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Member Avatar for Jericho_2

Can someone help me with this? Write a c++ program simulator that will compute for the average waiting time of each customer in a bank. Also the program will indicate the number of the teller who accommodates the customer.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Alexander_26

How to remove from the Google index pages of my site that were created by a virus Japanese keyword hack? It is necessary to remove from the Google index links to the pages of my site http://quartercheapersigns.ca/ that were created by a virus - about 43 800 pages in Google …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dainis_1

<?php error_reporting(0); require 'conn.php'; global $conn; $tablename = $_SESSION['user_id']."_LIETOTAJU_ATIBLDES"; $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$tablename." ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ATBILDE varchar(255), PATIES varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) )"; if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) { } else { } $val = $_GET['QUESTONS']; mysqli_set_charset($conn,"utf8"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Jautajumi_Prof where TEMAS_NOSAUKUMS = ? …

Member Avatar for twexpresscars
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

Can anyone please help on this. Tenanti Version: ^5.0 Laravel Version: 7.x PHP Version: 7.4 Database Driver & Version: mysql-5.7.31 **Description**: When I install tenanti version getting an error in service provider. Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Unable to resolve dependency [Parameter #1 [ array $config ]] in class App\Providers\AppServiceProvider Steps To Reproduce: "orchestra/tenanti": …

Member Avatar for sandySuper

When I access an api. it returns data in below format **n2035014,25 N2035014,25 B2035014,2944.40,250,3787.30,2400** o24,22971.20 h24,23064.15 l24,22641.40 c24,22945.05 i24,22744.40 I am clueless how to map these data and store in mysql table. First set of data highlited in bold is dataset 1, followed by second set of data which has …

Member Avatar for JeanMilburn
Member Avatar for jack98

hello, i have a probelm where i want to update my image in database using unlink(). The error is **Warning: unlink(images/481933.jpg): No such file or directory**. I try search the solution but nothing can solve my probelm. anyone can help me? thank you in advanced. this is my code: $upload_dir='images/'; …

Programming php sql
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Botoho

For example. I have a select statement that is "select ID from students where student name ='name';" Now I don't wanna echo the student ID but I wanna store it in various where I can reuse it. How do I do it. "select ID from students where student name ='name';"

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Miggy_1

Hi everyone! Do you know how to create Pizzeria Program using Python and PostgreSQL where it can keep track of the pizza orders and view the order information using Python and PostgreSQL? Technology needed: -Django for the program -Postgresql for database How it can be used: Every time there is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for marsh_mallows11

Create a program that would convert a decimal number to either binary, octal or hexadecimal counterpart. Your program should ask the user for decimal with a data type of a long integer (4 bytes or 32bits in length or having a range of +2147483647 to -2147483648, or 4294967296 if unsigned). …

Member Avatar for Lesther_1
Member Avatar for abdoosh

hello can anybody help me with this issue i have java code to print information that exists in XML file i will paste it here, so i want to print the information based on user input , as example the user enter the Id number then the program should print …

Programming java xml
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sols4comp

Hi All, I am having an issues with an SQL query and I can't quite work out how to resolve it. I have searched Google for the answer but can't seem to find the solution there either. Basically I have a database andin one of the tables it has a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for LowTds

Hello, I have been trying to get this robot to work out and be able to move around. I am just so confused as to how to get my arrow to get even displayed and moved when pressed by one of the directions to go. One area that I struggle …

Member Avatar for computer engW

Hi everyone, Today i have a question about how can i write one code for all shapes like, ****** ***** **** *** ** * or other shapes like square or tringle. I want to know the difference in every code. Thanks alot.

