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Member Avatar for sasha12

i am trying to Convert a number of seconds into days, hours, minutes, and seconds. using pointers but something seems wrong . can somone tell me what is the problem and how to solve it. it keeps telling me error: function definition is not allowed here #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Programming c
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for singhdevendra8

how can we use math .pi without using impot java.lang.Math*; PROGRAMING LANG:- JAVA

Programming java mathematics
Member Avatar for Mule_1
Member Avatar for Ernest_10

I wish to read from a closed excel file, a few years ago I found a website using ADO and it worked but now I cannot find this website I have tried over 100 with no success please help Ernest

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for alex_141
Member Avatar for Lee_761

can someone help me with this problem in C? I'm new here I need help please help me with this question below. Create a C program that performs a lookup for an X element in a queue static. It is important to note that only the operations: queuing and unqueuing …

Programming c
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## The `java.nio.file.Files` class includes many convenient methods to read file attributes, but sometimes these convenient methods just are not enough to meet our needs. In this tutorial, we will go over 5 ways to use the `Files` class to read file attributes so you can choose the …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## With coroutines in Kotlin, we are able to execute suspending functions without blocking the current thread. By default, most coroutine builder functions use the `Dispatchers.Default` context, but it is also possible to use other implementations of `CoroutineContext`. In this tutorial, we will learn about the 2 `CoroutineDispatchers`: …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Hi pals, I am a Newbie in C++ Programming field. I plan to add graphics.h header class in Dev -C++ Version from Bloodshed which is come along with Borland Compiler. I follow the Steps in URL : [url]http://www.uniqueness-template.com/devcpp/#step2[/url] But I Got Error in the Sample code which test the …

Member Avatar for James_163
Member Avatar for Quest123

Just started learning PEP/8 what would the correct way to convert numbers into roman numericals? for exemple How can input let say 6 and have it come out as VI in the output? I know what i did is far from being the correct way to do things as i …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Kojo_3

Hello. My name is Eben and I'm a beginner in php. I've been getting this error message "Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in C:\wamp64\www\Project\FeePayment.php on line 145". This is the code; for($i = 1; $i <=($months_diff+1); $i++){ $totalFees = $fees + $totalFees; Please I need help.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Brandon_30

I'm getting an error I'm very new to vb.net and designing an application with visual studio 2019. My application is to Read the registry key open subkey to retrieve displayname and displayversion. I would like to add an array to read multiple key values under the key locations for both …

Programming vb.net xml
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Although not included in the headlines, the release of JDK 17 also added 3 sets of new methods to the class `java.lang.Process`: 1. `inputReader()` to read from stdout. 2. `inputWriter()` to write to stdin. 3. `errorReader()` to read from stderr. In this tutorial, we are going to …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with an application with a global user base, there is usually a need to display text, numbers, currency, date, and time in multiple localized formats. For example, the **en-US** (*English-USA*) version of the date September 22, 2021 is written as 22 сентября 2021 г. when …

Member Avatar for kacete

Hello everyone, I've been using this website and it has helped me with it's hundred of solved cases, but I couldn't find one appropriate for this one. I have created a Menu() function that looks like this: [CODE=C]int Menu() { int i; printf("MENU\n\n"); printf("1 - ...\n"); printf("2 - ...\n"); printf("3 …

Member Avatar for theekshani
Member Avatar for shannishan

Hey guys, I want to Know is there any way to get sum of numbers which entered in single textbox in VB6 as a example; i have textbox named txt1 in that user can type any value (12+23+34+12....) (separate the values by adding "+").when the user click the command button, …

Member Avatar for 23219
Member Avatar for Mausam_1
Member Avatar for Chinmay_4

#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; struct marks{ int phy[10]; int math[10]; int chem[10]; }; int main(){ struct marks m[20]; int i,n; cout<<"Enter the number of students : " << endl; cin >>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ cout<<"\nEnter Physics marks: " << endl; cin >> m[i].phy; [error here] cout<<"\nEnter Maths marks : "<< endl; …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for systemprox

