20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sweetsasthi

Hai frds, I am a final year B.E student.As i have to start my final year project by now,can you give me some valuable ideas regarding what topic to choose and in which platform that would score me high marks. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for alfea
Member Avatar for AngieK

I'm trying to import all data from an Access DB using Visual Basic 2005. I'm new to Access and so far I can only import one record at a time. Any help would be appreciated!! Here is the code I have so far (obviously to bring one record at a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Girish_AM

Dear All, I want to connect to SAP and call RFC from VB.Net 2008. I have done it with VB 6.0 But not getting success in VB.Net I used following code in VB 6.0 ------------------------------------------------ Set ctlLogon = CreateObject("SAP.LogonControl.1") Set oConnection = ctlLogon.NewConnection oConnection.User = "SIILRFC" oConnection.Client = "777" oConnection.Password …

Member Avatar for SiahCheePing

I have a dropdownlist that loads a list of users from AD. I need to retrieve selected user's properties, e.g. displayName and display it using a label. How do I do that? The situation is like I have a list of users is dropdownlist e.g. Paul. I select paul. Click …

Member Avatar for SiahCheePing
Member Avatar for Anigmalee

I have design a window application form in 1440X900pixel resolution(which I dont aware of this could cause a problem). When I move this application to other PC with different resolution(or shows on a projector that only support low resolution), thing change nasty, all the control is out of shape. Any …

Member Avatar for Anigmalee
Member Avatar for debuggger

Hey - I've been given a gutted version of Minesweeper, and been asked to reconstruct it. I'm taking it piece by piece, and I've got some parts working. What I'm trying to get now is the 'Zone Clearing'. Just quickly: Zone clearing is when you click a 'blank' square, all …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for dzk

My program performs a search on a specific directory and returns a list of files with specific criteria. When the user selects a file name in the list and Clicks the button, I want the program to open that file and print it. I have two functions - one store …

Member Avatar for Pacman21
Member Avatar for Ragoune

Hi, I'm trying to make a rather simple Visual Basic app with which I can update some tables within my MySQL databases. I've been following [URL="http://www.vbmysql.com/articles/vbnet-mysql-tutorials/the-vbnet-mysql-tutorial-part-3"]this tutorial[/URL] from page 3 on, as the first 2 pages where on how to initialize a local MySQL database. My MySQL database is on …

Member Avatar for Ragoune
Member Avatar for digitalsindhx

I Want To Search Date From .mdb Database file, Table Name is Purchase, and The Field is Purchase Date, its Type is DateTime and Formate is ShortDate in MS Access Database File, I Conceted it to Vb.net Form, and Tryed to Search Date, but it Returns Error. the Code to …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for perryg30313

Hello Forum, I am new to SQL Server and have inherited a database from another developer. I have a Stored Procedure that I'm trying to use in my vb.net program to fill a form with multiple datagrids. The Stored Proc looks like this: set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go …

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello guys. I'm building an application that connects to a SQL Server 2008 database via connection string. The thing is, since the computer loading the app (or the user, in either case) is outside the Active Directory domain, I can't use Windows Authentication to connect to the DB. But when …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for seharshahab
Member Avatar for inamhto

hi, any one here can helpe me, i'm search how i can make a connetion of data base with acces

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for seharshahab
Member Avatar for dzk

Hello, I am trying to develop a program that will open, print and then close the selected files from the listview. The printing needs to be done at the printer. There is a multibox which allows the user to select the printer . Currently, I can open the files and …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for SiahCheePing

is there anyway to retrieve and list all the attributes for an active directory user to be used for updating with using the following [CODE] de.properties.contains(propertyName) [/CODE] Just wondering, quite a newbie AD programming, a little guidance thanks

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Ellitivity

Hello I'm building a small program like notepad and wanted to know how to make it save and load a file [CODE] Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click txtNotes.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Ebisu

Hi, im trying to disable a button until anything has been entered into two text boxes simultaneously. So far i have tried: [code] If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text & TextBox2.Text) Then Button1.Enabled = False Else Button1.Enabled = True End If [/code] However it doesnt work simultaneously, the button will become enabled if i …

Member Avatar for SiahCheePing
Member Avatar for technogeek17

Ok, I have a usercontrol in a Class Library Projects which contains a Button, 2 Listboxes, and a Progress bar. My code is to look for a file and if its there post to one listbox and fill in the progress bar and also put the programs current task in …

Member Avatar for technogeek17
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a datagrid view which has a combo box and 3 datagrid view text boxes.when the form loads the values form the database adds to the datagrid view combo box. when a value is selected the relevant information is begin taken from the database and displayed in …

Member Avatar for Saravanan R

I want to save Text box values in VB and retrieve.If you having any sample code please help me

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for Netcode

hi guys. its been a long time but sincerely, am happy to be back. now i've got a problem on my mind and that is; am trying to develop a database application but i want it to be a console application. the major issue is that i dont know how …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for wb4whd

Ok I have a program that has some web controls. When the user logs into the web system it loads in WebBrowser4 and their worklist comes up. I want to code the web control so if they click any link in the control it will load those links in a …

Member Avatar for wb4whd
Member Avatar for achilleus1234

I would like to do 2 things (or one of the two) first, I have in form1 a textbox1 and i would like to bring the info of it to a textbox (or label) in form2 second, If it's possible i would like to set a picture from form1 to …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

Hi! I dont have enough knowledge about making report there in vb.net. Let me explain what I want to do. I have a combo box there in my form. When user will run this form combo box will get ID number from database. When user will select ID number from …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for Dazamondo

Hi Guys, I wonder if you will be able to help me with creating a password generator in VB using VS 2008. I have limited programming knowledge from my time at university and it wasn’t my strong point :). What I want to do is have a front end which …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for sartana

i need help on this simple case dim xMenu as System.Windows.Forms.ToolstripItem dim xString as string = "FrmMain.MnuFile" [B]xMenu=xString[/B] xString.visible=False xString.test="MENU FILE" ... How could i do 'that bold area'?? note: xString actually was dynamic variable i got from Database with SQL syntax thanks before!

Member Avatar for sartana
Member Avatar for parkermc

Hi , I am very very new to VB and don't know how to proceed with coding this. I have a file in excel in the format below [U]Name[/U]....................[U]UID[/U]...................[U]Password[/U] Marie Lily...............myoune.................9eW2n+st Rita Jain..................rjain....................yE#eCA2a Peter Craig.............pcraig.....................Qutru4r? and I need to convert this data/excel sheet into the format below: dn: cn=myoune,cn=Users,ou=MyDomain,dc=com objectClass: …

Member Avatar for mltytskr
Member Avatar for chandruswami
Member Avatar for bghodsi

Hi Folks: The following is the complete coding for an application which I wrote to move data from sql 2000 to MS Access 2003. The coding looks fine to me but I am still getting an error. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance Bob …

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The End.