Member Avatar for movies8time8
Member Avatar for Jack_62

Hello friends, I am looking to start my career in web development. I have also learned a lot of about web development and PHP. So, can anyone let me know which is the latest version of PHP and it's featured?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for BluMess

Hi, I'm having trouble using the $(this) identifier in JQuery. I'm using the qtip plugin, and I want to send an ajax request, which can be done with the plugin. I'm trying to pass the id of the element to the script but it's not seeming to work - the …

Member Avatar for Moshe_2
Member Avatar for awfootball7

Hey guys I'm having trouble figuring out how to calculate the standard divination of an array in Java. As you can see I have already calculated the mean, and I know that at the end I will have to divide by the sample size minus 1 (n-1) and square that …

Member Avatar for woo_1
Member Avatar for Matthew N.

Hello, I'm trying to write data to an INI file, I've got some code to read it: [http://pastebin.com/Jpwf8XJM](http://pastebin.com/Jpwf8XJM). I've tried to modify this code to get it to be able to write to INI files, but I haven't had much success. I know there are DLL's designed for this, but …

Member Avatar for jehernandez757
Member Avatar for Muhammet

I am new at python. How can i translate this pseudocode to python? Thanks... ![Screenshot_1.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/5e8c2ea0725682bc92b714cc5ea53d0f.png)

Member Avatar for Muhammet
Member Avatar for juniorm_28

Hello everyone! I'm working on this C++ program but im kind of lost. I'm using calling fuctions with void and parameters to create this program that is supposed to average a set of 5 scores and dropped the lowest one. It should calculate and display the average of the four …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Luxiaoxian

def fib(num): if num<=1 return num return fib(num - 1) + (num - 2) num = int(input("enter a number higher than 0: ")) print(fib(i))

Programming java javascript python
Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for riahc3

Trying to get the last row inserted from a Excel sheet. The sheet is called clientes. I have id, name, description Since ID is auto incremental, I can sort by ID: My idea is: oledbcmd = "Select top (1) * From [CLIENTES$] ORDER BY id desc"; but it does not …

Member Avatar for rogerwigaa
Member Avatar for litlemaster

Hello to all, I am trying to execute a mysql query for selecting * rows from the table where user name = [one of the usernames stored in an array]. Ok. Sorry if I am not clear. Now I have an array naming $users[]. I want to select all the …

Member Avatar for mukesh_20
Member Avatar for Tko_1

I needed a script that would grab all the folders in the directory and add them to a dropdown list and allow the user to upload to there choosen folder. This is what i came up with. (upload script is not mine) Thought i would share.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ajit_786

Hlo Plz anyone give a coading of classic asp i want to save my csv and excel file in databse

Member Avatar for smart_saru
Member Avatar for George_38

Dear sir, i got a TFT device attendance 3.5 inch and iam using SDK iam using windows 10 LTSC Enterprize 64 bit when running , i created a windows service on it when i try to run it, it does not work and cause an error 1053 :Error 1053: …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SAJIB_2

Hello, I'm seeking some suggestions for the issue below: Suppose I have multiple CSV files which including header. ID,NO,Date 1,200,2020-02-03 ........................... ........................... ......................... How can I process the CSV files so that each line of one CSV file will map to one object and then send N objects to an …

Member Avatar for SAJIB_2
Member Avatar for Vicky_20

Dark theme is setted up correctly for React Native expo app and works correctly everywhere but when I switch it on the theme changes to dark everything works perfectly except the web view. How to make the webview part convert into dark theme on button switch. Here is my code …

Member Avatar for it@61@sec

On my Facebook group I have a group picture which can be loaded with GIF, JPG etc. pictures. I wonder if it is possible to have a gif picture as a group picture so that when I click on the picture I will be redirected to an external website.

Member Avatar for it@61@sec
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite
Member Avatar for richardmagaisa

If Me.cbobraketype.SelectedItem = ("Rim Brakes") Then braketype = ("Rim Brakes") price = "£120" braketype = ("Rim Brakes") ElseIf Me.cbobraketype.SelectedItem = ("Disk Brakes") Then braketype = ("Disk Brakes") price = "£150" braketype = ("Disk Brakes") End If 'choose type of frame If Me.cboframetype.SelectedItem = ("Aluminium") Then frametype = ("Aluminium") End If …

Programming vb.net

The End.