I am sketching the architecture for a set of programs that share various interrelated objects stored in a database. I want one of the programs to act as a service which provides a higher level interface for operations on these objects, and the other programs to access the objects through …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Marco_18

Good morning, i have a section in a php page as per code: <div class="container section" id="afterHeader"> <div class="row"> <div class="tabs movies"> <a class="style1">1^ WEEK</a> <ul> <li><a href="#thu">GIO</a></li> <li><a href="#fri">VEN</a></li> <li><a href="#sat">SAB</a></li> <li><a href="#sun">DOM</a></li> <li><a href="#mon">LUN</a></li> <li><a href="#tue">MAR</a></li> <li><a href="#wed">MER</a></li> </ul I would need to replace the part <ul> </ul> …

Member Avatar for Marco_18
Member Avatar for V3N0M

Good afternoon guys, I am reaching out for help on C++. I just started the semester taking the Computer programming 1 at my college which is taught in C++. I am working on a chapter project qusetion and I feel lost on how to achieve the solution using the basic …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Adm666

i made a little crm app that has the Entities : Contact, Campus, Sub Campus, the contact has lookup fields for campus and sub campus. (each sub campus is related to only one campus) im supposed to make a plugin in C# that on contact creation it fills the campus …

Programming c#
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Shazz_1

I have a problem to do price data and i don't know to insert it into the coding this is question ![Screenshot_2021-09-23_015318.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/7cc52f3407b6a914f395c8aaa4644c69.png) this is the coding that i have made <?php $page_title = 'Yoho Express!'; include ('includes/header.html'); ?> <form action="q2.php" method="post"> <p><h1><fieldset><legend>Enter your information in the form below:</legend></p></h1> <p><b>Departure day:</b> …

Programming php
Member Avatar for searchmed

Hi, I've been trying to troubleshoot this iframe issue all day. I need help. First, the issue is an iframe on the frontpage is to load a php script for an Video ad. Second the frontpage is a php search script. Now, when you visit the frontpage initially everything is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

**Requires:** 1. Python version 3.8 or newer 2. wxPython version 4.0 or newer 3. exif module 4. Windows with NTFS file system To ensure you have the required packages please run the following 1. python -m pip install --upgrade pip 2. pip install exif 3. pip install wxPython I have …

Member Avatar for kimwel
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In Java 8, `@Repeatable` was introduced and this is the recommended way to create repeating annotations. We still have to create a holder Annotation(*annotation that holds an array of other annotations*), but we no longer have to declare the holder Annotation at the callsite. This tutorial aims …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In Android development, the current recommended library for Dependency Injection is Hilt. The most obvious benefits of using Hilt are reduced boilerplate code and lifecycle-aware components(*and their associated annotations*). Hilt is a great library, but it is not perfect. Hilt is built on top of Dagger 2, …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm hosting tounaments throughout the year, and have the price increasing each day. Code works, but I'mnot cure which elements to adjust to be able to display multiple prices adjusting simultaneously. I tried changing "rate" to "rate1" etc, but that wasn't enough... So I'm guessing variables within should be adjusted …

Member Avatar for Dani
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Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

I need an end user license agreement for code shared amongst my home projects with other developers. The EULA needs to include a "pay to the order of x" clause, and also needs to include the ability for me to utilze the code at multiple companies that I could participate …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for LeafBulba

I am just learning C++. I haven't made any games with SFML or anything like that. Just wondering whether SFML would be easy for a newbie like me. I am planning on using it after I finish learncpp.com. I am currently at the header guards section right now. Also, what …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mouigher

I'm not very good at Python as you can tell from my earlier posts. I'm trying to write a payroll program that gets the input from the user of how many hours worked and the hourly rate and calculates the total wages for the week. It also has to figure …

Member Avatar for Minasa

The End.