215 Topics

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Member Avatar for blackadder

I have recently purchased a Belkin wireless router/modem and setup a network at home for a couple of iPhones, my PS3 and my laptop to run on. All devices, except for the laptop, are accessing the network wirelessly without problem. The laptop however always loses the wireless connection after a …

Member Avatar for narese13

I have this pr0blem i've been trying t0 s0lve f0r weeks, my lapt0p has 3 user acc0unts (say, a,b, and c), 1 0f these acc0unts (a) can c0nnect with0ut any pr0blem t0 0ur wireless r0uter, but the pr0blem is, when i switch t0 0ther user acc0unts (b and c), there …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Lord knows I could do with shedding a pound or 50, but it never occurred to me that WiFi could help me do that. However, according to a press release that arrived today it would appear to be the case. Some French technology outfit has launched a set of WiFi …

Member Avatar for eliza81
Member Avatar for pennylane

Good evening you all, Today and after having several problems with Vista I finally was able to downgrade to XP. I was able to find the drivers wich was a really hard task although right now the problem is, as said, that I am not able to connect to the …

Member Avatar for pennylane
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The UK has finally ratified the 802.11n standard for WiFi at last. Although we've had '802.11n-ready' kit on the market for a fair while, it hasn't been official as yet. I can only hope people in stores will be able to explain what people are buying. I say this because …

Member Avatar for rupertmckenzie
Member Avatar for inciner8or

I can connect to the internet using my wireless USB2.0 adaptor, and it's DEFINATELY connected. The computer confirms data is being transferred. But when I open Internet explorer, firefox or opera browsers, i get a message saying "you appear to be connected to the internet but you should try reconnecting" …

Member Avatar for Duleee
Member Avatar for x0RiAm

Hello, I'm having big problems while configuring new router/firewall box. There's old box which is working fine, but it's 10 years old (P1, 133Mhz, 16MB Flash Disk, 64MB RAM) :$ I Have: WiFi Orinoco 5v 16bit PCMCIA adapter. Old rusty external WiFi antenna. Brand new router/firewall box (an old PC …

Member Avatar for x0RiAm
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers ([URL="http://www.ieee.org"]IEEE[/URL]) has started work on WiFi the next generation. While that news in itself might not exactly rock your socks off, the small matter of a big speed increase might. Word is that WiFi TNG could be fast, very fast indeed. Anyone fancy …

Member Avatar for Chris Potter
Member Avatar for smarty_t2

Is there a device that is connected through a pc and sends sms to cell phones in a particular range...My teacher has asked me to make a project on it and i cant find such device....Can someone help me with this problem....I want to know the details of any such …

Member Avatar for winiwa09
Member Avatar for Thinka

Hi All, Usually able to deal with PC monsters but this one has me all but beat. It's a Dell Inspiron 1525 for a colleague with 32bit Vista on it, SP1 only (SP2 wouldn't install but after a lot of online searching and trying various fixes, I decided it's the …

Member Avatar for Adamsappleone
Member Avatar for slfisher

A [URL="http://sev.prnewswire.com/airlines-aviation/20090522/DA2167522052009-1.html"]study[/URL] conducted by American Airlines and Hewlett-Packard has found that frequent flyers would rather geek than eat, with more than 47 percent saying that airport wireless access was an important amenity, compared to about 18 percent who said food was. The purpose of the study was to help promote …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Ever wondered why your WiFi doesn't work as well as you expected, especially if you live in a highly populated part of town? The obvious, and oft-repeated, answer is that all those WiFi networks trying to work in the same vicinity just end up causing network edge congestion and that …

Member Avatar for slfisher

A government is rolling out a wireless network, starting with 18 cities, using WiMAX technology that supports mobile networking, for $30 a month. The real news is where it is: Libya. WiMAX, based on similar technology to cell phone networks, offers wider coverage than is possible using wifi. Like wifi, …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s Tuesday and all eyes on Wall Street are on Yahoo, where new CEO Carol Bartz is expected to lower expectations for Yahoo going forward as the tech behemoth issues its Q4 earnings results. We’re in the midst of the tech earnings season right now and there have been surprises …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been something of an up and down ride to get here, but AT&T seems to have at last succeeded in rolling out free WiFi access for iPhone users in the US. This after popping up back in May only to vanish without trace very quickly for reasons unconfirmed. …

