20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for raviachhwani

Hey i am also facing the same problem. I have tried this but this is not working. please help me. [code] Protected Sub cmbParty_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbParty.SelectedIndexChanged myConnection.Open() Adpt = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM PartyMaster where Id = '" & cmbParty.SelectedIndex & "'", myConnection) …

Member Avatar for Extremist-smj
Member Avatar for Extremist-smj

Hello folks, I've written an application to send SMS through GSM mobile using AT commands. It's not working at all. Heres the code below. Can any one tell me what I have done wrong. Private Sub SendSMS() Try SMSPort.WriteLine("AT") SMSPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGF=1" & vbCrLf) SMSPort.WriteLine("AT+CSCA=""+9779851028801""" & vbCrLf) SMSPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGS= ""+9779841892897"" " & vbCrLf) …

Member Avatar for Extremist-smj
Member Avatar for Robintje1

Hi all. I've been working on a small program, and I need to get the Process ID by the name. This is what I have: [code=vb] Dim Processes() As System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName) Dim Process As System.Diagnostics.Process = Processes(0) Dim id = Process.Id [/code] But I always get this error: [icode]Index …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for bcm

Can any one give me code for finding size of my log file using [COLOR="Red"][B]VB.NET????[/B][/COLOR] Also I want the code to make my log file of 1KB only and not more than that. :'(

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Loony064

Hey All! I'm working on a project at the moment, where there are a variety of sections. Each section has its own window and WPF controls. Each window has a tab control, with tabs to 'View', 'Add', 'Edit' and 'Delete' records. The 'View' tab has a ListView which is populated …

Member Avatar for xuebao
Member Avatar for madlan

Hi all, I'm trying to display the total extraction progress of a zip file as below. This gives me the total file size of all uncompressed files in the zip: [CODE] For Each backup In zip TotalSize = backup.UncompressedSize + TotalSize Next[/CODE] I'm then using this to get the current …

Member Avatar for kdion1024
Member Avatar for nadeemarshad

I want connect with other user through ip address and send them a message how it will don in vb.net

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for 12"tool

Hi All I am currently drawing up a database for contractor management. We have to keep an eye on when these contractors were inducted. The max term of an induction is 1 year. I have built a database and everything works EXCEPT when I want it to calculate the number …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello world of DaniWeb. If the title of this thread kinda looks complicated, believe me, it's not. This'll be a simple and straightforward question along with a piece of code attached to it. So, how can I determine whether a RichTextBox control contains text or not when functions such as …

Member Avatar for murali.cpt

Hey there..... I am working on VB.NET(Visual studio 2008)..I completed developing my application and i need to deploy the application. I tried it and faced problems in some areas like adding crystal reports to the setup and deployment. I created a setup file to my application and everything is fine …

Member Avatar for murali.cpt
Member Avatar for andy1510

i am trying to create a messagebox which brings up four random percentages which add unto 100%, i can create the messagebox with messagebox.show ("") but have no idea how to create the random percentages, can anyone please help me with this.

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for n3wbie

I have a insanely large file that has a lot of customer data in XML format. The start of a customer <CUSTOMER> and end </CUSTOMER> are how I'll determine the starting and ending points of the customer data I need to extract. The <DOC_NUM> is the number I'll be searching …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for justme369

I have this code that gives me the user logged on name of a remote computer, but if i run the program in certaing computers, it returns with the error "Not Available Due Restrictions" which is set if the scope cant connect... why it connects fine in some computers and …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for benhowdle89

I'm developing a very simple VB app in Visual Basic 2008, where i have a textbox being dynamically updated with a value every second, i need this value to be inserted into a mySQL DB, i have made the connection ok but not too sure how to structure the VB …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for ahkaushi

I need to know how to show my search item in a data grid? There is error in grid display part. Can you help me to solve it? Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Text Public Class mainpage Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim cn4 As OleDbConnection Dim …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I need to know how can I get specific record there in report by passing string parameter from vb.net to crystal reports? For example - I have text box, button & crystalreportviewer there in my form. When user will use it he will write specific word there in the text …

Member Avatar for Extremist-smj
Member Avatar for Dcurvez

hi all :) I am now working on a calculator that is mimic to windows calculator. I have the whole thing done except for the percent button. Have looked everywhere and cannot seem to find out how to do it! can someone help me here?? Here is a peek at …

Member Avatar for Dcurvez
Member Avatar for Patplays852

Hello, I've made a Jeopardy game using VS2010 and I mistakenly made it as a .NET 4.0 project. I am wondering if there is any easy way to convert the project into a .NET 2.0 project so more people will be able to use the program. [URL="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezjeopardy/"]https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezjeopardy/[/URL]

Member Avatar for rohan_tahil
Member Avatar for Mickey_saini
Member Avatar for MaxDes

hello all, I get the error : dt.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {dt.Columns("Title")} "These Columns are not unique" when I doubleclick a cell in my datagridview... Does anyone know what I have wrong? Thank you. [code] Private Sub DataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick Dim con As …

Member Avatar for madlan

I'm trying to implement a used disk space "Progress Bar" on a form similar to the Computer view in Vista\Windows 7. The closest I've come is the progress bar but this is rather restricted for example the colour cannot be changed. Has anyone found an alternative?

Member Avatar for kdion1024
Member Avatar for gispe

Hi all, i started programming with .NET (i have express edition) and wanted to make a conection to an SQL Server.. the problem is that i cant conect :( previously i had .net 2005 - i started having the issue there - i unistalled it, n installed visual studio 2008. …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for like_bilal02

Dear Freinds Kindly help me about these problems that what a coding for lock the form in runtime and user no adjsut form witdth or length 2)my 2nd question is that what the query if i want that the price of any other table come into current forms and match …

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Member Avatar for tungnk1993

I'm pretty new with VB.net and I'm working on a project modelling the traditional FlashCard to learn words. What I want to do is to replace existing buttons and forms in Visual Studio with my own photoshop version. FYI, I'm not familiar with WPF yet but I'm willing to learn. …

Member Avatar for tungnk1993
Member Avatar for shuhana84

hi,i want to know how to export sql server 2005 database to access through vb.net coding..no need to select n insert table one by one,just save package...

Member Avatar for shuhana84
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I have the following code that I would like to get working, but for some reason, it keeps giving me the wrong output, and I wonder if anyone on the list might be able to help me fix it. Here is the code, [CODE] Sub submit(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for Dimonbak

Hello! I currently am enrolled in an intro to VB2008. I have done well thus far but have hit a snag on Chapter 5 programming challenge 4 on p350 of the 4th edition(yellow). I swear to you I have put probably 10 hours into this embarressingly and I am ready …

Member Avatar for Moorendeavors
Member Avatar for Starfighter330

I am trying to set up some common dialogs but some how forgot how to do it. I have a menustrip set up just need to know how to apply a fontdialog and colordialog. Can anyone assit me with this, I need some help as soon as possible. I am …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rhari_81

Respected Sir/Madam, Hii Guys?I am harish here and i am just a starter in vb.net.I am interested to develop some applications in vb.net. So, I have to start things right from scratch i.e designing and coding etc... I need a sincere suggestion on what type of applications can i try …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yaya_star

Hi all i just wanna ask if any one can give me the related function with colordialog(vb.net) and if i can change backcolor of form with it?how? Thanks:confused:

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.