232 Topics
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so, i have a long-time (lol like longer than some of ya'll have been living hah)very good /middle school/high school/college friend that is moving off to california next week, and that coupled with the word association game has gotten me to thinkin of all the games we would play when … | |
There's a really interesting [URL="http://www.blahblahtech.com/2008/10/but-video-games-are-bad-for-kids-right.html"]blahblahtech[/URL] posting that has popped up to address what it refers to as the "myth that video games harm children both socially and intellectually." It approaches the debate from parental questioning perspective, which seems as good as any to be fair. Some of the research it … | |
Why did the chicken cross the road? To find the rate of impact failure between v1.0 and v2.0 P.S think of a new word that starts with āVā Now that you know, my responses to this question write your own. | |
Answer the riddle then after answering.. post your riddle too.. Yosha!! I'll start.. [I]What has a mouth but cannot eat what moves but has no legs and what has a bank but cannot put money in it?[/I] | |
I am recently keen on PortableApps.com. You can run so many apps off a USB drive. However, I also found that a lot of apps are portably unavailable. So I want to know is there any way to make them portable or simply is there a way that I can … | |
I have a neat idea for an ajax/php rpg engine and want to get together with a small group of php developers with some free time and make this happen. I really think it could be fun to develop and also fun to see people enjoying the end result, but … | |
So guys i was browsing the web and guess what? i discovered this awsome game called Aion you should all check it out and its free to play =D [url]http://mythmu.com/mythnetwork/mythnetwork.php[/url] there is the site for the rates. | |
Dear friends, I am new in this group and I am looking for people who could help me by filling out my survey. I am currently writing a thesis examining the motivations that influence the consumption of luxury hotels in France and in the USA. This research will help me … | |
Back this morning from an excellent evening hosted by Toshiba listening to Bruno Beusch, managing director of [URL="http://www.gamehotel.net"]gamehotel[/URL]. He gave a talk about how games were becoming increasingly pervasive and was quite persuasive; the thing that really caught my attention, however, was the idea that game makers would be able … ![]() | |
You can post whatever you want to pass on the next poster.. e.g. : poster1 : " I will throw a frog to the next poster" poster2 : *kills the frog gave it to my lab prof* here's my dirty pillow,catch it! poster3 : *catches the pillow* I will clean … ![]() | |
I'm creating a website right now, but i have no idea, how sms interact with my website. my plan is online reservation through the sms. Can somebody, help me. Or give idea how it will work. Thankyou,, :):) please help me. | |
please don't let us get bored at the office today - show us some funny stuff ;))) Here is my 5 cents: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dIkYEpByHY[/url] | |
hello can i ask who are filipinos here? can u txt me here in my # 090531399396 and 09183706721 because i want u to teach me how to download a keylagger | |
the idea of the game, as the name implies, is for the first reply to change one letter of the word creating a new word. the next reply should then change one letter of the new word creating another new word and so on. the purpose is to see how … | |
Ok this is a game I juast thought of and don't know if its been done before or if it will work well but bare with me. Ok I start by stating a sentence. The next person will change [B]one[/B] word and repost the sentence. The new sentence has to … | |
ask a question that is answerable by yes/no, then the next poster will then ask another question. Are you sleepy right now?:?: | |
See if you can make 3 words (3 words only please) out of the word below Then come up with a word for the next person to try. [b]confederate[/b] | |
post ur description about an anime character to let people guess the anime character... sample: an adolescent nimble yellow haired ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage.. answer : Naruto Uzumaki oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo=oOo= Leader and teacher of Team 7, consisting of the series' primary characters, Sasuke … | |
Each person has to start a sentence with the next letter of the alphabet. Starting with 'A' right through to 'Z',no going twice in a row,thats cheating! No repeating the same letters in a row. I will start on 'A' then the next can start on 'B' and so on..... … | |
Write a few random letters (between 3-15 letter) for the next person to guess. You have to make a sentence out of the abbreviation and then write something for the next person. You can only use letters A-Z I will start: bntmtpf | |
Hi all, This is similar to that of the word game except for a minor change.. We take up the last word of the sentence and use its letters to make up a sentence..:cheesy: i knw it sounds sick.. but its fun.. try it out. For eg: Dani is a … | |
The objective is to make it last long as possible. The rules is that I say ONE word, and another person has to say ONE word which will be a part of a sentence when more word comes. A sample run : [ICODE]Post# The word posted --------------------------------- 1 Hello 2 … | |
OK...I'll post a food or beverage you tell me if you like it,hate it,havent tried it and then leave another food or beverage for the next unsuspecting soul. Sound like fun? Lets begin :) Marmalade | |
counting down... only 35 to go. reserve your place now. | |
Blend your username above you to create something new or funny usernames... | |
Wish this will turn out funny.. | |
THE PAGING GAME Rules 1. Each player gets several million things. 2. Things are kept in crates that hold 2048 things each. Things in the same crate are called crate-mates. 3. Crates are stored either in the workshop or warehouse. The workshop is almost always too small to hold all … | |
You must post a compleatly disasociated word to the previous one I.E. Elephant, Battery is [COLOR="Green"]OK[/COLOR] Elephant, Plant is [COLOR="Green"]OK[/COLOR] Elephant, Giraph is [COLOR="Red"]NOT [/COLOR](Both Animals) Elephant, Table is [COLOR="Red"]NOT [/COLOR](4 Legs) Etc. Not allowed words: Universe, Plannet, Dictionary, Thesorus, Internet (Including Google :P) and any other words that are … | |
Being a miserable sod, I don't usually do crap like this. But what the hell?! I'm bored! Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.. Don't repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Copy the following text into your post and then answer … |
The End.