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Hi all I have uncountered a problem which has me totally confused. The problem is I have created a website with a login form. Everything so far has been working fine. but then when I try to login all of a sudden I’m hit with a "Object not found! The …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for or.linux

According to my assignment requirement I wrote this program, but still doesn't work......can someone help.....please Here is my exercise: "Write assembly code in ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE to read a password from the keyboard. Display the message ' Enter Password: ' and echo each character that the user types as an asterisk(*). …

Member Avatar for or.linux
Member Avatar for agrbinoo.albaker

Write a C++ program that inputs a wavelength and then displays the associated light color. If the wavelength is shorter than 400 nm or longer than 700 nm, display the message “Wavelength outside visual range”. Classify boundary wavelengths as the lower-wavelength color. For example, label a wavelength of 424 nm …

Member Avatar for braian44
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I have been Using google firebase with my android apps for more than 2 years. Today while developing a new app I am facing a weird problem. I set up my firebase project on Google firebase Console successfully. I write the code to push data on firebase …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Braven

I tried using this code(below) to change the button text when i run the code from "Button1" to "Click" but when i run the code the name still remains "Button1" and if i click the button the name then changes to "Click". I want the code to show "Click" on …

Programming vb.net visual-basic
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for manay

Hi! May I seek for your help on how to calculate the number of days between two dates excluding weekends and public holidays using javascript. Also, how to calculate the end date (start date and duration given) excluding weekends and public holidays. Thank you.

Member Avatar for AlbertinaGeller
Member Avatar for Gabriela_4

Hello! So I have this homework that i have no idea how to continue. this is an exemple of input,but i have to do it for a general one: **7 pencils car ball candy tshirt bike video_game Mike Andrew Inna** and the output must be like this: **Mike: pencils candy …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ComSciNum7

I'm having trouble with these functions made for a C++ hash table...any and all pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: table.h is the problem file, but I included node.h just in case! // FILE: table.h #ifndef TABLE_H #define TABLE_H #include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t #include <string> …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Dima_5
Member Avatar for Luca_6

Private Sub Plus_Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles A_Plus_Btn.Click, C_Txb.Click Dim Txb As TextBox If x < MAX Then x += 1 Else x = 5 End If For i As Integer = 1 To x For j As Integer = 1 To x Txb = New TextBox Txb.Size …

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Eu_531

Hi, I am a begginer and I can't find an useful full and free tutorial for using Open GL in game development... do anyone know a place to learn it? Also, an full C++ free tutorial would help me a lot!

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Alexandre_6

//************************************************************************** int Sieve_A_Valve = 3; //small distributor int Sieve_B_Valve = 4; int Sieve_B_Valve2 = 5;//Defined Pin as Variable int PreCharge_Valve = 6; //Defined Pin as Variable // VARIABLE CREATION //************************************************************************** unsigned long Relay_Test_Delay; //delay variable creation unsigned long Startup_Purge_Delay; //delay variable creation unsigned long Production_Delay; //delay variable creation unsigned long …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for imtiaz_1

Dear sir any one help me on this code . inserting mutilple data in mysql table but i receive only 1 data row include("admin/db_connect/data_connect.php"); session_start(); //session_destroy(); if(isset($_POST['complete_order'])) { $_SESSION['cart'][]=array('quantity' => $_POST['quantity'],'fast_image' => $_POST['fast_image'],'menu_name' => $_POST['menu_name'],'price' => $_POST['price']); foreach($_SESSION['cart']as $keys => $val) { $implode=implode(",",$val); } $insert_data="INSERT INTO `customer_order` (`quantity`, `fast_image`, `menu_name`, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Simiyu
Member Avatar for Satyajeet_1
Member Avatar for Nicholas_19

Could you please find an assembly tutorial or reply with a [link](http://www.example.org) to it? Also, I'm new in here.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Hamsterking

Hello i'm working on a small project that i have to retrieve movies data from a json API, then save the result into a csv. i'm able to display data with php eco but when i'm trying to write csv file i get the following Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Shiva_20

## I am deleting item from cart through Jquery ajax,but it is not removing. It is returning "System.String[]". ## [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public string ClearItem(string Img) { try { if (Session["Items"] != null) { string[] session_item_arr = Session["Items"].ToString().Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < session_item_arr.Length; i++) { string[] key_arr …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for c++help

i have a program that has one little glitch but i dont know how to fix it. If you can help it would be great. [b][code][/b] int main() { int a, b, c; b=0; c=0; do { cout << "Please enter a positive integer (negative integer to stop):"<< ' '; …

Member Avatar for vishakha_3
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

"Write a program that reads in ten numbers to an array. The program then reads the array and displays distinct numbers (i.e. if a number appears multiple times, it is displayed only once)" for example: 1 2 3 4 [B]5 5 [/B]6 7 [B]8 8[/B] 9 1 2 3 4 …

Member Avatar for Nor_492
Member Avatar for thecoder2012

Hi, i have an autocomplete textbox in vb.net. It is working fine, but now i need to pop up the window again when the user hits enter or double clicks. So far, i know that when the user hits enter, the keydown event raises with e.kecode = 13. I guess …

Member Avatar for Leroy_2
Member Avatar for ITKnight

Hi all, I searching for how to make autocomplete in textbox. however there are list contain fruits name. "Apple" "Banana" "Pear" "Orange" When i type "Ap" in textbox, program will completed the text and highlight the fruit name in listbox. How i can do this. Thank you

Member Avatar for rewardlabel
Member Avatar for Archenemie

Im looking for the "best" GUI builder for java. I use Eclipse to write my scripts, and i would appreciate you guys telling me your favourite GUI Builder and the reasons why. Thanks

Member Avatar for dotxyteam
Member Avatar for BalagurunathanS

Hi Friends.. I need to get the free space and used space in hard drive ..Can anyone provide me with the code..I need the code in VB.net..I need to see the space available in each drive individually.. Someone help in this regard as early as possible.. Regards, Balagurunathan

Member Avatar for Edward Lance
Member Avatar for SP SINGH_1
Member Avatar for Aleks_Retr0

Hello Guys! I'm new in python and started creating this code without any experience and of course I can't know a lot about coding and I will do a lot of stupid mistakes, and this case is not exception as well. I tried to assign option menu to my list, …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Tiondi gilbert
Member Avatar for Oremaster10

I want to make a timer that will countdown from a number that a user will give such as 20 min. If it is easier I could use the timer as a set amount each time. I want the timer to countdown from 20:00 down to 00:00 (min:sec). I want …

Programming assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for matei_

Hello DaniWeb Community, I am a newbie in PHP, but I tried to create a plugin for my CRM platform using API to get informations, but I get some errors: **Notice: Undefined index**. [Click here for an image with the errors.](https://i.gyazo.com/6926d234978766542f544ed1e31e465c.png). Here are the lines where I got the errors: …

Member Avatar for lalamohan412
Member Avatar for matei_

Hello, As the title says, my question is: how I can get the values for specific ID? For example, my plugin creates a PDF that automatically fills in with information that I get using API from my CRM platform. So, what I am trying to do now, is that in …


The End.