Member Avatar for slfisher

In recent weeks, both [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/technology/internet/08air.html?_r=1&ref=business&oref=slogin"]American Airlines[/URL] and Delta Airlines have announced that their in-flight wireless Internet services will include a filtering service to keep passengers from viewing porn on their laptops. I admit it, I'm torn. Porn proponents such as Violet Blue, in the [URL="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2008/10/16/violetblue.DTL""]San Francisco Chronicle[/URL], make all the …

Member Avatar for slfisher

If you were one of the just seven people in the first half of the year who went to the Washington State Department of Transportation web page using free wifi from the rest areas along its highways, you're out of luck -- the state dropped the little-used service as of …

Member Avatar for slfisher

San Francisco is implementing a wireless network using transceivers on the ground that theoretically will help drivers find parking spaces in the congested city. The technology, called Streetline from the [URL="http://www.streetlinenetworks.com/site/index.php"]company of the same name[/URL], uses wireless transceivers glued on the street in front of each parking space, which form …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.bt.com"]BT[/URL] the average UK office worker sees less sun than the average coal miner. The growing trend of 'chain-desking' where workers feel that being out of the office is the same as being out of touch, is blamed for the vampire-like existence. The research was conducted on behalf …

Member Avatar for Sorrofix
Member Avatar for slfisher

Just weeks after EarthLink pulled out of a project to provide wireless Internet throughout the city of Philadelphia after the city refused to take over management of the network, a group of investors has agreed to run the project. According to the [URL="http://www.philly.com/inquirer/breaking/news_breaking/20080617_Free_WiFi_will_remain_in_Philadelphia.html"]Philadelpha Inquirer[/URL], a group of investors temporarily called …

Member Avatar for slfisher

The city of Santa Fe, N.M., is finding itself [URL="http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2008/05/allergic-to-wif.html"]fighting a group [/URL]that wants the city to ban wireless Internet signals from public buildings, claiming the signals are making them sick. The group, calling themselves "electro-sensitive," say they are allergic to the waves generated, and say that Santa Fe's attempt …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Is the Tel-Com industry going the way of the dinosaur? If worldwide trends in 2008 are any indication, that very well could be the case. Speaking of case, the tech industry research and analytical firm Heavy Reading is on it. In a study released this week entitled “Reinventing the Telco: …

Member Avatar for liunice
Member Avatar for khess

Mozilla Corporation, Red Bend Software, Sagem Mobiles, SFR, SK Telecom and Verizon Wireless have joined the LiMo (Linux Mobile) Foundation in order to expand and deliver wireless choices to mobile phone users. Verizon's choice to join LiMo further creates a rift between them and Google's OHA (Open Handset Alliance) over …

Member Avatar for slfisher

It had such promise -- a wifi network, treated like a city utility such as water or sewer, providing broadband Internet to everyone in the city, anywhere in the city, for a low monthly price. Yet vendors in cities such as [URL="http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2008/05/12/daily55.html"]Portland[/URL], and even the municipal wireless flagship [URL="http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/tech/20080513-0914-wirelessphiladelphia.html"]Philadelphia[/URL] are …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a [URL="http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/176220/ericsson-predicts-swift-end-for-wifi-hotspots.html"]PC Pro news story[/URL] the rapid growth of mobile broadband across Europe could make Wireless hotspots extinct. Mind you, it is an executive from a mobile telephone company that is making the prediction…

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The drum beat has already started for next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where you won't be able to swing a dead rotary dial phone without hitting a slick sales type breathing the word "wireless" into your ear. Elena Malykhina, writing in Information Week this morning, advises show …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Yesterday I made my case for the handheld mobil device marketplace, and why strong growth there could well point to some profitable stock plays within that sector in 2008. Today, I'll focus on another potential success story -- removable memory cards. Full disclosure: About all I know about removable memory …

Member Avatar for SpectraLeper

Since I began reading science-fiction, my dream was that we would enter the era of [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaverse"]complete connectivity[/URL], where web access would be plentiful and robust. Being able to be online anywhere would lead us to a greater sense of community and understanding. When mobile broadband became widely available in the …

Member Avatar for mattb0611
Member Avatar for happygeek

Wireless networking has, in my rather sadly predictable geeky opinion, made computing not only a whole lot more accessible but sexy as well. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that the social Internet service explosion would not have happened, or certainly not happened as quickly, …

Member Avatar for Flannel Avenger
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Recently one of the most talked about things is this Apple Wifi hack that was demonstrated by a group called SecureWorks at one of the largest security conferences, Defcon. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chtQ1bcHLZQ&mode=related&search="]Here is a link[/URL] to the video so you guys can watch the video yourselves. Now Here is a link to …

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The End.