176 Topics

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If you have ever spent a few minutes looking for an email that the sender swears they sent the week before, but seems to have vanished into the ether now, then you are not alone. A new report by [URL="http://www.emedia.co.uk"]e-Media[/URL] for [URL="http://www.mimecast.com"]Mimecast[/URL] suggests that IT managers in the UK alone …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Although we all like to moan about the amount of spam hitting our mailboxes, the truth is that spam filtering is pretty good these days and only a tiny amount of it actually need bother us at all. Unlike all that stuff we have actually signed up for but cannot …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Just when you think you have heard every crackpot theory for fighting the spam menace, a new one comes along that makes you sit up and take notice. How does using pictures of kittens to foil spammers grab you? Bear with me, because the concept has some merit. Indeed, it …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Could we be on the verge of seeing the end of that spam scourge known as the pump and dump scheme? You know the drill, an email arrives urging you to invest in some little known penny stock and beat the experts to the punch. Nice one son, get your …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Romanian security developer [URL="http://www.bitdefender.com"]BitDefender[/URL] has issued a warning about a fast spreading Trojan dubbed Spammer.HotLan.A which is using Hotmail and Yahoo accounts to send spam. According to BitDefencer some 15,000 accounts have already been compromised and the situation is likely to get much worse over the next few days. Viorel …

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To most people who do not actually play it, World of Warcraft is just a game. Anyone who has devoted any time at all within an immersive online world such as this will gladly put you straight on that. World of Warcraft is not just a game, it is a …

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Let me get one thing straight before I go any further. I am a caring father of four, the youngest of which is just 7 years old. If any of them were abducted, I would do everything in my power to find them. Just like any caring father. Certainly the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

For the average user spam has always been an annoyance. For the average spammer it has always been about making money. For the criminal gangs that have muscled in on this lucrative industry during the last few years it is now about territory and control. Control, that is, of the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.ipswitch.com"]Ipswitch Inc[/URL] has published the seventh Spamometer survey results, revealing that spam is now at its highest rate since recording began. How high would that be? Well for the same spring period last year the measure was some 62% of all received email, that has risen to an incredible 93% …

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Member Avatar for John A

If you're visiting a known site such as Google.com, you're perfectly safe, right? Wrong. New DNS vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Windows 2000 and 2003 severs could potentially allow a DNS server to get hijacked, and redirect a user to a completely different site than they expected to see. The vulnerability exists …

Member Avatar for happygeek

IT security specialist [URL="http://www.sophos.com"]Sophos[/URL] is warning anyone with a website about recently uncovered evidence that spammers are hacking into legitimate sites in order to sell drugs. Online pharmacy spam, be it under the Viagra or just general prescription drug banner, has become one of the most annoying and persistent forms …

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The Symantec State of Spam report is always something to look forward to, although it can often make depressing reading. Everyone is plagued by junk mail, filters are straining under the load, and spammers are managing to stay on top of their evil trade by employing cunning new techniques to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If there is one thing that everybody can agree it is that spam is a right royal pain the ass. If there is another then it is that image spam is the biggest pain in the ass of all. While it is bad enough for the end user, especially at …

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Sometimes you just cannot help it, you find yourself with time on your hands and you go snooping around in places that normal folk just do not venture. So it was with security researcher [URL="http://portal.spidynamics.com/blogs/msutton"]Michael Sutton[/URL] who spent an entire day plugging through the [URL="http://sb.google.com/safebrowsing/update?version=goog-black-url:1:1"]Google blacklist, [/URL] the [URL="http://sb.google.com/safebrowsing/update?version=goog-black-enchash:1:1"]Google encoded/hashed …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Research published by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) just before Christmas revealed that UK consumers are being conned to the tune of £3.5 billion every single year. The detailed analysis suggests that nearly half of the adult population of the UK has been targeted by a scam, and as …

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Spam continues to rise. In November alone, people saw a 35% increase of spam in their online mailboxes, and not only do that but also use new ways to fool spam filters to somehow get into peope's email. 31 billion spam was the average amount sent in October, but that …

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Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 7 has a special bar that turns green when visiting "safe" sites, which it determines if it recieves a special strict security certificate from Microsoft. But, small business owners and corporations are worried that users will leave their sites feeling unsafe, as they are not eligable …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I hate it, you hate it, [B]everyone hates spam[/B]. Perhaps just as annoying as the fact that most of us have no interest in improving our sexual performance, enlarging our sexual organs or accepting a refinancing deal from a complete stranger, is the fact that we just do not know …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

The bad news for the US is that it is now responsible for more than a fifth of the world’s spam. That is 21.6 percent if you prefer, although whichever way you say it there is no escaping the nasty smell it leaves behind. The team of experts at IT …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Symantec, 64% of small businesses have seen a surge in the volume of spam received during the previous six months. And it isn’t the only one: whether you talk to ISPs or security vendors, gateway mail filtering services or end users, the message is the same. Spam is …

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BT is an unlikely sounding pioneer in the global battle against spam, but that is exactly the role the UK telecoms giant is adopting as it claims to be implementing the world’s first fully-automated spam buster system to track down and tackle professional spammers but also botnet-infected customers on the …

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Here is my perfect world Mac --> should be used by the regular home user. Macs are easy to use, have all the software a user will ever need incorportated in it. Although not cheap, Macs are built to last. The average user will never have a problem with a …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft's Cybersecurity and Systems Management Research Group have created an automated tool, as part of the larger [URL="http://research.microsoft.com/SearchDefender/"]Strider Search Defende[/URL]r project, to combat sources of comment spam that is the scourge of blogs across the web. Because sites can get high legitimate search rankings while at the same time serving …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Are users becoming more wary of link clicking in email? Are they getting savvy to the tricks of the email phisher? Certainly there is some evidence that the security message is starting to get through to the masses, but not nearly quickly enough to turn the phishing tide in my …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It’s not exactly a major advance in web browser client technology, but the release of [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/default.mspx"]Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 [/URL]today is a move closer to the release version, scheduled for sometime later this year. What’s changed from the Beta 2 release? Er, good question, and one that had me …

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The purpose of Marketing is simple: get your message to a customer, with as little cost as possible, and motivate them to purchase your product. As an engineer / scientist, I thought some of the gizmos such as free pens, the little footballs, the shirts and coffee cups were all …

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The End.