1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for elanch

hi all! I need to make a form in Ms-Access as EXE file. So that the file can be runned without opening Ms-Access. I know that, it is possible in Vbasic but whether it is possible to do in Ms-Access. Thanks

Member Avatar for Petre
Member Avatar for wenjaun

Hi all: I am working with MS Access and developing a form to let user to enter the caller's info into the database. Let say: Bob first time called in and the user entered all his personal information into the database, let say, next day, Bob called again; for time …

Member Avatar for rowdyrode

Hi, I don not know how to properly code with VB but I did write scropt with winbatch. I have a MS 2003 Word app that I want to add seven drop down list box's into it that will populate the main list box from the database then once a …

Member Avatar for Animal Mother

Hi everyone Could someone please help me, I need to loop through all the records in a column in my access database, Currently my program only views the first record in the column and does not go any further, I tried a While loop but I get a NullException error …

Member Avatar for Animal Mother
Member Avatar for sophisticated19

Hello everyone.. I desperately need your help to tell me how can i retrieve the data that i've stored in an access db column and display it in a combo box in a vb2008 project? thank u in advance..

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for rhonda2010

Hi! I am having a problem with the project I am working on. The project will have more than one query; however, I cannot get the simple one to work yet. I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I also have an Access database that I …

Member Avatar for JSS at MSSU
Member Avatar for Coder Smurf

I am trying to develop a subroutine that will send an IM to a user. The idea being if the user is online, the code sends an IM to the user via communicator. If the user is offline, it sends an email. The code does work, in that it does …

Member Avatar for nv136

Hello, everyone. I have a small program, and i want that program to show how much RAM the whole system is using, and i want it to show how much R.A.M my program is using, any ideas on how to do that? is it hard?

Member Avatar for nv136
Member Avatar for Sidicus

Hello Everyone, I am trying to find a good way to get information from a website into a access 2007 database. Im thinking I should have the website write a text or xml file with the data on it and then have some program (or access itself if it can) …

Member Avatar for leo002000
Member Avatar for SacredFootball

Confusing question? The only way I can explain it best is to show it: [CODE] Table1 --------------------------- Name Num1 Num2 Num3 Devin 224 18 845 Scott 322 32 652 Jim 179 46 929 Tim 202 41 562 [/CODE] [CODE] Query Getting Max Value --------------------------- Num1 Num2 Num3 322 46 929 …

Member Avatar for DreamscapeEagle

I'm trying to create a Web Form Application for my class final. I downloaded the zipped file and extracted it of course. When I go to Data/Add New Data Source and follow the prompts in the Wizard I get to the screen that you choose your Database Objects, I get …

Member Avatar for DreamscapeEagle
Member Avatar for OsheRono

Greetings, I have been cracking my skull all weekend trying to find a solution to this, and I have no idea how to search as I'm not sure what to search for (I have performed a search, but it didn't show what I was looking for, hence, the post). I …

Member Avatar for EuroStud

Hi, I’m trying to return a value from VB 6 to Access 2007 report and the unbound textbox remains empty. It seems that actually the problem is not coming from the coding itself, but due to connectivity between the two ends. In fact, I tried to enter a Beep instruction …

Member Avatar for tmcpolin
Member Avatar for DubZ

Can anyone help me create an .exe using Mirosoft Access. I have an Access application and I want to place an .exe file on the server so that everyone can have access to it. Please Help!!:!: :cheesy:

Member Avatar for shivareddy
Member Avatar for pejones

Hello All, I am not incredibly skilled in visual basic. I have manipulated script to suit my needs but have never written it myself. I am in need of help/direction. I have a database which was designed by someone else. I am looking to update a table in this database …

Member Avatar for OsheRono

I do hope this is the right section (since VBA is so close to VB 6.0). Well here is my dilemma: I am trying to have Access return a customized report. The format I have been asked for it to be output as it the following: Machine type // where …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for izzatikhalid

hye, i need help about asp.net..i new in this language. so i don't know how to connect database from ms access to asp.net and submit button. the situation : when the user click on submit button, the data that they fill in will insert in database.

Member Avatar for dbeura
Member Avatar for SacredFootball

Is it possible to get the max values from the columns in 1 table and copy them into another or would this not be recommended. The more I think about it the more I begin to think it isn't such a good idea. Here's an example what I'm looking for: …

Member Avatar for SacredFootball
Member Avatar for sidmendiratta

Hello All, I am trying to add data from a dataset to an access table(.mdb). I am getting this error when I try to insert the values in the table. This is the code [code]DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Console.Write("The NAME IS: " + FileName.Text.ToString()); ds.ReadXml("C:\\Dallas_Test\\Offense_7_1_2010\\" + FileName.Text.ToString()); ADOX.Catalog cat …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hey team, i'm having a problem with this query, [code] "SELECT * FROM marketingDB WHERE company_name LIKE 'allied' & '*'" [/code] the program ive written runs fine and it doesnt show any problem with the query infact the exact same query works fine on access but when i put it …

Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle
Member Avatar for coroll

HI this is my code.it uses access database.But givs me this error java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in FROM clause. import java.sql.*; public class DetOrderNum{ public static void main(String[] args){ Connection con=null; ResultSet rs=null; Statement stmt=null; int pkey=0; String mn="jin"; try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MY-PIZZA","",""); String q="select order_num from Order …

Member Avatar for teedoff

I am new to MySQL and navicat as well. I have been creating a database in Access and now adding records. I added about 50 records earlier and then saved them to my flashdrive to import the new data in navicat using the import wizard. The reason I have to …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hi team, I'm having some issues getting the results of my query to output on a data grid. I'm using an sql query to get the data from access, which is working fine, but then I want to output it onto a datagrid. My code is as follows just for …

Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle
Member Avatar for OsheRono

Hello, I have been trying to migrate some code I have written so I can use the advantages of Collection items in several forms I programmed in Access 2002. I was using an array list to collect information from a machine part and its resulting defect, then display a small …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for coalminer17

I am updating an Access 97 DB w/ VBA code to Access 2007. The VBA code uses DAO objects that Access 2007 references when I converted the db files (first from 97 to 2002, then to 2007). My problem specifically is with the two references: "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" …

Member Avatar for coroll

Hi, i want to retrive data from a table which has a composite primary key. This is the query im using; "select price from Item_size where primarykey='"+pk+"'" But it does not work. Im using MS Access. can anyone help me!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hatrickwah

I'm hoping someone can help me here. I have 2 tables in a access database. I'm trying to join certain data points from both, simple. I've done a few joins already for this site. But the problem I'm having is this one seems to be destined to annoy me. [code]sql …

Member Avatar for hatrickwah
Member Avatar for s_sridhar

Hi all, I'm working on conference room booking software with MS-Access as the back end. I need to retrieve the records which doesn't clash with the already booked dates. I have a table called conference_room_status which has the fields Conference_Room_Name | BookedPerson | DateFrom | DateTo | TimeFrom | TimeTo …

Member Avatar for dmarino1
Member Avatar for Ziyanda

hi guyz! I've recently finished a database project in Access 2003 and have been asked to deploy it to network machines with Access 2007. the prblm i have is that the users r unable to add and update the records at the same time. how can i ensure that simultaneous …

Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a treeview control in asp.net. I want to [B]load the database from MS Access into my treeivew[/B], but I don't know what should I type in my .apsx.vb file. [B]Please help me with the codes [/B]to make my treeview connect to the MS Access! …


The End.