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Develop a visual basic program that asks the user to enter an integer positive number, then reverse this number as a single integer and display it in a textbox. For example, if the user enters 235 the output should be 532. If the input is 79534 the output is 43597 … Programming vb.net | |
Hi every1 i have a form with a textboxid, buttonAdd, ButtonSave on it , when i click on the btnAdd it must show the id and when i click update it must really Save . I want to auto generate the id through codes ... can any1 help... I don't … | |
DaniWeb was written in Codeigniter, and when posting to the forums, we use database transactions that look like this: $this->db->trans_start(); ... insert into the posts table ... ... update the member's post count ... ... update the tags table ... etc $this->db->trans_complete(); On occassion, the error log will show for … | |
Consider the following implementation of the node and doubly linked-list: Extend the class doubly_linked_list by adding the following methods: *Largest method .This method should return the largest element in a doubly linked-list. *Delete method. This method should delete the first occurrence of an element (value) from a doubly linked-list. template … | |
how do you extract all email addresses from a string and put each extracted email address as an element of a simple array? <?php // define and implement your php function here function get_all_emails($text_field) { // ---- Beginning of Green Section --- // create an empty array $emails = array(); … | |
I am looking to sort an arraylist of arraylist of doubles and I require help? I was informed that I need to implement comparator or comparable and then use the collection.sort to sort the list of list in order... ArrayList<ArrayList> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList>() If you look at the list … Programming java | |
Hello! guys, I am developing a java game, "the rabbit, turtle, bird," I have a small problem, I do not know how to put attributes to the objects created, for example, a goal of 60 feet, the turtle walks " shift "of 4-8 meters, 6-12 rabbit, but has a 60% … | |
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") Error found OSError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-3-8d092272a28e> in <module> ----> 1 nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\__init__.py in load(name, disable, exclude, config) 45 RETURNS (Language): The loaded nlp object. 46 """ ---> 47 return util.load_model(name, disable=disable, exclude=exclude, config=config) 48 49 ~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\util.py in load_model(name, vocab, disable, exclude, config) … | |
What are the byte values of basic data types : char , int , long , long long, float, double.?(using sizeof() )? | |
: Mining Temperature Data The highs and lows of the 3 first weeks of 2020 temperature data are available on a piece paper and we have decided to store them in a three-dimensional array in which the first index represents the 3 first weeks of the year, and take the … | |
Ci-après le code : <?php $query = "SELECT ownerID,ownername,ownerbureau, is_deleted FROM notes.owner WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND ownername IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ownername,ownerbureau"; // Prépare une requête à l'exécution et retourne un objet $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query); // Exécute une requête préparée $stmt->execute(); $previousGroup =""; $first_group = true; ?> <select … | |
Construct a program in C++ to calculate a net selling price of a car from variety of models. The requirement of the program are: a. The program should be developed according to object oriented programming language which contain: i. A class with a proper naming convention. ii. A constructor with … Programming c++ | |
First I would like to say that I do not speak English so sorry if I express myself badly. Hi, I need to know how I can solve this game. "Archers in the Forest". The game consists of a forest represented by a grid, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9 (The user will … Programming c javascript php | |
I am currently creating a Hangman program using Object oriented programming in C++. I tested my words class and it runs perfectly with a sample main that I was using. The classes that I need help with are Hangman and HangmanConsole. I am not sure what to do to get … | |
i have a script in clojure that can read a string of integers separated by commas from a file..the scrip is succesful and reads the line from the file as astring,all i want is some clojure loop to scan the string for integers and add to an integer array here … Programming java | |
Hi! When I am running this code, the output looks how I expected it to be, but the problem is that I cannot go back to home page whenever I want to. I dont know why but when I tried to go back to home page after visiting the tips … | |
GUESSING GAME HERE please help im new in this python programming 1. This is a game that allows a user to play guessing one single number to try to win at a maximum of 3 attempts. The possible numbers to win must be stored in a list or tuple or … Programming python | |
This html web page code, when viewed via mobile device, captures video from the mobile device. By tapping the page, the mobile video full screen appears, ready to begin recording. I'd like to find a way to reduce the dimensions of that full screen, if possible. I'm guessing it might … Programming html-css javascript web-browser | |
![Screenshot_(2).png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/c0a0afbf51cd49a05979817aec55aae8.png) ![Screenshot_(1).png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/64076d813428db9ea62993455ba6feb8.png) | |
So far I'am using this code. The problem is it loads too slow when it is loading on my textbox, is there another way around it? I was just looking for suggestions or ideas. Thank you. Function qtyCheck() query = "SELECT SUM(prdInput) AS prdInput FROM ProdOutput WHERE HELPER ='" & … | |
package Dialogs; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner newdata =new Scanner(System.in); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(".00"); int newprogram; int count = 0; double Total1; System.out.print("How many items in a counter? : "); int Item = sc.nextInt(); String new1 [] = … Programming java | |
import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("y = a^x + b") jarda=0 while jarda<=0 or jarda==1: jarda=int(input("zadej a ")) def v() : while True: číslo=(input("zadej b ")) try : return int (číslo) except ValueError print("nebylo zadané číslo") barca=b() A = int (input("zadej počáteční hodnotu def.oboru ")) … | |
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<?php $firstname = $_POST{'firstname'}; $username = $_POST{'username'}; $emailaddress = $_POST{'emailaddress'}; $password = $_POST{'password'}; $contact = $_POST{'contact'}; //Database connection $conn =new mysqli('localhost','root','','registration'); if ($conn->connect_error) { die('connection failed : '.$conn->connect_error) }else{ $stmt = $conn->prepare("insert into users(firstname, username, emailaddress, password, contact) vlaues (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") $stmt-> bind param("ssssi",$firstname, $username, $emailaddress, $password, … | |
Check 4th element of an arraylist and compare it to an element. example: 1,1,2,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1. so the 4th elements would be 4,4,1 and i want to compare that those numbers are the same as 4. I was thinking an if statemet would work. any recomendations? Programming java | |
I have the following table: my_contacts which contains the following columns: [CODE]contact_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, frist_name VARCHAR(20), interest VARCHAR(20)[/CODE] [CODE]-----------+-----------+---------- contact_id | fisrt_name | interest + ---------------------------------- 1 | smith | swim + 2 | mark | dance + ----------------------------------[/CODE] I need to move the interests column … | |
Create a c++ program that reads a CSV file and prints the rows at even positions. For example, if the CSV file has 10 rows, print rows 2, 4,6, 8 and 10 Programming c++ | |
I have added a custom code to validate the phone numbers to be 10 digits on checkout fields. Here is the code add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'phone_number_validation'); function phone_number_validation() { global $woocommerce; if ( ! (preg_match('/^[0-9]{10}$/D', $_POST['billing_phone'] ))){ wc_add_notice( "Incorrect Phone Number! Please enter valid 10 digits phone number" ,'error' ); } } … | |
Is it possible to add scrolling text across the page/video-camera-screen? On an html page, it uses this code: accept="video/*" in this context: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" accept="video/*" capture="user" onchange="submitForm();"> and when you view the page via mobile, and tap the page, your video camera screen appears. I'm looking to see … |
The End.