20,284 Topics
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How can i load a flash file (.swf) to a webform :?: :?: .. Plz help .. Thanks! | |
[B][COLOR=DarkOrange]ADO.NET is a web-enabled database application.. Likewise, is sql also a web-enabled database application?[/COLOR][/B] | |
Rite, as ive already seen, im one of many who had 2 do hangman in vb.net. however ours has to read from 2 delimited files (one for players, one for the words). the letters have to be selected from a list box, which has to be populated from an array. … | |
Hi! I'm trying to teach myself VB.NET and having some troubles right now... please help me out :sad: I'm working with NorthWind database in MS SQL Server. I suppose I'm trying to populate tables into ListBoxes and the following highlighted lines are giving me an error (Value of type '1-dimensional … | |
Hi everybody :sad: need help plz how can i list items from a database into a CheckedListBox , using VB.Net and MS Access db ?? | |
Hi all i'm trying to populate a datagrid with a data from a sql database and i keep getting this error [I][B][COLOR=red]The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B][I][COLOR=black]my code looks something like this:[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#0000ff]<Private[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] GetAssetDetails()[/COLOR][/I][/B][COLOR=#000000] [I][B][COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] cnn [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlConnection[/B][/I] [I][B][COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] sql1 [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]String[/COLOR] = "SELECT DETAIL.[OFFICE LOCATION],USERS._RESOURCEGUID,OS.[OS … | |
:sad: [COLOR=indigo]hello everyone!! Does anyone know hoe to use Visual Basic 2003 to accept input from an excel file and convert it into graph? I really need to know this as I am doing a final year project and I have a deadline to meet.All your comments and help is … | |
Have installed Visual Studios 2003 on both of my computers. One machine is running Windows 2003 XP "bought it from Dell for my wife" and my machine is running Windows 2000 Professional. When I installed Visual Studios I cannot get the any of the 1. Data 2. Components 3. Window … | |
Hi.. I want a custom Controls .. Where can I download it from ? wish you can help me .. thanks in advance... | |
Hi, Can anyone please help me with writing a code in vb which saves the results in excel file. I am able to create an excel file and record the result from one of my script, but I have 8 other scripts and I want to record all the scripts … | |
I've got a procedure within a class that will be running something on its own thread. Basically it's a timer that will fire periodically... well when that event fires I want to be able to handle that on a windows form. for example: the class is a queue, when the … | |
Hello everybody, I have a custom grid that implements the System.Comparer for sorting. I would like to know how I can sort this grid in the descending order of date. The grid does not accept date type fields - only strings. Thank you in advance Chandra Ram | |
how to build uptable in vb.net for firewall application ??? plz....i need help......:sad: thx | |
Salam for all ;) can you help me and give me links to a perfect books in network programming | |
| Visual Studio .NET 2003 comes with version 8 of Crystal Reports. If I were to buy the complete package of Crystal Reports XI can I use the version XI Report Viewer instead of what comes with Visual Studio 2003? |
Visual basic 2005 Express Edition: I have a PrintDocument: Private WithEvents mDoc As New PrintDocument() I would like to convert it to a Bitmap, so that I can write it out to disk as a JPEG. How do I convert a PrintDocument to a Bitmap? | |
Hi, can someone help me to code this ? I have a dynamic datagrid and I want to insert only one column from selected [checkbox] rows in the datagrid into a SQL-Server table. I've a working code where I call Add_to_DB function within the loop of Datagrid items, which works, … | |
Hi! I'm trying to put a combo box in each cell of a row (make a row with combos). This would be a first row of a bound datagridview on my form. Can anyone help me since I can't find the solution? I have several columns with different datatypes in … | |
Hi! Since there is no problem (any longer) to update database via simple datatable binded to a datagridview I would like to go to a second level. Binding related tables and queries in order they are able to update data in my database. I don't find that as a problem … | |
I am using VB.NET.in which i use the class csmovielibrarypro to play the video file. I want to extract all frames from the video file.Is there any API that i can use to overcome my problem.or any other method to solve it. | |
The part in bold is the part I need help with. I'm using VB 2003 and That line is VB6 code. The Right and Left functions don't apply to VB2003 and I need to know what I can replace that with to get the same result. Here I'm trying to … | |
i'm using vb.net to create a windows form that will acces an oracle database to move records from one database to another. i keep getting the ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded i do all of the close and dispose and gc.collect. rdr.close() rdr.dispose() cmd.dispose() con.Close() con.dispose() my dba tells me … | |
Hello I have been looking for a book on visual basic .NET that covers absolute beginners and on to intermediate chapters then professional preferably about 1,600 pages if possible. I need a book that can teach me all the aspects of vb.NET and if that is not possible then could … | |
Hi everone!, im currently working on a cash register program wich has to meet certain tests. The problem im encountering is when im calculating the change to be given to the customer. The change is correct but it has to be displayed in such a way as to give the … | |
Hi all, I have just started MS VB 2005 and I have already run into a little problem. I set up a blank screen. I then placed an image on the right hand side of the screen. when i played the application, i maximised the screen size. I expected to … | |
Hello to everyone! I have just started taking what is described as a beginning Visual Basic.Net class. I have no programming knowledge, except my class time which started mid January. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to give a type of triangle(equilateral, scalene, or isosceles) and the shortest … | |
Hello everyone, One of my friend got the mini project in college.She is expected to do the project in VB.net. She want to be sure that what are all the software required. Is these software enough to learn the VB.net as a starter 1. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable. 2. … | |
I'm working on an app to send mail. I'm using the MailMessage object, but when the email is trying to be sent, I get an error "Can't Access CDO object" How do I enable the CDO on my side of the application?? | |
I am having trouble drawing on the form, PLS help! |
The End.