20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sriviji

Hi, Dim MyDT As New DataTable Dim MyRow As DataRow MyDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Item", GetType(Int32))) MyDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Quantity", GetType(Int32))) MyDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Price", GetType(Int32))) MyDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Total", GetType(Int32))) MyDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("InvoiceNo", GetType(Int32))) MyRow = MyDT.NewRow() MyRow(0) = TextBox1.Text MyRow(1) = TextBox2.Text MyRow(2) = TextBox3.Text MyRow(3) = TextBox4.Text MyRow(4) = TextBox5.Text MyDT.Rows.Add(MyRow) Dim i As Integer DataGridView1.DataSource = …

Member Avatar for tableray
Member Avatar for infernojmd

so my project is a text editor and i am trying to make an open button and save. my code only opens the last part of the file it read. i was wondering if someone good help me or give any tips. thanks [ICODE] Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ravindransrm

i am doing sumall supermarket project this project i want to print invoice using dotmatrix printer table i am using this fields billno,sl.no,productname,qnt,rate ,total any one send some idea about this.....

Member Avatar for swappy

Hello guys I asked to make a library management project in the college...last year project many over here would might know... I just wanted to ask you guys how should I proceed with this thing..

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Nommy

Hi Everyone, I am developing a software that is interfaced with a RFID device. The RFID device manufacturer provides me with a DLL file that contains various functions to communicate with the device. One of the simplest function in the dll file is "CommOpen". This function opens the selected PC …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jaslysahal

hai, i am a beginner,,,,i want to know,how to install my project into client system.i want to know it in detai

Member Avatar for jaslysahal
Member Avatar for kn2790

well tried readin many tut's about how to go about doing this but they seem to confuse me :S there seems to be many ways. i understand the concepts of what is required, but jus cant implement it into code [url]http://www.programmersheaven.com/mb/VBNET/389030/389030/database-search-/?S=B20000[/url] So im trying to display results from a form …

Member Avatar for kn2790
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi alls, I'm using console application to pull data between 2 different database and column name (from Oracle to Sql 2008). The connection already done..but i'm having problem to select and insert from oracle to sql... The details as below :- Oracle DB Table :- Event Column : ID , …

Member Avatar for mhm_ra
Member Avatar for baderabc
Member Avatar for ravindransrm
Member Avatar for likewhoa

When i hit the start button i just get white boxes and no image for the dynamic and the image does not show for the random image i get a red x wondering if anyone can help me thanks! [code] Dim r As New Random Dim s As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for SHALINISHEETAL

Can anyone pliz solve this....am a beginerin vb.net i wana know how to get squared digit length of an integer

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for tinajl

Hi All, I'm very new to VB, and I've been working a project for a class for a while. I'm trying to link totals from three different forms to a final form, but I'm getting stuck w/my coding. Someone suggested that I use the first form to set up the …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for BlahHx2

Ok lets say i want to make a web browser with tabs how would i get the first tab to display a webpage like google.ca as soon as the application opens?

Member Avatar for Jammerx2
Member Avatar for HalloJoe

Hi all! I need to check if an object with equal property value(CustomObject.Key) exist in my custom list In a List(Of String) i would do it like this [code=VB.NET] Public Class StringList Inherits List(Of String) Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal s As String) If Not Me.Contains(s) Then MyBase.Add(s) End If End …

Member Avatar for tennisace24
Member Avatar for baby_1

Hello how can i send a fax with my computer(modem) and FAXCOMLib control? why connect do? its neccesery to specify it?

Member Avatar for Naziakanwal
Member Avatar for jaslysahal
Member Avatar for ravindransrm

hi im working on windows application.vb.net In this Application iam using two forms one is invoice form other one is search form first form one find button used to i will click button search form showme, my search form i am using datagridview datagridview some field product id,product name,price list …

Member Avatar for tableray

i want to show a msgbox when i click on the webbrowser control on my form.. how do i do it? why isnt there a mouseclick event in the webbrowser method listbox?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for aveao

I need some help. I have been problems getting my programs to recognize variables outside of the subroutines even if I make them public. Ive been able to work around the problem until now. I am working with arrays. It wont let me declare the array outside the subroutine and …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for olsofty

I am trying to access one colum in one row in a SQL Database. Dim qryDraw As String = "SELECT LastDD FROM dbo.comDate Where DrawNo = 2 " Dim cmdDraw As New SqlCommand(qryDraw, Connection) Dim pagesize As Long = 0 Dim adpDraw As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(qryDraw, Connection) Dim dataSet …

Member Avatar for ranitsaha

[code]Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim conn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\Visual Studio Projects\test\dbtest.accdb;Persist Security Info=False" Dim cmd As String = "SELECT * FROM Table1" Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd, conn) Dim topics As New DataSet("Table1") …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for KikoLtd

Hello guys! I am a new member so if a make a mistake please don't shout at me :P I want to know how can i edit and delete a registry key in visual basic 2008 and also how to add a subfolder. I don't have any code so please …

Member Avatar for crazyhorse09
Member Avatar for sunilpro

Hi all dotnet lovers, I wish to develope software for my college. This is desktop+web apps. I wish to go for .NET tech. I am puzzled how to use and integrate various technologies. My desktop app will run at office for regitration of students and accepting fee, offering various legal …

Member Avatar for sunilpro
Member Avatar for keithE

I am trying to make a login form, and i need it to check for the inputed name in the database. I can't figure how to get text from the cell. i would also prefer not to use a GDV on the form. I am mainly seeking a way to …

Member Avatar for keithE
Member Avatar for Merovingian

Been trying to run a schema script from within vb.net. No matter how I format it I can't I just get all kinds of syntax errors: Here is my VB script: [CODE]Dim sqlservername As String sqlservername = Tservername.Text Dim SQLStr As String Dim ConnString As String ConnString = "Data Source=" …

Member Avatar for Merovingian
Member Avatar for Merovingian

I know this is probably really easy but I'm at a complete loss and I've been unable to find anything on the web. How do I get the name of the local SQL2008 instance? Please help!!!

Member Avatar for Ojeames

Hello, I am working on a project titled Time Management System, basically a billing system for cafes... I have gotten somewhere but now i need to change the look of my user login form. I chose what VB2008 gave in the new item view. Any ideas or templates will be …

Member Avatar for rpk2006

I have a Sub Routine as below: Private Sub SaveRecord() Call InsertIntoTable1 Call InsertIntoTable2 Call InsertIntoTable3 Call InsertIntoTable4 End Sub I want to use the transaction object in such a way that it starts just before the first Insert Call and ends after the last Insert Call. The situation is …

Member Avatar for MattWilkinson

The End.