637 Topics

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Member Avatar for nimirraj99

Okay so I've searched just about everywhere but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm learning as I go with PHP and I'm having a problem figuring out what is wrong. I've got two different queries calling a group of information. Within each query is a field that …

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Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hi there, I'm currently working on a small broject which is about providing flexible download service. Basically, I read the info from a csv file and put it in the futurelist, then depending on the length of the file I will put it either in currentlist or delayedlist and after …

Member Avatar for Ahmed2
Member Avatar for bribissell

I am making a page which pulls from the user's browser their preferred language, via the Request.UserLanguages....which returns a two letter code (ex. "en") or detailed code (ex. "en-GB"). I basically get the string of user languages (they are in order of preference) and store them in a string array. …

Member Avatar for bribissell
Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi i am just new to VB.NET and our teacher told us to experiment on for loop in a ODD SUM Program you need to add all odd numbers from Input One to Input Two like that but i can't stop it from adding continuously for example i input the …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hi, I wanted to understand a java code that i picked from a website RoseIndian.net. It is about Binary Search three implementation in java. Can someone please explain how the retrieval of the node values [node.value] in the method "[B]printInOrder(Node node){}[/B]" being done, because the node.values are not being stored …

Member Avatar for ARaza110
Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi I have hard time connecting the if else statement because my teacher is telling us to use this kind of if else if (statement) if (statement) if (statement) condition else condition("error") end if else condition end if else condition end if this is a simple betting game can you …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for cjohnweb

I am having trouble with a PHP foreach loop....I know how they work, I think I'm getting unexpected results. A bug perhaps? Am I missing something? [code] if(is_array($array)){ foreach ($array as $k => $v){ echo "<b>#$k</b><br />"; foreach ($v as $kk => $vv){ foreach ($vv as $kkk => $vvv){ if($kkk …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nonshatter

I have a foreach loop, within which I would like to create x number of unique variables. E.g. Upon each iteration I'd like to create a new variable like: $strDisk1 = ... $strDisk2 = ... $strDisk3 = ... I have tried the following but this does not work: [CODE] <?php …

Member Avatar for cjohnweb
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I find C# very well suited for doing math and all sorts of calculations, so here is an example. Just start a Console application and fill in the code. Have fun! The code also shows a use of delegates and some Console functions. If you don't know what the Newton-Raphson …

Member Avatar for poonamjadav

hello, i m a student and working on a mlm project and want to generate a binary tree. please can any one send me the code for it in C#.net please help me.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i put together this code to read a text file line by line, split the resulting string into the 4 values and send these values to four text-boxes. during each cycle of that while loop it's suppose to initialize the backgroundworker_dowork, which will read the values and use them(and …

Member Avatar for Ravenn
Member Avatar for leetari

hi all, I have this minor problem which is making me go cranky at the mo.. Can't think straight, need some insights to what I can do... Below is the code which I am working on which takes the test sample values stored in my test 2D array subtracts the …

Member Avatar for leetari
Member Avatar for shimooli

I''ve got a struct like this: struct Node { int n; Node *left; Node *right; } I build up a binary tree from this struct. Now, how can i save the binary tree onto the hard disk, and how can i rebuild it from the hard disk ?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for quetzal_7

Hi, help please! I have a struct containing an array of pointers to structs containing Binary Search Trees with nodes containing structs. ... <*sigh*> I hate C soo much... put work wants it to be in C. I can set the struct of BST's just fine, and keep it around, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mr3k

Hello! I've been stuck with this for a while now. First I want to say that this is a school project and not something illegal bet site. The first MySQL table have results from games and the other table contains users bets on different games.. My problem is that I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BOOMBOOMF

could someone plz help.. i'm stuck in one part where u have to access the array form the main class(random) ive juss posted the two classes i have doubt in.. the question goes soemthin like this: Q:Make a java class file for function that can do addition, then make a …

Member Avatar for Annuate
Member Avatar for sajay

Hello I'm coding an algorithm based on genetic programming with tree structures in C. I implemented tree structure using recursive structure pointers **The traditional way** [CODE] struct tree { int val; tree *left; tree *right; }; tree a[10]; tree b[20]; void main() { generate (); // this generates me 10 …

Member Avatar for sajay
Member Avatar for ayagi
Member Avatar for can_surmeli

Hi. I've a BST created for an address book application for my term project. When inserting into the BST, I insert items sorted by their first names in ascending order. The thing is that the user should be able to display the BST in the ascending form of last names …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for can_surmeli

Hi all. As a part of my project I need to get the address book information saved in a .txt file into a Binary Search Tree. The info in the address book is stored like the following: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, E-mail, Phone, Address, City, Zipcode So …

Member Avatar for can_surmeli
Member Avatar for adamworld

I have code where I am pulling data from my database and it needs to be separated by commas except the last value (that part works) so I can take those values and input into another SQL query. Here is the working code: [CODE]$biz_id = $row_businesses['id']; $query_related = sprintf("SELECT * …

Member Avatar for adamworld
Member Avatar for klemme

Hey, I have a question on how to make an inline style to this..: [CODE] $sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subjectid='" . $subjectid . "' AND showing='1' ORDER BY pos ASC"; //*** $query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die (mysqli_error()); $PageMenuDisplay = ''; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $pid …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, I have a xml socket server which get data from xml sockets out of actionscript3. Now I'm having a lot of if statements. Can I use another way to make my code more clean? Ivibot is a piece of hardware my school provided. LedBlink is a runnable class …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abelLazm

hi... I am using sorted dictionary to add nodes in a hierarchy but i have to show multi-parent multi-child relation but sorted dictionary doesn't allow duplicate entries :( is there any way if yes please suggest I will be honored Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa

Hey guys I've been asked to create an array of objects on the heap for my assignment but I cant seem to find any examples that explain it well enough on the web. So what I got is: [CODE]//Heabder File class Wheel{ public: Wheel() : pressure(32) { ptrSize = new …

Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa
Member Avatar for Iamthecheese

I'm having trouble formatting a binary tree. In my program, the tree format should print every output as such: 35 30 29 25 24 20 15 This is the code that I have thus far. [CODE]public void treeFormatTraversal(){//begin int level = 0; if(root !=null) treeFormatHelper(root, level); else System.out.println("\nTree is Empty\n"); …

Member Avatar for Iamthecheese
Member Avatar for thijscream

hey people, i have the following problem, i'm setting up a webshop with over 2k items and every 6months the prices are changing(wines) so i was wondering how to import an xml file into a mysql database without having to go in phpmyadmin. this because i don't want the people …

Member Avatar for jonnysmiths
Member Avatar for zachcoenen4

I have been trying for about 6 hours to get this program to work. It's a C++ program for for loops. I am trying to go through a book, but I don't have source code for how this should be. I need to make a program that looks like this …

Member Avatar for zeeshan soomro
Member Avatar for group256

Dear experts in Python, I have written a binary search method that receives a list of float and one new float item. It needs to look for the proper index for that item to be placed and return that index. To make it simple, I give an example: imagine a …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for Skabix

I am converting seconds to minutes, hours, days. For some reason I have an issue with the days not calculating when running the program. The 'if' statement seems completely ignored by the program. I think this may be caused by the warning I get. Any help would be greatly appreciated …

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The End.