1,597 Topics
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Hello masters! I have a project and need a bit of your help. I would like to access/get values from certain fields from a database and assing that value to a variable. Database is included into my project along with DataSet. Is there any simple way to access certain field? … | |
I am attempting to create a sorted array for a class assignment but I am receiving a weird access violation error in my debug code. I have double checked all my values and nothing is accessing anything out of range. My code is below. Thanks. [code=c++] #include <iostream> using namespace … | |
Hello all! I'm making a Applicant Record Keeping System. I'm a newbie with MS access. And i'm having a really hard time understanding how queries work. I have three forms: (Sequentially) Background Checking Criteria.. Document.. So, this forms are for one applicant and they have common details. Background Checking's common … | |
| Hello people, I designed this class: [CODE] package aiproject; /* * This class has the task to read the data stored in a file called "fichier.txt" * line by line. * The read lines will be put inside a List called lignesDeMonfichier * Also, this class counts the number of … |
How can I open a Record from a Listbox Using a Command Button? | |
Hi guys i'm trying to just do a simple email/password validation on two text boxes. This code runs but when i type in a correct email address it throws an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." on [CODE]AdAcc.InsertCommand.Connection = OleAcc;[/CODE] I'm thinking i may need … | |
I've designed a C# game that makes use of an Access .mdb database file to store variables. The basic idea is that one of the players will 'host' a game, and the other player will join said game, by connecting to the database, reading and writing items into the database. … | |
Hello friends, I am looking for a bit of help. Here is the scenario. I am trying to compile sales data for a number of stores from multiple databases and import them into excel for the current month by day. I have a field for date and sales. The problem … | |
I'm writing a program has access to a database (a database where an other software stores data that users type). This database has several colums, but in my code, i need to use the two columns that describes where the data is from, and the the date when the data … | |
Hello Folks, I am trying to create a Crystal report using data from two Access 2007 tables but it only displays the data from the first table only. when I do same with Access 2003, I am successful but it does not work in access 2007. Please help me to … | |
Ok I have a project and I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. Our project is to make some simplified POS software, in our case, for a restaurant. The form I am currently working on is where you pick food items and add them to a listbox which … | |
Ummm hi, Ive been having some problems with a program ive been working on. I want to insert a new value in a column in a table from a calculation i get and replace the original value. Heres the part of the code: private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { … | |
Hi everyone... I just finished making a program for Video Rental in java..its not much..just retrieves the data from the DB and we can add or edit it...it works perfectly. But now, i want it to display the "Client Name" and "Client ID" field from my Client table and "movie … | |
hey im new to microsoft access and databases.im trying to create database with Tables for 1.Researchers(have that) 2.Test performed by researchers (at least 5 different tests)(have that and my 5 test are diabetic,blood type,high blood pressure,positive for drug tests and eye sight) 3.and Results of the tests given by researchers … | |
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>JSP Page</title> </head> <body> <% String ans=" "; if(request.getParameter("correctAns")!=null) { ans=request.getParameter("correctAns").toString(); } Connection con = null; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sid"); Statement st = null; ResultSet qrst; ResultSet rs = null; String id=request.getParameter("id"); … | |
i am having issues with an update query. i normally use SQL 2005 but for this project i am using an access 2007 database please can anyone point me in the right direction, [CODE] Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Try con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & … | |
Guys,i want a small help from you.I have a created a database in MS Access and now i want to connect it to with Java Application by using ODBC Administartor.But when opens it,it doesn't show any driver for MS Access DBs.Do u guys know any driver for that.I'm using Windows … | |
Hello all, I am having what seems to be a very common issue with Vista. I have searched the internet and have found many topics on this problem, but none of the suggestions I have read have worked for me. The problem is, this particular computer will not connect to … | |
Hello, I am trying to query a table for todays date based on this format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM I tried date() but it only returns results based on the mm/dd/yyyy formate. Any assistant is apprecaited! Thanks, Wez | |
[CODE]980 Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("0 - Supplier List") 990 RptLoc = 0 1000 If rs.EOF = False Then ProcessCount = ProcessCount + 1 1010 Do While rs.EOF = False [COLOR="Red"]1020 XL.Sheets("Supplier").Copy Before:=XL.Sheets("Supplier") 1030 XL.Sheets(2 + RptLoc).Name = rs!Supplier[/COLOR] 1040 RptLoc = RptLoc + 1 1050 rs.MoveNext 1060 Loop 1070 XL.DisplayAlerts … | |
Hi. I'm trying to make a site where people can purchase zip files. The zip files will be made on-the-fly. My question is: [B]how do I restrict access to the files? I need to make it where the zip file can only be downloaded once, and it can only be … | |
i'm trying to get data of 30 minutes ago to now.. any idea with the query [CODE]SELECT DateDiff("n",Now(),[TimeStamp]) AS [Time] FROM RIMData_RAW GROUP BY DateDiff("n",Now(),[TimeStamp]) HAVING ((Now()>30)); [/CODE] | |
Hi There experts... i am hoping that someone will be able to help me with a problem... I have the following vba code.. some of you that are clued up with vba will know... it is a code i got from the net that allows me to choose dates before … | |
hi, i'm new to c# programming and i have this problem that i encountered while trying to create a database browser. Here is my code: [CODE]private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string search; search = searchbox.Text; if (search == "") { MessageBox.Show("You have not entered anything. Please enter the … | |
Hello, im working on a project that works with an access database but i dont know how to edit an existing record... here is the code that i use for reading the database: [CODE]Public Function ask() Dim dt As New DataTable Dim ds As New DataSet ds.Tables.Add(dt) con.Open() Dim da … | |
I was wondering if there is a code i could add to my applicatio that will delete a data entry from a database. I'm designing a voting application as my project and i want a situation where an access code is good for only one entry. i put my code … | |
Hi I have made lots of Access databases over the years but it seems I have fogotton lots of basic principles since I have not used it for ages. One thing I want to do is: For instance when you send an email using Yahoo or similar webmail if you … | |
Hello, I'm a newbie working with vbnet but i'm trying to create a project were I enter a name in a textbox and save it to a access database. I'm trying to create the OledbConnection but i'm getting this error: "oleDbException was unhandled" this is the code i'm using: [CODE]Private … | |
Hi i could not specific Record from my binary file. This is the method to list out all records. [code] int student :: showall(fstream &fp) { student rec; fp.seekg(0,ios::beg); int i=0; cout<<"Position\tRoll No\t\tName\tBalance"<<endl; while(fp.read((char*)&rec,sizeof rec)) { cout<<i*sizeof rec<<"\t"; rec.show(); i++; } } [/code] While running this i got the below … | |
| Main Form = Frm_Engineer_Search Sub Form = Frm_Engineers Frm_Engineers populated by Tbl_Engineers I've been trying to link together a textbox with a subform so when a surname is entered into TxtSearch and CmdSearch is click it will run a query/refresh the subform displaying the correct record which correspond to the … |
The End.