. I've been trying a for loop but it's not working 100%. What is the best way of matching dst code with the corresponding fee? If TABLE … | |
i have table in the database for login system [CODE]CREATE TABLE users ( username varchar(30) primary key, password varchar(32), userid varchar(32), userlevel tinyint(1) unsigned not null, email varchar(50), timestamp int(11) unsigned not null ); [/CODE] already have cart for things that doesnt need shipping, but its with JavaScript, [url]http://lasthunter.freehostia.com/rated-online/conf_files/js/simpleCart.js[/url] but … | |
Hello all, I have a problem in building the query for search. I have a table which contains a column X stores numerous values in each respective cell of a row. For e.g. [CODE] rows Column X 1 120;132;143;154;165 2 122;134;543;566; [/CODE] What I want to do is to make … | |
I have never worked with mysql. I need to design a few pages for a website that allows certain people to log into the page and be able to update or change the info manually without having to use any html editing software are any programs. How is this done? … | |
i have a date column where dates are saved in varchar format like this 17-03-2011 :: 11:19:48 i want to find last date through query.. please help thanks | |
Hi to all, i need a help I have 2 tables namely subjects & marks. Subjects has 2 columns namely subject_id (PK), subject_name & class_id (FK). Marks has mark_id, student_id(FK), exam_id (FK), sub_1, sub_2, ... sub_n here sub_1, sub_2, ... sub_n are columns in 'Marks' table but actually they are … | |
What I am upto: I am tryin' to develop a Blog CMS. There is a Database named blog in which there's a table named posts. The posts table has these fields: post_id, post_title, post_url, post_time, post_category, post_desc, post_username. Here, post_username is the username of the user who posted this post. … | |
My table has 4 types of "r1": 'Standard', 'HD', 'HD + DVR', 'None' There are 3 types of "status": 'NTC', 'Repair', 'In Progress' All I am trying to do is retrieve all of the rows where r1 = 'Standard' and matches all three of the "status": [code] SELECT * FROM … | |
Hi all I am getting following exception in mysql db randomly. ** END NESTED EXCEPTION ** Last packet sent to the server was 1 ms ago. 11-9-2011 12:0:11 Exception in readFile Method in insertRecordInDataBasecom.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.io.EOFException STACKTRACE: java.io.EOFException at … | |
I have prepared an example of login page which displays a form with inputs for username and password and compares submited values with records in database. If match is found the user is redirected to another page, if not error message is displayed. This example is heavy commented. Hope it … | |
[B]Good Morning, I have a CSV file with thousands of rows of data, and I want to have this data uploaded into a table in a MySQL database. I also want an area where the file could be selected from the computer for the data to be uploaded. Could this … | |
I have to design a database where one requirement says "For each project, for each user, for each skill, store the marks gained". Initially, i had a table where each skill was a column(proj_id, user_id, skill1, skill2, ......., skill_N) I felt this was a bad design because the number of … | |
Hey folks. I currently have a large JSON file made up of entries similar to the below. The file contains information relating to photographs:- [CODE]{ "SourceFile": "C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Photos/5294030805_9497032cd7_o.jpg", "ExifToolVersion": 8.63, "FileName": "5294030805_9497032cd7_o.jpg", "Directory": "C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Photos", "FileSize": "1094 kB", "FileModifyDate": "2011:09:09 22:40:39+01:00", "FilePermissions": "rw-rw-rw-", "FileType": "JPEG", "MIMEType": "image/jpeg", "JFIFVersion": 1.01, "ExifByteOrder": "Big-endian (Motorola, … | |
This is my code to hash [CODE]class hashing { private static $algo='$2a'; private static $cost='$10'; public static function unique_salt() { return substr(sha1(mt_rand()),0,22); } function hash($password) { return crypt($password,self::$algo.self::$cost.'$'.self::unique_salt()); } public static function check_password($hash,$password) { $full_salt=substr($hash,0,29); $new_hash=crypt($password,$full_salt); return ($hash==$new_hash); } }[/CODE] This is my login page [CODE]require("hashing.php"); $password=hashing::hash($_POST['txtPassword']); $checkPassword=mysql_query("SELECT * from … | |
I scripting chating program in python... And i'm on chating program scripting auth with mysql. But no know how to script authentication on python-mysql. How to script chat auth program for chat with python-mysql. -- Sorry with English language. | |
Hello, I know nothing about PHP and this error has come up and I've been researching for days and have tried just about everything. Hopefully, I've given you enough information, but can you tell me why this line: $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); is the one called up in the following error? … | |
I want to upload images that will be saved in a folder. That folder is inside my website folder. eg: mywebsite(website folder). myimage(image folder). And the path of image should be saved in mysql. I tried the following but it is giving error "path not found." This is my path:- … |
The End.