20,284 Topics
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Hi i am working in vb.net (vs 2005) i have designed my mdi form ribbon file (System.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.dll file ) its working fine but when i close my mdi form that time i got error error message Title "Windows32 Exception was unhandled" The system cannot find the file specified any one … | |
Dear freinds i have a big problem!! i hope somebody can help me out.. The situation: I have a small application where i store customers and orders.. In my database i have a tabel called Customers and a tabel called Orders. These 2 dabases are joined on Customer ID - … | |
I am developing a software for a restaurant which is owned by my sister. I would like a functionality that will make her send all purchased items into a listbox,and afterwards which will calculate for the total plus VAT. Whereby, there will be another button which will print out a … | |
Hi i am trying to write a simple programme to allow the user to open and read data from a RS232 port on a medical equipment and save the data into text file. Iam not a techie. I am totally new to programming save a few projects in foxpro(lol.....yeah oldshool). … | |
i have a datagridview with checkboxes in my window form and i want to sort my result with textbox without losting checkbox checked value. i place code in textbox_textchange() event. first i fill datatable with label click() [code] Private Sub Label8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label8.Click … | |
Hi, yes I'm a student with homework problems, but I am trying. I need to display various shapes in a picture box, and am trying to do so via a combobox that the user can select from. My problem is clearing a previous selection when a new selection is made. … | |
I try to create an forgot password application. in the application, in order to get user password, user must do some input. there is 4 input : Username, Name, Security Question, and Security Answer. [CODE]Try If TextBox8.Text <> "" Then kueri = "select Username, Pass, Nama, SecQue, SecAns from Account … | |
hi my problem is that there is no msgbox"Hi this is my first" coding but my programme showing above message box on form loading event. Please help | |
Hi, I have a program that will download files from a company website given a list of links. The site requires authentication, and I do have code that will set the authentication cookie in the request header. I get the authentication cookie from a Perl script we have. What I … | |
I am new in vb.net so i don't know how to take a print from a vb form. thanks for this printing code. | |
hi guys, I am a fresher vb.net programmer. I have a requirement of storing employee's image in databse and retrive them in a form. I could insert image into the database but when I am retriving it , it does not get working. So if anybody knows the code for … | |
Hi there, VB.Net 2003 Window Application DataGrid Paging. Need your help The users instead of using Vertical ScrollBar in DataGrid1 they requested for NEXT and PREV buttons for paging the display on DataGrid. I have added the NEXT Button and PREV Button but doesn't know how to create the script … | |
Hello, I am new to this community as well as Visual Basic. My class was assigned a project that is to use Panning and Zooming of a Image. However the code the teacher supplied us zooms to the Upper Left corner of the image instead of the Center of the … | |
| Thing is... I'm trying to insert a new records into database, one of those records is a "datetime"...when I type a wrong date, and try to insert those values into database, i get an error (about wrong typed date etc.)...ok, that's fine, things need to work that way. But here … |
Hi guys, For the last 30 mins i have been trying to remove a part of a textbox, in this case i want to remove [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[/url] and remove anything after the end starting with &. do you understand what I mean? Any help appreciated, I really tried. | |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help!!! i was doing an application that can send the MMS with smil file by HTTP post . but i could not get any sample source code that can refer. Does kindly help for anyone was involve in this kind of development | |
Hi I have a 32-bit java dll which i need to call from a asp.net application on a 64-bit machine. Please let me know if have any solution. Thanks | |
The select case construct is moving to the Case Else line every time the programme loops, even though there are "Longvue" & "Roseleigh" entries in the worksheet.[code]Option Explicit Option Compare Text Sub Complete() Dim HOComplete As Range Dim Client As String Dim JobNumber As Range Dim workrange1 As Range Dim … | |
Hi All, Thanks for your continuing helps and supports, I really love this forum. (and somewhat depended on it). I have got program written in vb6, this program provide the calculation and links to microsoft access and microsoft words. This program soon will be integrated with microsoft visio or other … | |
I have a program that allows the user to add steps to a process (tabpages in a control). All tabpages are generated on the fly by duplicating a "template" tabpage and consequently have the same control names such as textboxStepDesc. Here is the hierarchy of the controls to get to … | |
OK I have an assignment on my Access course, I find this site really good and require some help if possible. Basically I have a login screen which checks the Access Database I am using the code I have is this: [code] Username = txtUsername.Text Password = txtPassword.Text 'Following code … | |
i am creating a search system i have one of y search querys working but when i try to do the same on a different part of the project i get this error message and one of my text boxes underlined message is : -Error 1 Argument not specified for … | |
Hi all :) I'd like to make a little vb.net program that executes searches on a msaccess database. I use a textbox to get the value to search and than i'd like to search all the values that has the textbox value in the middle. So, the queries should look … | |
I need help i am tired of dealing with this program and trying to get it to work. All i am doing is reading each txt file i find in a direcory and finding certain strings in the text then counting how many i find in each file and then … | |
Hi! friends, im interested in doing a software application on vb.net, 4 now im still confused. help me with the most suitable topic before thursday 26 november 2009 plisss | |
Hi All, I want to get the data coming from a weighing scale (rs232 signal) to a vb.net prgram, to a text box, how i get this? can any one give the code, Kind Regards Jamith | |
VB.NET:i want to select data from sql server 2005 DB table and displaying into text box that depends on combo box selection using VB.NET | |
Hi... i would like to develop a net cafe automation project using vs 2005 as front end and sql server as back end... could u pls give your idea.. suggestions... views..experience..... to get me a clear idea about the work | |
I am acquiring a google earth image in vb.Net using the following: [code] imgImage.Load("http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=" _ + dblLat.ToString + "," + dblLong.ToString + _ "&zoom=" + intZoom.ToString + _ "&size=512x512&maptype=satellite") [/code] where imgImage is a PictureBox .net object. I need to know what the width and height of the image returned … | |
Im trying to make 400 textlabels at runtime but i dont see them , Why not ? [CODE]Private orderArray(41, 10) As Label for x=1 to 40 For u = 1 To 10 orderArray(x, u) = New Label orderArray(x, u).BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D orderArray(x, u).Text = "----klhjk--" orderArray(x, u).Height = 20 orderArray(x, … |
The End.