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| I have a problem to do price data and i don't know to insert it into the coding this is question ![Screenshot_2021-09-23_015318.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/7cc52f3407b6a914f395c8aaa4644c69.png) this is the coding that i have made <?php $page_title = 'Yoho Express!'; include ('includes/header.html'); ?> <form action="q2.php" method="post"> <p><h1><fieldset><legend>Enter your information in the form below:</legend></p></h1> <p><b>Departure day:</b> … Programming php |
Hi, I've been trying to troubleshoot this iframe issue all day. I need help. First, the issue is an iframe on the frontpage is to load a php script for an Video ad. Second the frontpage is a php search script. Now, when you visit the frontpage initially everything is … | |
**Requires:** 1. Python version 3.8 or newer 2. wxPython version 4.0 or newer 3. exif module 4. Windows with NTFS file system To ensure you have the required packages please run the following 1. python -m pip install --upgrade pip 2. pip install exif 3. pip install wxPython I have … | |
## Introduction ## In Java 8, `@Repeatable` was introduced and this is the recommended way to create repeating annotations. We still have to create a holder Annotation(*annotation that holds an array of other annotations*), but we no longer have to declare the holder Annotation at the callsite. This tutorial aims … | |
## Introduction ## In Android development, the current recommended library for Dependency Injection is Hilt. The most obvious benefits of using Hilt are reduced boilerplate code and lifecycle-aware components(*and their associated annotations*). Hilt is a great library, but it is not perfect. Hilt is built on top of Dagger 2, … | |
I'm hosting tounaments throughout the year, and have the price increasing each day. Code works, but I'mnot cure which elements to adjust to be able to display multiple prices adjusting simultaneously. I tried changing "rate" to "rate1" etc, but that wasn't enough... So I'm guessing variables within should be adjusted … | |
I need an end user license agreement for code shared amongst my home projects with other developers. The EULA needs to include a "pay to the order of x" clause, and also needs to include the ability for me to utilze the code at multiple companies that I could participate … | |
I am just learning C++. I haven't made any games with SFML or anything like that. Just wondering whether SFML would be easy for a newbie like me. I am planning on using it after I finish learncpp.com. I am currently at the header guards section right now. Also, what … | |
I'm not very good at Python as you can tell from my earlier posts. I'm trying to write a payroll program that gets the input from the user of how many hours worked and the hourly rate and calculates the total wages for the week. It also has to figure … | |
How can I change my program's icon for anyone who uses the program? Obviously I would have to include the .ico file with it, but beyond that, I'm stumped. | |
Hello ... i have a table which has one button i need to send the id of that record in the table to the next page the will be directed to once i click the butoon i don't want to send it in the url ... so what i did … | |
i have this line to set the background color of a cell but instead of the color i specified it set the cell to black. Tried with diferent colors to check and it always set it to black. why is that and how to fix it? ws['A1'].fill = PatternFill(fgColor="7FFFD4", fill_type="solid") … Programming python | |
I moved my website from host to another, moved database and public_html file, Also, I modified wp-config file and deleted hlaccess. But, now I can't update any plugin or delete there is message said update_option( 'siteurl', 'https://zone1on.com' ); update_option( 'home', 'https://zone1on.com' ); Skip to main contentSkip to toolbar At the … | |
Hi everyone, I've been researching various python libraries to extract data from pdf files. Currently, I'm exploring PyMuPDF After installing it, I try to run a basic script to get the number of pages in the pdf file. However, the following runtime error occurs. File "/usr/local/apps/PyMuPDF-1.18.17/fitz/fitz.py", line 1281 def is_rectangular(self) … | |
Anyone know why this is not adding borders to my sheet? thick = Side(border_style="thick", color='FF0707') ws['F1'].border = Border(top=thick, left=thick, right=thick, bottom=thick) for row in ws['A1:D10']: for cell in row: cell.border = Border(top=thick, left=thick, right=thick, bottom=thick) Programming python | |
I want to make several of my textbox.text properties equal to variables. I tried: Dim outcome As New txtResult.Text outcome = "xxxxx" this produced an error. :( first, is this possible and if it is, what am I doing wrong??? | |
## Introduction ## Before Java 8, methods had to throw an exception or return `null`, with neither of which approaches were perfect. Optional, OptionalInt, OptionalLong, and OptionalDouble were introduced in Java 8 to represent values that might possibly be `null`. Optionals have two internal states, **empty** or **present**. An Optional … | |
## Introduction ## There are many ways to design secure Java objects. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create secure Java objects by understanding **Accessibility**, **Extensibility**, and **Immutability**. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. Understand how and why … | |
## Introduction ## Java 15 introduced Text Blocks. The main reason behind Text Blocks is that programmers can write multiline strings without having to specify escapes for the most common scenarios. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to store multiline String … | |
Hi guys I can't seem to get a new line in a [CODE]JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " ");[/CODE] statement. I try the /n command, but it still doesn't seem to work. Is there any way I can get a paragraph in a dialog box like this? Thanks. | |
Years ago I wrote a program in Fortran for a structural analysis class. At the time I had very little programming experience and mottled my way through the assignment. Fast forward to now and I'm attempting to teach myself Python 3. I figured I'd would try to convert the old … | |
Hi, I am currently working on a banlist and I am thinking about which data type to choose for storing the IP address in the database. Will the Binary data type be ideal? Programming mysql | |
Hi guys, I have one question about Visual Basic and DataGridView behaviour. So, after I type all the text boxes and click on button (save data), I would like user to get focus on that new data. Now, each time button is clicked, DataGridView goes on a first row. New … Programming vb.net visual-basic | |
I'm supposed to make a menu with choices, the choices being different kinds of java syntax. import java.util.*; public class Start { public void menu() { System.out.println("[1] If\n[2] If else\n[3] For loop\n[4] Switch Statement\n[5] One dimension"); System.out.print("Select program: "); } public void backend() { System.out.println("[9] Menu\n[0] Quit"); Scanner q = … | |
Hi All, Good Day. Is there any sample code in JAVA for generating encrypted block PIN in the similar fashion as the Hardware Security Module Regards, Sagar | |
I have learning this from youtube,php quiz using ajax. I am facing problem when click on next button after last question it is not redirecting on final page. Please help me to fix this. I think responseText not working. Question.php page to where i display question <script type="text/javascript"> var questionno="1"; … | |
> Hi guys, I blinked and got lost. All I want to do is copy Payfile to Pmtfile and then update records in Payfile that have been paid(amtpaid !=''). The update doesn't happen and the insert-note comments at botom of post. <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "prerentdb"); // Check … | |
A program A class has Random number of students.... They took an exam and got random scores from 1 to 100. Write to the console: the number of students in the classes The number of students that passed (above 70) The number of students that got average scores (between 50 … | |
From the below, how can I make the variable $new_status recognisable within those brackets? $sendData = '{ "messages" : [ { "content" : "Your order is $new_status.", } ] }'; Problem: The above sends out text message successfully on status update, but the variable $new_status does not get updated. I … Programming php |
The End.