20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for balachinnuu
Member Avatar for london-G

hi! I am quite puzzled here. I have a program inwhich when the user clicks on the command button, a random line should appear but only once. I am storing each line with different variables. Right now i have the random line coming up but it is repeating itself. For …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for saj_amo

hi i have a problem when connecting my application with sql server installed in a different server i am placing my connection string in this way : Public Const strConnection = "Server=SERVER\QTMLSQLSERVER;User Id=sa; Password=sa; Database=QTML_DB but its not working.

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for plusplus

In my code I want to upload a file to my project(named Musiker), under the folder music. Here is what I did so far, it's not working. 'to get the path where to upload it, I did the following Dim strpath As String = Application.StartupPath Dim num As Integer = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for keny2020j

How can i retrieve the information from Ms Access and put it into a VB.net 2D Array? Urgently need help in this

Member Avatar for keny2020j
Member Avatar for devs.dr

hi i m working on Student Database Management system, I have used button s for insertion, deletion, and update. Insert and delete button is working but update's click gives syntax error: Pls help as soon as possible: [code] Try Dim com As New OleDbCommand com.Connection = con com.CommandText = "update …

Member Avatar for devs.dr
Member Avatar for iramirez

Hi everyone, I'm creating a database installer where I have some code to create database, tables, stored procedures, etc. I don't have problems when creating the database, tables and inserting required data. My problem is when my code gets to the stored procedures section. Here is what I do: I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi, I'm current working on a project that allows the user to store customer and job details. At the min, I have a form to view and add customer records, but also edit/delete etc. customer records. I also have a form to add a particular job type. I'm working on …

Member Avatar for SCass2010
Member Avatar for abglong

hello i'm newbie here. i'm finish to develop a registration system using vb 2008 exp edition. so, i want to connect my standalone system with LAN network. i want to access database from other computer and be use in my system. i'm use crosscable to connect with 2 computer. before …

Member Avatar for abglong
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I am able to have checked menu items show the variables that I need to show, but they don't uncheck themselves unless I go back and click them. I want to have only one checkmark on a country at a time...is there any way? I've tried if...elseif , but that …

Member Avatar for L0u3
Member Avatar for ercdill

Hello, I'm very new to VB, I have a small problem. I'm simply trying to allow the user to change the ForeColor of some calculated totals that appear in Read-only text boxes using the Color Dialog box. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, any help would be appreciated. [CODE]Private …

Member Avatar for L0u3
Member Avatar for jamal87

hey guys.am working on a program. i have a timer and want it to countdown to zero when the button is clicked any ideas i'd appreciate.cheers.

Member Avatar for L0u3
Member Avatar for IT21

hey im in the middle of creating a little program that allows a user to search and if in admin mode can delete and add a new record to the database i have my search part working fine i have made the query using the dataset.xsd query builder i used …

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Member Avatar for vvashishta

dear all I am trying to send a mail using Web.Mail in vb.net. It is working fine but when I try to attach the file using Upload File Control of asp.net, event is not getting fired on which the function is getting called to send mail.. sending the code too. …

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Member Avatar for k1robert

I am trying to consume a web service using VS2008. The code below works in VS2005 but not VS2008 I, suspecting it's to do with WCF. Please can someone help me to solve the puzzle? 'Old code that works [CODE] Dim o As New MyWebService.Name Dim pr As New System.Net.WebProxy("", …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for dudedatroz

Hello there. im pretty much new to mobile applications and i wanna know whether we can create mobile applications for nokia (N series) and install them in the phone using vb.net.. i have gone through the smart Device option available in .net and it seems to be valid only for …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for swenzy

plz send a solution for this [code=text] "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user" [/code] while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement " plz reply me how can i solve the error

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for troupm

My brain hurts again. I want to take a collection of PointF objects and crate a path that is the outer perimiter of the collection, so that I don't get a criss-cross problem. I'm assuming no wierd shapes with undercuts; just a collection of 'border' points. The best I could …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for k1robert

Hi i'm creating my Data Access Layer and I want to return my object but not all the fields so this is the code i'm using [CODE] Public Function BasicSearchProposals(ByVal searchvalue As String) As IEnumerable(Of DCProposal) Dim dc As New PPDataContext() Dim proposals = From p In dc.DCProposals _ Where …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for eliot

hi out there; when i use an array to pass as argument between an encapsulated class to a form1 through property get. when i start using this array on form1 i get the error "late binding not allowed" how can i solve this problem??? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Smith5646

I wanted to delete all of the TextBoxes that I put on a form that start with "tbx". The below code only deleted some of them. [CODE] For Each ctl As Control In Panel1.Controls If ctl.Name.StartsWith("tbx") Then ctl.Dispose() End If Next [/CODE] So, I took it a step further in …

Member Avatar for L0u3
Member Avatar for RSP86

[b]Split from - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread91396.html[/url] [/b] im having the same problem with this right now, ive been able to add it into myown form but not been able to create new database items such as names and things like that. ive tried using the same style of SQL statements but nojoy …

Member Avatar for eddan

Yeah I was stupid and pressed (X) on all of the bars to the left you know the "Solution Explorer" I think and alot of more, how do I re-enable them?

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for drakkar

hello everyone... i`m totally new to vb actually.now using vb express 2008.i`m currently trying to create log in function.basically, i`m already create database (database in vb 2008 itself) for login,which the login table contain 3 columns, Username, Password and Designation.example : [B][U]Username[/U][/B] -- [B][U]Password[/U][/B] -- [B][U]Designation[/U][/B] jack -- 123abc -- …

Member Avatar for drakkar
Member Avatar for yorro

Can anyone tell my why the code... [CODE=vb] Form1.Controls.Remove(myCustomControl) [/CODE] ...does not remove the control. Because whenever I remove a control and add it again, it does not Load but rather just changes its visibility from false to true and all the variables are not reloaded. I tried to use …

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Member Avatar for bryansworld

Hi, I'm wondering if there is any code that I could use in VB.net so it can determine the computer's startup mode (such as safe mode or safe mode with networking). That would be appreciated. Thanks! bryansworld

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for eliot

I know that hash table is like a mathematical set. I can add keys for example to it of the keyboard. dictionaryentry ,I have looked is the key-value pair, could you please clarify that for me and its relatioship with a hashtable. a delegate also ,i know it delegates some …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I have created an error for letting the user know when they have missed putting input into a text box. When I go to use my clear button, I can't get past the message that says I (the user) need to input information. Is there a way to ignore a …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi, i need your help to get date of birth (DOB) from the Age that given...example AGE = 45...so how to get the DOB?...tq

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for Sawamura

hi masters.. anyone know what it shell? and how to do it? any code more helps... thx.. Best Regards

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.