20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nawsheen

I have attached my question. I am having some problems with the attached question. Well here is my code: Dim Name As String Name = TextBox1.Text If Name = TextBox1.Text And radLT20.Checked = True Then txtDisplay.Text = "Name is aged below 20" ElseIf Name = TextBox1.Text And rad20To40.Checked = True …

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Member Avatar for mainak001

I have written a ftp client in VB.net which is working fine in Local access mode . But it is not able to connect internet based FTP server . Is it possible to connect Net FTp servers . How ???

Member Avatar for misae

hey i have a problem i want to add datetime picker column to datagridview.how to get date,when i click datepicker to datagrid.thanks for any help.

Member Avatar for jivangoyal

I want to send an email by using groupwise. Please anybody help me how I can send an email by using groupwise in VB.net. Or if not possible, please let me know the way that can send the email to the desired ID with placing the copy of the sent …

Member Avatar for gwguruman
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I have developed a windows database application in vb.net 2008 express and sql express 2008. Is there a way to create reports in the application? Thanks

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Member Avatar for Nastadon

Did a search but found nothing that answers my question. Was assigned the game Hangman as a test and I haven't been able to do anything myself and it's due tomorrow. I've looked on tons of sites for help, but so far haven't found any. The test says [quote]You need …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for lukechris

Hi, I have done a search so please don't tell me to! :D I have this in a text box: [ICODE]<MenuItem version="1.0"> <item_text> <TEXT default_lang="en" str=""></TEXT> </item_text> <item_help> </item_help> <item_icon> <RIGHT str="softkey1.png" /> </item_icon> <item_action> <ACTION type="JAVA" suite_name="" suite_vendor="" entry_point=""></ACTION> </item_action> </MenuItem> �PNG  IHDR F  �1�e bKGD � …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for coolshail_87

hello!! myself shail sharma n i want ur favor... i m developing an windows application in which i am implementing administrator right on the intranet through which i can controle the access of internet on the perticular intranet... i want to invoke my software as soon the explorer is clicked... …

Member Avatar for NanoNick

hi, I'm kinda puzzled here, i just finished working on my application and tried to use windows setup wizard. my program needs a database with it, so i included the database in the application folder. the question is... is their anyway to lock the database file so that no one …

Member Avatar for GeorgeFarr

I am connecting an access mdb format and cannot display the values from the database table onto a form in vb . I need also to enter values to the same database. I appreciate any help anyone can provide as I am new to all this. I did the same …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for Kecy

I'm about to embark on a biometrics project specifically a fingerprint project. If someone could help me with source codes or web sources to get helpful stuff, I would greatly appreciate it.

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for mem81

Hi guys, I am experiencing a problem with a variable I declare. If I pass on a real value that the variable might contain code works ok , but if I leave the code to get the variable as decalred it doesn`t. What my code is doing is checking if …

Member Avatar for nexocentric
Member Avatar for TriceD

Hi all, I'm facing some difficulties with the [b]getchanges [/b]method of a datatable... In my program, I have a standalone datatable which I'm using as the datasource to a datagridview. When I make changes to the datagridview, and I use the [b]getchanges(DataRowState.Modified)[/b] method, I get [b]Nothing[/b] as the result, no …

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Member Avatar for arunasingh

Private Sub DataGridView1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = True Dim ri As Integer = DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex Dim ci As Integer = DataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex e.SuppressKeyPress = True FindNextCell(DataGridView1, ri, ci + 1) 'checking from Next End If End Sub Sub FindNextCell(ByVal dgv …

Member Avatar for blondie.simon

When I install my application I would like a shortcut to be added to the desktop. How can i do this? I am running Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition Thanks Simon

Member Avatar for kishorrana
Member Avatar for arunasingh

sir i am developing application in windows so i want that when i serach data that data then that data is dislpayed indatagridview when i am doing that thecvdata is displayed but there is one blank row created in gridview below that row:means that suppose in first row of gridview …

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Member Avatar for arunasingh

sir I want that when i press enter in any cell of datagridview i want that next cell value is focused and i edit that value .Means how i set focus to any cell on pressing enter and in which event i do that

Member Avatar for yugho

Dear all, I'd like to write a Java program that could use functions in an existing VB.Net dll or exe. Is it possible to do that? I had actually searched for methods online, and it seems like there's JNI which could do that, but after reading the implementation I got …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for arunasingh

I am developing a project in which i have combobox in that there are list of station and i want that when i type the words that will match to that station and that station is selected in combo box

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for TheBrenda

Are there any good and inexpensive 3rd party software for error handling? At my prior job, once the code was ready to ship to the client, we ran it against some 3rd party software that added all the error handling. The software provided a log with easy to read call …

Member Avatar for jackVB

Hello Frens, I tried to update change made in database shown DataGridView1 of Visual Studio 2008 with the following codes. But an error message comes as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Public Class Form1 Dim cmd As Odbc.OdbcCommand Dim adp As Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal …

Member Avatar for jackVB
Member Avatar for arunasingh

i am developing windows application project i want that in a datagridview if there is data in the first row ,then i want that if i enter then that above row is copied as next row below the first row.so how i do code in enter of any cell in …

Member Avatar for 4advanced
Member Avatar for Aeterna

Rather than build in a proxy to my program I want to use it with my existing proxy switcher program Hide-My-IP. This program doesn't change the IE settings, but it makes all your browsers go through one of their IP addresses. IE, FF, etc all get their ip changed by …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jackVB

I want to update data using DataGridView in Visual Studio2008 with the following code. But it is not working. Plz help me. Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click cmd = New Odbc.OdbcCommand("UPDATE Table1 SET Name") Me.Table1TableAdapter.Update(DataSet1.Table1) MsgBox("Updated") End Sub

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for atikah

hello everybody :) im new in vb and now try to develop one system using visual studio 2005 and sqlserver 2000.. i succeed to generate the data in datagridview but then it display all data not i had selected in combo box.. as shown below :- Imports TMSForm Imports TMSBusiness …

Member Avatar for mdeguzis

Hi, I am having a bit of trouble. Here is what I have. Main Form - the atari pong game High Score Form - the grid view of the simple SQL database PONG database contains: ID (identity auto increment) and FinalTime (string) Basically I cannot get the stopwatch text box …

Member Avatar for Aeterna

"Sorry, you can't do that right now." I'm testing my application which is a Twitter account manager, and I'm offering a feature of being able to create a new account right from the application. However, sometimes, usually after a few bouts of testing. Twitter gives me this error and its …

Member Avatar for Aeterna

How can my VB.net application interact with windows modal dialog boxes? For example when you click an HTML <input type=file> the dialog that opens is a windows form that isn't in my application, so how can I manipulate it?

Member Avatar for Aeterna
Member Avatar for Aeterna

I have datagridviews where I've removed the ability for users to edit them directly. I have made add and delete buttons for users to add rows and remove selected rows. Occasionally, and I'm not sure why, I get the "Prepare: CommandText..." error, as well as "Update requires a valid ___Command..." …

Member Avatar for kn2790

ok i understand some basics of vb but am still relatively a new... my problem.. code is for saving values into a database and displaying on the same form on a datagrid which is connected to the database... Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Addbooking Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public cN As OleDbConnection Public …

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The End.