20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for k_en

I am quite confuse between Visual Basic 6 & VB.net. Can someone please explain what is the different between these 2? I have some comment from my friend saying it is better to learn VB.net than VB since i am a beginner. Is the VB refer to visual basic 6 …

Member Avatar for zmind
Member Avatar for prathima.bs

Can some enlightened one please help me!! :cheesy: How do i place a value into a datagrid cell. It is an unbound datagrid and i have fetched some values from a database using a dataset. Now i want to place that value in the datagrid. Also, how do i add …

Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq
Member Avatar for grimshaw9

Is there a code that you can use to create an object(s)? Ie Picture box and other ones already in vb.net

Member Avatar for grimshaw9
Member Avatar for techlover

Hello all, this is a real newbie question. I just bought VisualBasic.net student addition. I also bought a book to learn the language. But I've ran into a problem. Example, when I start a form and add a button to it and hit f5 to run the program it runs …

Member Avatar for plazmo
Member Avatar for mixthis

to all, I'm a newbie to vb.net, currently I'm using vb.net ver. 2003, I'm trying to add a clock to my project. The following is what I have: Dim timer1 As Timer Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load timer1.Interval = 10000 Timer1.Start() End Sub …

Member Avatar for FPForum
Member Avatar for tiffeyneohelp

How do you print in Visual Basic Express Edition? I have found lots of articles on how to do it in the normal Visual Basic, but it doesn't work in express. What I want to do is print the contents of a Rich TextBox. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Chrisms

Alright. i'm hoping someone out there knows the answer to my question and is willing to help. I'm intrested in building my own periphial, and then writing a program to control it. The actual hardware part is easy enough once i figure out how to get my computer to communicate …

Member Avatar for Chrisms
Member Avatar for oak
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

What is the best approach to scan a file if you are looking for more than one pattern. Lets say you have a text file "example.txt", and you want to search for an array of strings {"error", "warning", "failed"} within the file. What is an efficient way of doing this?

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for Viji

Hello Everyone, I Downloaded .Net Framework SDK 1.1 from [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9B3A2CA6-3647-4070-9F41-A333C6B9181D&displaylang=en[/url] site, But i was not succeded in Installing. I encountered following errors. Internal Error 2908.{1D377656-ACBB-44E2-BFEB-4CC6FB0FDA33} Internal error 2908.{CFF19309-EA6F-4C72-96F6-8FB0903F9366} Internal error 2908.{48F78E6B-EE61-4ACA-BC2C-00D89DFD1435} Error 1935.An erro occured during the installation of assembly TlbExpCode,version="1.0.5000.0",FileVersion="1.1.4322.573",Culture="neutral", PublicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a"'.Please refer to help and support for more information …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for edmicman

:-) Here's another one that's bugging me.....again in VB.NET 2005 and windows forms. After selecting an account from a dropdownlist, I am populating a datagrid with items that correspond to that account. Really, I just wanted to display a summary of the items in the datagrid, and then pass the …

Member Avatar for edmicman
Member Avatar for LennieKuah

Hi All, Greetings Friends, I am having problem trying to upgrade Microsoft .Net Framework 1.0 to Frame 1.1. I have completed successful installation of Framework 1.1. But when I loaded up Microsoft Dot Net 2003 HELP to confirm, it's not registering Framework 1.1 on it. I just don't know what …

Member Avatar for LennieKuah

Scenerio. I am extracting Primary key from Listbox to read against the Products Table in Northwind database to populate the textbox controls. This particular column "UnitPrice" is giving me this error message:- " Cast from string "Display" to type "Interger" is not valid". Can someone point me to the right …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for Quentin
Member Avatar for manal

Slam evey one... i have question i hope i find its answer here..... i want to read date from datatimepicker that user select then store value in database i know how to connect to database and how to get value from datetimpicker but need to know how to store it …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for Mihir3000

Hi Every One I tried to execute old VC code in .Net and it gave me the linking error Linking... LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMainCRTStartup Tell me what to do to remove this error? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for hsiaoo

Excuse me, Does anyone know how to connect a Linux Server by VB or C++ ? I have a work about connecting to NFS server, and mounting those sharing folder to show in Windows. ;) Thanks, Brian

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for NiaSoul01

Hello all! I'm hoping that you might be able to provide a little help. I've been working on this project for my class, and so far I've been doing okay, but I've reached a point where I'm completely stuck. I have to print a sorted array, and I'm just not …

Member Avatar for NiaSoul01
Member Avatar for shdjsm

Does anyone know of any open source code for a program similar to HyperTerminal? I found some info. on something called Hercules Setup Utility but is that the only one? Preferably, I'm looking for something in VB.NET but it doesn't have to be. Thanks for your help!

Member Avatar for shdjsm

I'm working on a project for school and have looked at numerous websites as well as some of the exisiting posts on how to read and write to the COM port. I am still having problems finding code that works. I know that VB 6 has MSComm which would make …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for pittuser

Dim point As Integer Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Randomize() End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim die1 As Integer Dim die2 As Integer Dim roll As Integer die1 = Int(Rnd() * 6) + 1 …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for grimshaw9

Im trying to make a joke program and am wondering what the script is to open a new file (ie. the one currently running) when you click on a button :?: . Also is ther anyway to disable the alt-f4 command or make it so that when the program is …

Member Avatar for williamrojas78
Member Avatar for GaryR

Trying to convert old QB program to VB.NET. The declarations block would help a lot. I know full well your not going to convert the whole program for me LOL. I only wish :-). 1 REM FILE: DUALFAZE.BAS, WRITTEN IN QBASIC 2 REM 3 REM Printer port control of 6-wire …

Member Avatar for GaryR
Member Avatar for jrhaines

Hi all, I have a compaq M300 that I bought used less than a month ago.It has XP Pro installed and the battery held a charge for a few hours.Someone wanted me to demonstrate how to disconnect the docking station but I do not think it was powered down completely …

Member Avatar for jrhaines
Member Avatar for dba123

How to code this in a VB.NET Windows application is a first time for me. Below is an example of the incoming txt file. I've specified in it where to cut only for explanation, HOWEVER the txt incoming file will not have the --- to guide me....so I have to …

Member Avatar for grimshaw9

Ok Im a begginer to VB.net and am taking a course in school. I have been thinking about making a bps counter (for those of you who dont know its a program that sees how many paintballs you can shoot in a certain period of time) I have no idea …

Member Avatar for grimshaw9
Member Avatar for scottjo

[color=#000000]I am using Visual Studio 2003 and Crystal Reports.Net for reporting off an Access 2000 database with a bunch of tables. The problem is when I click on a menu item to run the report to see if everything is fine I get the following error message: "buffer too small …

Member Avatar for Gr8Sport

I have written many programs for card games in VB 6. There is an interest by my customer to expand the play to the internet. Assuming that I understand VB 6, would VB .net be the easiest way to go or is there a better option. I understand that there …

Member Avatar for KevinJordan
Member Avatar for harrypsk

Yes, this is homework, I'm not asking for a cut/past answer, just a pointer. I think I've developed brain lock form staring at this issue for too long. I'm using VB.Net 2003. I've created half the assignment, using a form to add records to a text file. The second half …

Member Avatar for harrypsk
Member Avatar for gracea

Plz plz help!!!!!! :?: I am having a problem with the auto scroll of a panel. It’s an extremely strange behavior n I have not been able to track down the reason. Actually, I am making this question paper form. 1.There are two panels side by side. 2.The panel on …


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