20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for evertron

I am having problems figuring out this problem. I am looking at my book and trying to follow along. i have used the get the way the book is showing and I have a couple of errors and I am not sure how to proceed with tying the the two …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for BeReady

hi all, i am doing payment form using datagridview in vb.net2008 when item add to item list it will automatic display on my datagrid. the problem now is, the datagrid will display out my data when i press ADD Button twice . here is my code.. am i make a …

Member Avatar for BeReady
Member Avatar for Merovingian

I'm looking for some guidance on getting a list of local SQL08 Instance names in to a selection box. I don't know where to start, thanks all.

Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev

Can anyone please tell me how to update an existing exe's file version? Ex. Target.exe exists. It may or may not have a file version. The source code is NOT available. I need be able to change the file version. Thanks!!!!

Member Avatar for ritu verma

1) Hi , I want to increase or decrease the volume of windows media player thru coding..On Image Click,I do not have any idae from where to start...Can somebody give me refernces..so that I found a way to start. 2) How To Play Audio File with Real palyer??

Member Avatar for aashishn86

hi everyone... i have to begin a project in vb in a week... i have no experience with vb yet...i was just wondering should i start studying vb now or vb.net ? how similar or different are they ? because we'll be migrating to vb.net soon....

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for BrewerFR

Hello Im currently working on a web browser and at the moment, after traipsing round the whole of the internet, im completely flumoxed. I have a textbox (textbox1) on a form, and what i want is at the click of a button on the form, any text in that box …

Member Avatar for richboy
Member Avatar for Nawsheen

I have been surfing the net for hours but couldn't find anything as to whether it is possible to make a groupbox readonly. So if you can make it read-only how do you go about?Is there any code?Thanks

Member Avatar for omotoyosi
Member Avatar for Nawsheen

I have done half of my project on microsoft visual studio express edition 2008. However as the express edition does not support reporting i will have to use the professional edition. My question is will my project open in the professional edition.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I associate the listview with the imagelist..Set property of listview SmallList to Imagelist..I want that on listview click. I get the icon name....But i m not getting how to get icon name..Mine code below-- [code] Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load …

Member Avatar for aus.ghostrider

Hi, here is my scenario, a medical imaging scope is connected to a computer via a serial connection. When a physical button on the imaging scope is pressed a signal is sent over the serial connection. I'm wanting to detect this signal using the SerialPort control in vb.net but I'm …

Member Avatar for Gary1959

Hi I want to load a movie and play it in a mediaplayer control on a form. Below is the code I used to do this in VB 6. It does not seem to work in VB.NET. [code] Private Sub cmdOpen_Click() Me.MediaPlayer1.AutoSize = False Me.MediaPlayer1.AutoStart = False Me.MediaPlayer1.VideoBorder3D = False …

Member Avatar for nawa

I worte a code for Palindrom and i am receiving error message could someone tell me where is the mistake is? thank you. Dim i As Integer Dim word As String = wordTextBox.Text Dim testWord As String Dim reverseWord As String Dim testChar As String Dim maxIndex As Integer maxIndex …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Bill Purkins

Using VB 2008, I am stumped. I have a fillby and getdataby table adapter query that does a SELECT COUNT from FILENAME where fieldname = textbox and I want to use the number of rows returned, but can't figure out how to reference it. This seems so simple, but I …

Member Avatar for dgmdaily
Member Avatar for Rohinir

Hi All, I have used foxpro appln object as Dim oVFP = CreateObject("VisualFoxPro.Application") in vb.net function .Is it possible to run this application on client machine without installing foxpro ? if yes then how ?

Member Avatar for Nawsheen

Dim response As String response = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) If response = 6 Then End ElseIf response = 7 Then Me.Close() End If Above is the code to exit a form. When i exit my form a message box appears telling me if …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for rugs267

Hey everyone! I'm having trouble with the Open File Dialog in VB.NET. It works fine because I am only returning the file path of the file selected, but for some reason the dialog box reloads every time it is clicked for the first time. For instance, the dialog opens and …

Member Avatar for rugs267
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Hey i wantt o scroll images up & down,I found the foll code that uses APi to scrool.. [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vb/APIScroll.aspx"]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vb/APIScroll.aspx[/URL] I Have panel in which images are there & i want to scroll up & donw.. On the Down arrow , i write the foll. text [code] Private Sub PictureBox35_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for idea786

Hi , I have a problem with my program. i want to insert a text box value into sql table ,the text box entering value is the price of an item. then my database table field datatype corresponding to that is 'Money' field. then i can't insert the value to …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Rahul8389

hiiiiiiiiiii how can i find path of directory currently being viewed by Windows Explorer .. any suggetion for this

Member Avatar for Rahul8389

hi frinds i want to execute code that time when user uninstall program from add\remove program option in the control panel is there is any suggestion for this?

Member Avatar for Rahul8389
Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for devashishbiswas

While programming a problem has arisen... I have to create a Record and in this record class , there will be 50 records in the form of threads, and they should be called by a process outside the class by object.. A simple flow is below: Record -> 50 records …

Member Avatar for kn2790

Hi, Doing a project in vb.net whereby i have different levels of users accessing the system, i have established a connection with the database where all the info will be stored but got stuck when trying to retrieve the data.. i am using and oledb connection At the log-in form …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for San_90

Hi, Im using Visual Basic 2008 to make my program. I want to be able to input data from textboxes to my database tables using a buton, I created the database with the SQL server compact built into VB. I am really usnsure and getting really frustrated with how to …

Member Avatar for San_90
Member Avatar for abrars

Hi Thanks in advance. For the past one day I am struggling with this problem. I want to display values from database in data grid I am sucessful in that.and I added a column to the table using the columns property of the datagrid to show the check box column. …

Member Avatar for abrars
Member Avatar for Rohinir

Hi all, I have set CheckedListbox multicolumn property =true. I wants to add two columns in checklistbox first one will contain Groupname and second column will contain descr . How can i add items in these two columns ?

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Nawsheen

I am a begginer in vb.net. Actually i am having problems to do my homework. I will be posting both the question and my answer. [B]Question[/B] Create a small program that allows you to enter a number. If the number is greater than 100, you will see the "You win …

Member Avatar for Nawsheen
Member Avatar for Nada403

I'm working on my graduation project and within it i need a function gives me random ID numbers and random dates since 2008,01,01 untill now .. I'm done with the ID numbers but i couldnt find a solution for the dates .. how can I do this ????

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Nada403

i am using ASP.NET with VB.NET to connect to a MS Access database can u pls tell me how can i make the sql statement to insert a new record into the existing table and join tables??

Member Avatar for Teme64

The End.