1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for hi5.ankit

I have 10 buttons and a textbox on my widow form. 11th button to fire the operation. Task is that i need to input a no. in the textbox ranging from 1-10, and press the fire button. This should change the forecolor of the respective button in the form. Suppose …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

Need some help understanding Server 2008's infrastructure. Running a program that requires access to the Document and Settings folder. I have full admin rights but it's still giving me an access denied message. Any help?

Member Avatar for agonzalez
Member Avatar for tgreer

First, sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't find a VBScript forum on Daniweb (which I find surprising). I'm working with binary data in several different projects. Below is an example of code that works to retrieve a static map image (PNG) from Google: [CODE]strFileURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?markers=2200+S+Western+Ave+Lisle+IL&zoom=14&size=400x400&sensor=false" Set objXMLHTTP …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mandy84angel

I finally figured out how to auto fill a record in forms. YEAH! Yet I ran into a new problem. Sigh! tblEmployee holds frmEmployee information. qrySiteName pulls information from several other tables giving the details of each location. On frmEmployee, I have it to where when I select the SiteName, …

Member Avatar for jozz3

I'm writing a query that will produce the athlete's id, their name (first name and last name combined into one column), the total number of games they have participated in, and the total number of medals they have won. This involves a number of tables. In one query, the number …

Member Avatar for alex k

Show the details of sales orders which are paid more than 14 days after the date of the sales order. SQL: SELECT SO.OrderID, D.DistributorID, D.FirstName, D.SurName, SO.OrderDate, P.PaymentDate, P.PaymentAmount FROM SalesOrder AS SO, Distributor AS D, Payment AS P WHERE D.DistributorID=SO.DistributorID AND SO.OrderID=P.OrderID AND DateDiff('yyyy',PaymentDate,Date( ) ) - DateDiff('yyyy',OrderDate,Date( )) …

Member Avatar for bill51
Member Avatar for Sinha's

sir,i i have two date columns today_date and doj_date.both of them are varchar data type.now i want to update today_date='01/06/2010' to '01/04/2010' where doj_date='01/04/2010'.that means only the month column. ihave used the following code update installment_scheme_customer set substring(today_date,4,2)='04' where substring(today_date,4,2)='06' and substring(doj_date,4,2)='04' . but it is showing error like this …

Member Avatar for bill51
Member Avatar for jbrown72188

I have a simple form in which i have a contact name combo box. The combo box gets info from a querry (name, contact number 1, contact number 2). I want the name to display in the combobox (which it does) and then contact # 1 and 2 to display …

Member Avatar for awmantonio

Hi everyone! I have an installment payment program which have Hijri date (Saudi Arabia) and I already have the code for it's converter inside the forms (using datetimepicker for the Gregorian & maskedtextbox for the Hijri). I'd like to know how can I convert or produce the corresponding equivalent Hijri …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Anila S

I am using VB & Access to create a program for a clinic. I want to create a Report. The Report is - Toal quantity of each medicine received & Issued. I have created the Table in design time & in runtime contents in the table are deleted and new …

Member Avatar for bmpvkm
Member Avatar for FeralReason

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I've built a number of websites but have just now been asked to provide a password protected page that allows different customers FTP access to download files. I feel dumb. Having never done anything like this before. Obviously I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for awmantonio

I have program in VB.NET 2008 where I want to update the premamt cell value in the tblPrem Access table, where the premno is the maximum (autogenerated as 1,2,3...), but only within a specified set of common numbers in a column (contno) I am currently saving. This contno is from …

Member Avatar for awmantonio
Member Avatar for Abbernacki

I am attempting to create 2 fields that will create decimals so that I can take these decimals and create a percentage in a new field. Here is what I have and I can't seem to get the errors gone. [code] WOAVG = IIf("[WOIssued]=0", "", Val(Nz(WOCompleted, 0)) / Val(Nz(WOIssued, 0))) …

Member Avatar for dhughes1074

I am using a shared MS Access database where I set the custom properties each time a user opens the front end, but for each property I am setting, they are being deleted by Error 3167. This has only started happening once the DB is being shared, but the code …

Member Avatar for carmenjulia1958

I need to make 2 tables for my computer class one would be the suppliers the otherone the products and I can't seem to get it started can you help me

