20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for xe_nayr

Hello, does anyone know how to access an item like a button in a windows application? For example, I would like to create an application that would be able to look at notepad's file menu and "know" that file, edit, etc on the file menu are clickable objects and identify …

Member Avatar for MaxDes
Member Avatar for Sueli
Member Avatar for fable1380

I am new to VB coding so I'm trying some easy projects. I figured an alarm clock would be a good place to start. But I'm Having a hard time with the MP3 Part of it all. I want a pre-selected MP3 to start, when my timer2 is = to …

Member Avatar for huslayer
Member Avatar for tomikimi

please how can i generate serial numbers like a bank account number from a text box.pls i need ur help i use vb.net

Member Avatar for dlplenin
Member Avatar for bryann

I am trying to get the IP address of my router and so i have found this code and it works perfectly on my pc. When i run it on my laptop however it outputs two addresses. One is the correct one and the other is just I only …

Member Avatar for MaxDes
Member Avatar for hsncvs

hi guys, i have a main form and what i want to do is to display the informations on another form (in listview) which has the input values on the main form. when i create a second form i cant access any of the controls on the main form. How …

Member Avatar for hsncvs
Member Avatar for trpsjt2008

Hello I'm Can't Find Any way to download Text File From My Free Hosting Cuz i can download from Direct link Website Like Fileden But My free Hosting it Say [B]The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.[/B] How Can I get download file From My Hosting i use [CODE]My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for JohnDove

My vb 2008 app uses Excel, but only briefly. Can I avoid referencing the Interop library Microsoft.Office.Interop,Excel?? Is there another way to link to Excel? In terms of its dealings with Excel, my app does little more than open a workbook and shade some cells. Many thanks

Member Avatar for gever
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a excel file which have purchase order information. the file contains of the information of the user and the the items that he ordered with the order item quantity and the price but there may be any amount of items in the excel sheet. the thing …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for SiahCheePing

I' ve my cookie to [CODE]Dim authCookie As New HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName)[/CODE] I've just started learning about cookies not long ago,can I retrieve the cookie that I've set by using the code below? [CODE] Dim authCookie As String = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName If Not Request.Cookies(authCookie) Is Nothing Then 'Display requested page Else Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?") End …

Member Avatar for qinise4
Member Avatar for Dr-Delta

Hi I using C# to VB.NET code converter which gave me this: [CODE] Public Class PostCalendar Inherits Calendar [B]Implements [U]ICallbackEventHandler[/U][/B] //--Class 'PostCalendar' must implement 'Function GetCallbackResult() As String' for interface 'System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler'. ¿¿?? //----------------------------------------------- Shared Sub New() [B][U]Post.Saved += Post_Saved[/U][/B] End Sub //----------------------------------------------- Public Class RecentComments Inherits Control Shared Sub New() …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for justme369

can anybody help me transcribe this into vb.net [code] public string WriteNReadBuffer(byte [] TelnetNegotiation, NetworkStream stream) { stream.Write(TelnetNegotiation, 0, TelnetNegotiation.Length); Byte[] data = new Byte[256]; Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); string returnval; returnval = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0, bytes) + "\r\n"; //textBox2.AppendText(BitConverter.ToString(data, 0, bytes) + "\r\n"); return returnval; } public void …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for abhay1234

hi the problem is when i use my own word eg here "jose" the results are correct but when i use random string it doesnt work the same here's my code [code] Imports System.Text Public Class Form2 Dim guess As String = " " Dim bulls As Integer = 0 …

Member Avatar for abhay1234
Member Avatar for AngieK

How do I get data from mysql and send it to Excel and have it update every 30 minutes using VB2005? Thanks for any help!

Member Avatar for MaxDes

Hello again, I am trying to replace a string which is actually different from line to line in a text file. I want to end up with a filename but without the path. For example: My text file contains: C:\test\testingmore\filename.mpg C:\test\testfiles1\testfile4.mpg W:\testinglocation\testingmore\testfiles9.mpg I would like to replace the path in …

Member Avatar for MaxDes
Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit: 1 11 2 200 21 3 3000 4 456 Should instead sort as: 1 2 3 4 11 21 200 456 3000 As the columns are set in …

Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty
Member Avatar for bghodsi

Hi folks: Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong in the coding below: [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Try Dim ConnectionString As String = "Server=hp;database=library;integrated security=SSPI" MessageBox.Show("Connection established") Dim sql As String = "SELECT snippetID, snippetName, snippetSource, snippetCode FROM snippet …

Member Avatar for meffe
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a datagrid view in a form. when a button is clicked for the first time a new row is added to the daagridview, when i click the button for the second time i want to check whether there is a blank row in the datagrid view, …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for itshibu

Dear all, I am creating a small project for my company ie; document controller. In this project a small module is reading documents. I already made reading of other documents like word,text, etc. But I am unable to create a program that can read pdf files. My main aim is …

Member Avatar for tyagnesh
Member Avatar for needanswer
Member Avatar for lulusweety

The following function DateAdd("h", -24, DateAdd("d", 1, DateValue(Now))) gives todays date without any minutes or seconds. How is it possible by just adding 1 day and subtracting 24 hours we get todays date without time in the result. 'Now' actually displays time along with date

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Member Avatar for needanswer

How your guys run the IIS? I am just done a project (vb.net with access) on the vb 2008 express, but not sure the steps to set up and run the project on the internet with IIS? THANKS.

Member Avatar for needanswer
Member Avatar for dionisov

I'm sure that I have seen this somewhere here, but I want to ask how I can make membership system in windows forms application? The database must be in hosting. I don't know how exacly to connect to it. It says that it can't find the database server.

Member Avatar for American_4_Life

Hey, So basically I'm making a program that can convert feet to metres, it would ask for the start value, increment and end value, before displaying the results in the Listbox. Example; Start = 1 foot Increment = 1 foot End = 5 foot Foot Metres 1 ** 2 ** …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for Ellitivity

So i'm new to VB and am making a program that is a count down timer and when it reaches '0' it clicks the left mouse button where ever the mouse is on the screen (in the form or not. The code so far: [CODE] Public Class Form1 Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for wb4whd

OK I can upload a single specified file but need to create a loop to read and upload all files in a certain folder. Here is code for single file. [CODE]'upload a file ftp.Upload("c:\test\ftp\upload.exe", "/pub/upload.exe")[/CODE]

Member Avatar for wb4whd
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

I have searched and I have searched but I can't find a way to display all instances of SQL Server in a combobox. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for johnhtod
Member Avatar for hiks

code function javascript to swapimage(img1) var str1 = new String(img1); var text = document.getElementById('<%=TextBox1.ClientID %>'); var arr = new Array(); arr = str1.split('/'); document.getElementById(textvalue).src = str1; document.getElementById('<%=addProductImage.ClientID %>').src = "Images/ProductImages/thumb_" + arr[arr.length - 1]; document.getElementById('needToChange').href = str1; question is .. when page load appear problem which is say htmlfile: Invalid …

Member Avatar for faceandname

So I have two forms. I want the information i input to text boxes in form one, to show up in text boxes on form two. The txtONE - TWELVE belong to form1 and the Form2.Adj/Adv/Noun etcetera belong to Form2 [code] Public Class Form1 Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for landb

I am in school and just learning and I am completely stumped on this lesson. [B]I have determined that I will be using an array[/B] dim playingBoard(2,2) as string - 9 possible places to put an x or an o dim x as integer dim o as integer [B]I have …

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The End.