Member Avatar for Majaheni

Hi guys can anyone help me I would like to put files like application forms and pictures on my site to be available for free downloads. I have got no idea how to go about, can someone help me with the code. Regards Majaheni

Member Avatar for tcsikany

I am having trouble getting this to work in a subform My Form is called frmFacilities My Subform is called QAMain subform The first combo box in the QAMain subform is RiskLevel Its Row Source is: SELECT tblRiskLevel.RiskLevel, tblRiskLevel.Description FROM tblRiskLevel ORDER BY tblRiskLevel.RiskLevel; Its Event is: Private Sub RiskLevel_AfterUpdate() …

Member Avatar for weasel7711

I am not really looking for anyone to hold my hand through anything, but I am looking for someone to direct me to meaningful data/literature on the subject be it books/websites/videos/etc. I work for a small family business that repairs specific types of production machinery. We have a database that …

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Member Avatar for kingster113

I'm having trouble trying to update or delete records from my database. Basically, I have a datagridview(DGV) in my form and the following is what I wanna do. The user could directly change/edit the values in the DGV and just click the update button to update the database. And the …

Member Avatar for deanem

For our homework in our Computer science class, we were tasked to research by asking expert advice on database forums. We were first asked to download Census data to be analyzed using Microsoft Access. The data contained facts about 1% all people living in large US Cities at the time …

Member Avatar for bubba-bo

Hi, I am having trouble with a question and am wondering if someone knows where I am going wrong. I am to list the patients of a hospital (persons that have been admitted) that have a next of kin listed as a staff member. I am to list the patient's …

Member Avatar for macca21
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I have a java program with quite a lot of classes. I'm facing a problem with accessing some variables from another class. May I know how to I access it? Is it possible?

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for miweiser

Can I get some assistance with the T SQL syntax required to use the contents of this combo box in a pass thru query in order to improve performance response time over the LAN [CODE] [Forms]![WELCOME]![FILTER_BUILDER].[Form]![Combo28] [/CODE] Apparently TSQL doesn't like the "!" from Access: [CODE] SELECT dbo_A_VIEW_LOWEST_LEVEL.contract, dbo_A_VIEW_LOWEST_LEVEL.[Profit Center …

Member Avatar for miweiser
Member Avatar for keeda

Hi, I have a table Employee that has a coloumn EmployeeID, SupervisorID, and Active(values Yes or No).. I need to find the number of Active Employees(with Active as Yes) under each supervisor.. how can I write the query? I am using Access 2007. Thanks!

Member Avatar for keeda

Hi I have 2 tables say A and B. Table A has EmpID, First Name and Last Name. Table has Award Recipient, Award Presenter ID(EmpID format). I want to write a select query where I want to fetch First and Last name of the Award Presenter from table A based …

Member Avatar for keeda
Member Avatar for ryan311

i have a problem in connecting in access 2003 here is my code Module Module1 Public cn As New ADODB.Connection Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Public Sub connection() cn.Open("[B]Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:\Project Management\pm.mdb;Persist Security Info=false[/B];") cn.Open() End Sub Public Sub OpenRecordset(ByVal sRecordset As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal sString As String) sRecordset.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient sRecordset.Open(sString, …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for bluerdanblue08

Anyone please help me! I would like to learn and create a crystal report with ms access database and view it with crystal report viewer for our special project in school, I have no idea and I tried to look for some tutorials in web but I didn't saw a …

Member Avatar for techie1991

I have just started writing C code in dev-c++. The programs are running fine, but each C program shows me the following warning: [QUOTE] [Warning] command line option "-fno-access-control" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C[/QUOTE] The test program I used was: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main(){ system("pause"); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for gangaloves7

hi i wanna combine all three column values in column... i want some thing lik this PartNo Stock Obsolute Replaced order part no 12345 10 12345 12346 10 12346 12347 11001 11001 12348 11002 11002 12349 12349 Empty 12350 12350 HELP ITS URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for kinwang2009
Member Avatar for apachex

I need help for connecting my 'Access' database to asp.net website. Coding is in C# . I was working on making a registration page, but since i was unable to connect, I tried a test code for login and it ain't working :icon_cry: I am using the following code for …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork

The End.